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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 134
  • Number 2
  • February 1977

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The author states that the mental health research program of the United States is facing a threat to its survival as a force for public health. He describes the antecedents of this crisis, which include the separation of the National Institute of Mental ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors describe the method by which claims review for psychiatric practice is carried out by an APA district branch peer review committee in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area and analyze the claims reviews handled by the committee from 1972 ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


Although it is not officially considered a primary care specialty, psychiatry is intimately related to training and practice in fields that are so designated. The primary care physician must have expertise in interviewing, counseling, psychophysiological ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors believe that group psychotherapy is a useful modality in terms of both economic use of resources and manpower and effective treatment for many common problems. Three major indications for group therapy are inappropriate patterns of ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


A questionnaire survey of 50 patients treated by behavior therapy or short-term, analytically oriented psychotherapy revealed that both groups, as well as those patients who improved the most, placed a high value on insight, the patient-therapist ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


gamma-Aminobutyric acid (Gaba) has been shown to influence dopamine activity in the brain. The author suggests that Gaba could be involved in the hypothesized dopamine hyperactivity in schizophrenia. He discusses pharmacological interventions that may ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


Using a double-blind design, the authors investigated 1) caffeine's effect in hyperkinetic children on a choice reaction time task, 2) whether caffeine has different effects on simple reaction time and choice reaction time, and 3) whether its effects in ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The unfortunate experience with lithium chloride as a salt substitute in the 1940s still directs the clinical usuage of lithium carbonate to a certain extent. We are still warned that lithium salts should never be used in low-sodium situations (e.g., with ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors delineate aspects of adolescent psychological development that should be considered in decisions regarding psychiatric residential treatment, reviewing the issue of consent to treatment in the context of developmental psychology. They state ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


Current approaches to the treatment of drug addiction are based on an earlier approach derived from a traditional psychoanalytic framework. The author describes how this framework has been modified by three broad areas of understanding, i.e., issues ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The author explores the relationship of current social stressors (cirumstances of daily social roles that are generally considered problematic or undesirable) to depressive symptoms. Subjects were 2,299 adults aged 18-65 in the Chicago area. Over a fourth ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors evaluated the incidence of depression in a sample of 202 Viet Nam veterans an average of 28 months after their return from Viet Nam. Approximately one-third of the sample fell within the clinically depressed range of the Beck Depression ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors studied the effects of a week's viewing of five types of television programs, including those with predominantly helpful or hurtful content, on the aggressive mood and hurtful behavior of adult men. They found, within the population studied, a ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors evaluated data on 182 fatally injured and 96 nonfatally injured drivers involved in vehicular crashes over a 6-year period. Only 1.7% of the total fatal crashes were considered to have been suicides, and 1% of the nonfatal crashes were deemed ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors report on a longitudinal study that involved the interviewing and testing of 33 young women volunteers who chose either contraception (N=18) or tubal ligation (N=15) to achieve infertility. They found that for these women the choice to be ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors present five case reports illustrating that 10-20 mg of protriptyline in a single dose at bedtime can effectively control arousal dysfunction (sleep drunkenness and hypersomnia) and the narcolepsycataplexy syndrome without the apparent ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The author points out that the medical profession, fiscal intermediaries, and government agencies have not fully informed the public of the nature and extent of peer review. He provides guidelines for physicians and committees of peers participating in ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


Platelet MAO activity decreased by 40% (p less than .001) in a group of 11 male patients with primary depression after 3 weeks of treatment with either amitriptyline or imipramine. This finding, together with data from previous in vitro studies ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The author reviews the association between Parkinson's disease and depression and presents evidence to support the hypothesis that depression may be not only reactive but biochemically related to the disease. A psychotically depressed patient with ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors treated two children with Gilles de la Tourette's disease and one child with a probable combination of Gilles de la Tourette's disease and minimal brain dysfunction with methylphenidate, which resulted in exacerbation of symptoms. One child ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The authors determined ABO blood groupings for 66 manic-depressive patients diagnosed and divided into bipolar and unipolar groups according to strict symptomatic and course criteria. A significantly higher percentage of bipolar patients than unipolar ...

Publication date: 01 February 1977


The author collected data on 15 patients for whom therapy was interrupted because of a move to a distant city by the analyst or the patient. He found that 14 of these patients refused to accept transfer to another analyst as urged by their analyst; ...




Publication date: 01 February 1977


There was an error in "Digit-Symbol Performance in Methadone-Treated Ex-Heroin Addicts," by Philip W. Appel, Ph.D., and Norman B. Gordon, Ph.D. (November 1976 issue). The sentence in the last paragraph of the results section (p. 1338) read, "The value of ...

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