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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 133
  • Number 7
  • July 1976


Publication date: 01 July 1976


The author discusses the difficulties inherent in the role of the psychiatrist in a pain clinic as well as some of the recurring problems that he has seen in this setting. He states that the psychiatrist brings to the understanding of pain a ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors present follow-up results based on 150 women 1 year after maintenance treatment for depression. Maintenance treatment consisted of 8 months of amitriptyline, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two, administered by random assignment ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The current economic crisis has again placed in jeopardy the inclusion of mental health benefits under national health insurance. The author notes that progress has been made in establishing effective peer review systems and in demonstrating that costs of ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors present detailed clinical and follow-up data on 12 patients with agitated psychotic depressions who developed serious hypomanic or manic episodes. In six patients, each type of affective episode seemed to merge into the others, while in the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


In a study of 19 schizophrenic patients, 7 nonschizophrenic patients, and 31 controls, the authors found significantly higher mean serum levels of 1) immunoglobulin A in schizophrenic women then in control women and in schizophrenic blacks than in either ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


Three judges attempted to sort randomly selected dreams of normal college students and schizophrenic patients according to dreamer, night of occurrence, and sequential order within a night. Sorting was successful at statistically significant levels (which ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


An inability to relate transitionally is a major feature of personality disorder. The developmental independence of transitional relatedness from verbal-symbolic growth, its orienting function, and the nature of its visual and tactile components support ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors have been following a group of 6 prisoners of war and their families since the men were returned from North Viet Nam. They found that most of the men experiences cognitive, social, work, emotional, and family difficulties during the first two ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors use the management of typical clinical problems that arise during systematic desensitization as a model for the analysis and solution of problems associated with behavior therapy techniques. Three main problem areas are considered: initiation ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


A total of 175 newly admitted inpatients who lived with families were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: standard inpatient care (discharge at the therapist's discretion), brief hospitalization (one week or less) with transitional day care ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors examined the follow-up data for 113 psychiatric outpatients who had been treated for up to a year in an outpatient community mental health center. Correlations between therapist and patient ratings of improvement were generally low, and ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors studied 112 cases of child homicide in New York City in 1968-1969 to identify contributing social and psychiatric factors and to determine the fate of the surviving siblings and the degree of involvement of the city's social agencies with the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors studied the responses of 28 adult male volunteers who were openly changed from methadone to l-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) maintenance. They found that patients who had been receiving middle- range doses (50-70 mg) of methadone required a ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


It has recently been suggested that patients with mania are often misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia. The authors report a favorable clinical response to lithium carbonate in a father and son with an apparent schizo-affective syndromes may respond ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors explain why marital disharmony when one spouse has a primary affective disorder is difficult to treat but suggest that such couples can be treated successfully if the therapist is flexible and sets realistic goals. Because of the variability ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


Throughout her professional life the woman who chooses to combine the roles of psychiatrist, wife, and mother may find them not only compatible but complementary. If she can adopt a philosophy of life that permits her to function in these roles, and if ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


In a discussion of some problems that psychiatric residents encounter in learning to do good psychotherapy, the author compares learning techniques of medicine and those of psychiatry. He concludes that one of the most difficult experiences for the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The author surveyed 164 female physicians to determine their attitudes and practices regarding erotic and nonerotic physican contact with patients. Compared with a previous study of male physicians (1), more female physicians believe in and engage in ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


Suicide attempt rates are usually reported as an annual statistic. However, annual rates may underestimate the cumulative prevalence of attempters since they ignore people whose attempts occurred in years other than the one examined. The authors studied ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors evaluated the psychiatric status of 31 patients who had temporal lobectomies and 6 patients who received implantation of depth electrodes for relief of epileptic seizures. Results showed a general postoperative improvement in overall ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


To combat the increase in chronic alcohol use among adolescents in a large metropolitan area, community-based paraprofessionals were trained in behavior therapy and treated these adolescents and their families in the home. Preliminary evaluation of the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1976


The authors compared penfluridol, a long-acting neuroleptic that can be administered orally once a week, with chlorpromazine in the treatment of 33 newly admitted schizophrenic patients in a brief therapy unit. Patients receiving either drug improved ...

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