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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 130
  • Number 8
  • August 1973


Publication date: 01 August 1973


Social psychiatry, which includes the study of the impingement of social phenomena upon the genesis, manifestations, and treatment of mental and physical illness, has in recent decades become an increasingly important part of psychiatry. The epidemiology ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The author defines the differential characteristics, adjustment stresses, and coping methods of three groups of successful and unsuccessful Viet Nam veterans attempting to "make it" back in the States. His findings suggest the need for preventive ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Acupunctural analgesia seems to work—but better for the Chinese than for other nationalities. Significant antecedent, intervening, and dependent variables indicate that the technique can best be understood within the paradigm of contemporary conditioning ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


An overview of prescientific medicine, therapeutic communities, and psychoanalysis is given in an attempt to discover the generic factors operating in all interpersonal therapies. The authors hypothesize that the placebo effect rests on the universal need ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The author describes an interactive television (IATV) system set up between Massachusetts General Hospital and a medical station in Boston. The system has proven to be feasible and acceptable to individuals and institutions in the community, providing ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Prior research has suggested that the competency referral has often been utilized for purposes other than evaluation of the defendant's mental competency to stand trial. This study, which analyzed referral rates in terms of differential arrest rates by ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


A representative national sample of men between the ages of 16 and 64 were interviewed with respect to their levels of resentment and suspicion and their attitudes toward violence. Resentment and suspicion appeared to be related both to race and to social ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


This report is part of an extensive survey of the Serer tribe in West Africa; the purpose is to assess clinical characteristics and prevalence of psychiatric disorder. Using key-informant interviewing, the authors identified three "illnesses of the spirit"...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Most psychiatric hospital treatment in this country has been based on the theories and techniques of the office practice of individual psychotherapy. As a result, if a patient requires hospitalization he is apt to automatically get "more of the same" type ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The author compared staff and hospitalized patients' judgments as to the avoidability of hospitalization by means of alternative treatment facilities. There was surprising validity in most patients' opinions concerning their hospitalization, as judged by ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The authors conducted a study of a brief hospitalization unit of a general hospital crisis intervention service to obtain empirical data on certain aspects of the patients and of the treatment services. They found that patients admitted to the unit had ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The authors describe a utilization review procedure for inpatient care involving the statement of therapeutic goals, predictions about the time required to reach these goals, and the evaluation of care in terms of whether the goals have been met. The ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Most of the patients who left the New York State hospitals during the past six years remained out for substantial periods of time. The length of time out of the hospitals was related to the length of stay in the hospitals only to a minor degree, but the ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The authors describe the application of a criterion-oriented approach to evaluating the quality of patient care in community mental health centers. The basic approach included a review of the care-giving process by a group of expert clinicians, ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


In order to gain a clearer understanding of the treatment process in group therapy, the authors devised a questionnaire for observers to use in describing group sessions. After subjecting these observations to factor analysis, five distinct factors were ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The authors describe their experience with three models of group therapy supervision and their effects on resident trainees. Advantages and disadvantages of the models are discussed. The authors suggest that the use of variable models would meet different ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Methylphenidate, an amphetamine-like central nervous system (CNS) stimulant used successfully in reversing acute neuroleptic-induced neurological symptoms, was given in a placebo-controlled study to 17 patients with tardive dyskinesia. On global ratings ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


The author describes the successful management of two severe cases of tardive dyskinesia with thiopropazate. He concludes that the drug does have a place in the management of tardive dyskinesia even though its mechanism of action and long-range effects ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Urinary excretion of 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP) was measured in two patients with long-established periodic catatonia. One patient exhibited profound stupor in his psychotic phases, while the other exhibited catatonic excitement. No ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


Data obtained from mental health clinics and private physicians serving 1,182 chronic psychotic patients demonstrated that group methods not only make more efficient use of manpower but are also significantly more effective than traditional individual ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


To test the effect of being tutors on black, inner-city teenagers, the authors used high school students to tutor fourth- and fifth-grade children who had demonstrated behavior and personality problems in school. Tutoring took place in two schools and a ...

Publication date: 01 August 1973


This statement was approved by the Executive Committee of the American Psychiatric Association at its February 23, 1973, meeting, upon recommendation of the Council on Mental Health Services. It was prepared by the Task Force on Aging. The Executive ...

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