American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 138
- Number 11
- November 1981
Publication date: 01 November 1981
Pages1433–1440A sample of 456 inner city men was prospectively followed from age 14 until age 47. Rates blind to adult outcome assessed the men's childhood success at tasks reflecting Erikson's fourth developmental stage, industry versus inferiority. Childhood ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1441–1448Clinicians and researchers lack accuracy in assessing psychomotor functions of patients. Several objective monitoring techniques have recently been proposed with the goal of compiling accurate determinations. These include electromyographic determinations ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1449–1456The author discusses seven dimensions of continuity of care, a basic concept in planning services for chronic mental patients. Continuity of care in psychiatry is distinguished from that in other medical specialties by the unique needs of chronic mental ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1457–1462The authors measured total opioid activity by radioreceptor assay in the CSF of 41 normal subjects and 89 unmedicated psychiatric patients, including schizophrenic, schizoaffective, depressed, and manic diagnostic groups. Schizophrenic men had ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1462–1467The evaluation of a patient's competency to consent to treatment, regardless of the test of competency used, can be substantially affected by a number of clinical factors. The authors point out that, in assessing competency, the clinician must consider 1) ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1467–1471Clinicians have often advocated personal therapy as a useful method in the training of psychotherapists. Yet, for decades arguments have existed about the value of a personal therapy experience. In an attempt to clarify the situation, the authors discuss ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1472–1476Clinicians' attitudes about the posthospitalization outcome of patients who are irregularly discharged from the hospital (i.e., against medical advice or AWOL) have been pessimistic, but unsystematic follow-up data of such patients compared with regularly ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1477–1481All societies have developed ways of dealing with physical and mental illness, defined as folk healing systems. The authors review the systems of folk healing that have evolved in different cultural groups in the United States. They describe the faith ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1484–1486During the past 15 years a number of new symptoms, rarely seen in the past, have been observed with increasing frequency among Chinese schizophrenic patients. The authors identify the following symptoms: discordant (dissociative) syndrome, denial of ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1487–1489Although biofeedback has been of value in treating spastic paresis and torticollis, its effectiveness in other movement disorders is less clear. Blepharospasm, which has no definitive treatment, often has a strong psychogenic component. The authors report ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1490–1493The authors use the concept of "meanings of combat" to explain combat veterans' different reactions to war experiences, particularly the development of a posttraumatic stress disorder after combat. The authors present four case reports to illustrate some ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1493–1496The authors correlated the serum prolactin levels of 19 men with tardive dyskinesia, 29 postmenopausal women with tardive dyskinesia, and 21 men without tardive dyskinesia with the variables age, sex, antipsychotic dosage, and severity of illness. All ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1497–1500To test the efficacy of screening urine specimens of methadone maintenance clients as a deterrent to illicit drug use, the authors randomly assigned 431 subjects to a monitored or an unmonitored group for 1 year. Monitored subjects continued to provide ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1501–1503The authors examined volumetric occipital asymmetry and evidence of anterior vermian atrophy in the postmortem brains of 12 schizophrenic and 32 control subjects. Although they found no difference in the mean occipital asymmetry they found that for the ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1503–1504The author describes a patient with preexisting heart disease who rapidly developed cardiac arrhythmia in association with the use of amoxapine. He calls attention to the potential for serious cardiac toxicity with this new drug. date: 01 November 1981
Pages1505–1506The authors describe a patient who developed delirium secondary to the topical absorption of podophyllin; this may be the first known case of delirium after topical application of the drug. Other serious medical and neurological complications of ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1506–1508The authors describe what may be the first reported case of Capgras syndrome associate with, or precipitated by, myxedema. The patient's mental status dramatically returned to normal with gradual thyroid replacement. The authors suggest that tests for ... date: 01 November 1981
Pages1508–1509The authors report a patient who suffered a full-blown manic attack after ingesting LSD or an LSD analogue. The patient experienced acute symptoms of LSD intoxication, which resolved but were followed in about 3 weeks by a typical manic episode of ...
Publication date: 01 November 1981
Page1509Due to a printer's error, a number of pages in the October issue were printed on buff-colored paper instead of white paper. Pages 1391 through 1405 should have been printed on white paper; the buff-colored paper is reserved for Official Actions material. ...
Publication date: 01 November 1981
Pages1519-b–1519In the September 1981 issue, the article "Concentrations of Desipramine in Elderly Women" by Neal R. Cutler, M.D., Anthony P. Zavadil III, M.D., Carl Eisdorfer, M.D., Ph.D., Richard J. Ross, M.D., Ph.D., and William Z. Potter, M.D., Ph.D., contained two ...
Publication date: 01 November 1981
Page1529This statement was approved by the Assembly of District Branches at its October 24-27, 1980, meeting and by the Board of Trustees at its December 12-13, 1980, meeting. It was prepared by the Task Force on Children and Adolescents in State Mental Hospitals ... Issues
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