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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 132
  • Number 4
  • April 1975

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The author summarizes responses to a major questionnaire survey of psychiatric residency training programs. In addition to providing objective data on residents, training staff, and on the training institution and its related facilities, the author ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


Ninety-four outpatients with anxiety neurosis or personality disorder were randomly assigned for four months to a waiting list, behavior therapy, or psychoanalytically oriented therapy. The target symptoms of all three groups improved significantly, but ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors review various forms of traditional psychotherapeutic interventions to trace the historical development of psychotherapy, which demonstrates a shift in focus from the supernatural world, to the natural world, to the physical person, then to ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors compared treatment results for 141 schizophrenic patients randomly assigned to short-term or long-term hospitalization. The patients received intensive treatment and were on partially fixed drug dosage schedules. Test results indicated that ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The author reviews the steps that have led to the progressive deemphasis of psychiatric hospitalization in California and surveys the empirical basis for rejecting the usefulness of hospitalization. He discusses the four alternative residential models ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors attempted to determine the long-term effects of heavy drug abuse in 87 male prisoners. The sample was divided into the following groups: 1) nondrug users; 2) users of cannabis and hallucinogens; 3) users of cannabis, hallucinogens, and ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors present case histories of five psychiatric residents in a large metropolitan area who committed suicide during an 11-year period. Although they found no single precipitant or predictor, they noted striking similarities in the cases, including ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors report on a large-scale outpatient alcohol detoxification program, presenting a clinical rationale for outpatient detoxification, describing the program method, and giving initial evaluation data on the first 564 patients. Only 47 percent of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


A total of 175 newly admitted inpatients who lived with families were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: standard inpatient care (discharge at the therapist's discretion), brief hospitalization (one week or less) with transitional day care ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


With more women entering general medical and psychiatric training, the more that supervisors and staff can understand the impact of the resident's pregnancy on the resident and others, the more helpful they can be to her and she to herself. The authors' ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors evaluated the criteria that are cited in the literature as predictive of homicidal predisposition. They applied three categories of criteria--clinical, developmental, and environmental factors--to a study group of 10 adolescents who had ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The author analyzes the psychological consequences of international dependency, advancing 13 propositions as clues for a heuristic understanding of the dynamics of dependent relationships between nations. He believes that these relationships must be ...


Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors found that 22 of the 2,015 referrals to a children's psychiatric clinic during a six-year period were twins-half the number that would be expected on the basis of the national incidence of twins. Evidence of minimal brain dysfunction was found ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors studied the correlation of methylphenidate medication in childhood with later drug abuse and growth in height. Thirty adolescents with histories of minimal brain dysfunction who had been treated for at least six months with chemotherapy were ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors studies the correlation of methylphenidate medication in childhood with later drug abuse and growth in height. Thirty adolescents with histories of minimal brain dysfunction who had been treated for at least six months with chemotherapy were ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors found that 22 of the 2,015 referrals to a children's psychiatric clinic during a six-year period were twins--half the number that would be expected on the basis of the national incidence of twins. Evidence of minimal brain dysfunction was ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors found normal monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in 40 acute schizophrenic patients, in contrast to previous reports of a genetically linked platelet MAO deficit in chronic schizophrenia. Variations in MAO activity were not significantly ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors describe a clinic that evaluates court-referred families who have child custody or visitation problems in the postdivorce period. A multidisciplinary staff uses interviews, auxiliary sources of information, and psychological testing to arrive ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


Data collected from detailed autobiographies of 77 convicted rapists revealed that 50 percent of them were drinking at the time of the rape and that 35 percent were alcoholics. This strong association between alcoholism and forcible rape highlights the ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


Narcotic addicts may manifest symptoms of depression that aggravate their addiction. In this double-blind study of 35 mildly depressed patients in a methadone maintenance program, subjects who received doxepin improved significantly more than control ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors compared the results of independent evaluations of 96 patients, each of whom was given a traditional psychiatric interview, resulting in a narrative report, and a structured interview based on a self-report questionnaire, resulting in a ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors administered a personality inventory that has been used as a psychiatric screening test to 28 children and their natural parents. By intercorrelations between the tests of parents and offspring they attempted to find out whether the offspring ...

Publication date: 01 April 1975


The authors describe a community-based children's home and child welfare program among a tribe of Plateau Indians. The program has been effective because it is compatible with this Indian culture, which accepts extended family and community responsibility ...


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