American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 138
- Number 10
- October 1981
Publication date: 01 October 1981
Pages1279–1287The author presents a broad view of the principal forces at work in twentieth-century psychiatry. He describes the approach of the various psychiatries--psychoanalytic, biological, behaviorist, social, interpersonal, and existential--to the diagnostic ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1288–1297The author states that most psychiatrists should be able easily to recognize tardive dyskinesia. However, this disorder is a subset of a large variety of abnormal involuntary movements, some of which may resemble tardive dyskinesia. Others have serious ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1298–1301A questionnaire was sent to 206 internists and surgeons asking them to estimate the following: the frequency of psychiatric disorders and behavioral problems among their patients, the type and frequency of psychiatric medication they prescribed, the ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1302–1307There is considerable diversity of opinion as to the nature of the response of depressed patients to amphetamine infusion. The authors report on the clinical response of 18 endogenously depressed patients to double-blind, intravenous administration of ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1307–1310The authors studied 44 acutely decompensated, hospitalized schizophrenic patients who were placed on a double-blind basis for 10 days in three treatment groups: patients given high, moderate, and standard doses of haloperidol. To assess changes in the ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1311–1316Many patients with temporal lobe epilepsy also experience dissociative episodes. Three patients with multiple personality exhibited alterations in speech pattern, personality, handedness, and sense of personal identity and claimed amnesia for the ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1319–1330Complex processes of sex bias and sex-role stereotyping continue to detract from the quality of mental health services to both sexes, but particularly to women because of their disadvantaged status. Understanding how such processes can simultaneously ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1330–1335Recent publications have noted a rate of suicide for women physicians considerably higher than that for women in the general population. The authors comment on some of the methodologic problems involved in this research and discuss the interaction between ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1335–1342The author reports on 16 patient interviews involving a gynecologist who conducted internal examinations in a sexually abusive manner. The unusual features of the examination included length of time, misuse of the physician's hands, absence of a nurse, ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1342–1345The authors distributed a sex-role ideology questionnaire to practicing psychiatrists, psychiatric residents, university students, and groups of traditional and feminist women. Psychiatrists and psychiatric residents as a group were significantly more ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1346–1351The authors studied first-year medical students to assess sex differences in psychological functioning. No initial sex differences in adjustment were found on any self-report measures. By mid-year, however, women students had developed more psychiatric ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1352–1356The authors discuss the reasons for decisions to remain single or to marry, particularly for women today. They consider aspects of the life experience of single women and provide a developmental context for women's choices. The authors discuss the impact ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1357–1361The progress of women in academic psychiatry depends in part on the social and institutionalized administrative patterns expressed through faculty attitudes, hiring practices, and other conditions of the field as they are currently structured. As the ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1362–1365The authors examined the charts of 22 outpatients who had received intramuscular fluphenazine decanoate and oral fluphenazine hydrochloride to assess the incidence of tardive dyskinesia. The severity of tardive dyskinesia was assessed with the Abnormal ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1366–1369The introduction of substantive geropsychiatry training into the medical school curriculum and residency programs in medicine and family practice involves overcoming such obstacles as competition among specialties for curriculum time, "ageism" (negative ... date: 01 October 1981
Pages1369–1371A method of dosing lithium based on a 24-hour serum lithium level obtained after a single 600-mg oral dose of lithium carbonate has been reported to provide a steady-state lithium concentration of 0.6--1.2 mEq/liter. Since this regimen is widely used in ...
Publication date: 01 October 1981
Pages1398-a–1398In the table of contents of the August 1981 issue, the name of Joel Yager, the second author of "Assessment of Psychotherapy skills: The Problem of Interrater Agreement" (p. 1069), was misspelled. The staff regrets these errors. date: 01 October 1981
Pages1398-b–1398On page 1064 of "Critique of the Danish-American Studies of the Adopted-Away Offspring of Schizophrenic Parents" by Theodore Lidz, M.D., Sidney Blatt, Ph.D., and Barry Cook, Ph.D., in the August 1981 issue, the last sentence of the second paragraph in the ... Issues
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