American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 138
- Number 12
- December 1981
Publication date: 01 December 1981
Pages1533–1544The author reviews the empirical evidence on the psychological sequelae of brain damage in childhood, concluding that brain injury causes a markedly increased risk in both intellectual impairment and psychiatric disorder. The risk is related to the ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1545–1554The authors collected clinical diagnostic, neurophysiological, electrophysiological, and biochemical data on 9 adolescents who had primary obsessive-compulsive disorder. The results indicate considerable descriptive validity of the syndrome in childhood ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1555–1562The authors performed dexamethasone suppression tests (DST), TRH infusions, 72-hour urine collections, and lumbar punctures on a group of male depressed patients. Approximately 60% of the patients were DST positive and 33% had a blunted TSH response. Two ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1562–1567The authors contrasted four treatments for unipolar (nonpsychotic) depression: 1) amitriptyline, 2) social skills training plus amitriptyline, 3) social skills training plus placebo, and 4) psychotherapy plus placebo. They studied 72 female outpatients, ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1567–1571The authors conducted a double-blind, controlled study to test the behavioral, affective, and neurological effects of antiparkinson drug discontinuation. Patients were evaluated at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks. Of 24 placebo patients 9 left the study ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1572–1576Fifteen patients with Tourette's disorder developed school and work avoidance syndromes when treated with low doses (mean 2.5 mg/day) of haloperidol for short periods of time (mean, 8 weeks). The phobic syndromes disappeared completely with ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1576–1581Psychiatry and psychiatric education in the Eastern European countries are determined by the cultural practices and tradition of the region and the organizational principles of the U.S.S.R. Medical schools have been separated from the universities and are ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1581–1586This article presents recommendations for training programs in DSM-III to help counter feelings of apprehension expressed by many mental health professionals over the transition to the new nomenclature and its multiaxial evaluation system. The authors ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1587–1591The authors describe the development and implementation of the third edition of the Psychiatric Knowledge and Skills Self-Assessment Program (PKSAP-III). An assessment of the performance of 4,137 participants in PKSAP-III according to their primary ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1592–1597Clinical experiences and the questions they generate are a rich potential source for increased understanding of psychopathology and its treatment. Yet a chasm frequently appears to exist isolating clinical observations from the "real" research viewed as ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1601–1604The authors examined the relationship of personality traits and personality disorder to depressive subtype, descriptive characteristics, and outcome in 160 depressed inpatients. Personality disorder was significantly more common in unipolar nonmelancholic ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1605–1607The authors describe the case of a 49-year-old woman who developed a goiter, mild symptoms of hyperthyroidism, and grossly elevated thyroid function tests after 2 years of treatment with lithium carbonate. Thyroid microsomal autoantibodies were also ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1608–1611The authors analyzed referral patterns for psychiatric consultation from medical and surgical wards on the basis of 2,000 referrals. They found that patients' demographic characteristics were stable over time. The diagnoses of depressive disorders and ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1612–1615In an attempt to help understand the Part II oral examinations of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the authors undertook a study to identify the factors that aid candidates in passing the Part II examination after one or more initial ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1616–1617The authors report a case of unexpected sudden death in a woman receiving relatively high dose of haloperidol. They postulate that drug- induced laryngeal spasm leading to cardiac arrest via vagal reflexes may represent the mechanism of neuroleptic sudden ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1618–1619The authors surveyed 500 inpatients receiving long-term neuroleptics; 8 had first-degree family members who were also being treated with long- term neuroleptics and suffering from a psychiatric disorder. The 8 patient-relative pairs showed concordance for ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1620–1621During a period of 1-2 1/2 years the neuroleptic regimen of 14 schizophrenic outpatients was interrupted every 6 months by drug holidays of 6 weeks' duration. As a result, 10 patients achieved a substantially reduced maintenance dose. The authors were ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1622–1623The authors present three cases in which lithium, in combination with a neuroleptic, is implicated in inducing an organic brain syndrome. Subsequent withdrawal of lithium reversed the clinical and EEG picture in the two patients seen in follow-up. date: 01 December 1981
Pages1624–1625The authors report a longitudinal case study of a woman with a history of bipolar affective disorder in which L-dopa shortened the manic- depressive cycle length when administered in a double-blind trial. This finding suggests a dopaminergic mechanism ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1626–1627The authors describe a 42-year-old man who developed "on-off" episodes and for whom lithium carbonate proved an effective treatment. They speculate that the predominant effect of lithium in the "on-off" syndrome is to prevent L-dopa desensitization of the ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1628–1629The authors studied the effect of dopamine beta-hydroxylase inhibition on the manic symptoms of a 34-year-old man. They found that fusaric acid decreased the patient's manic symptoms and that his symptoms approximately reverted to their previous state ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1629–1631The authors studied 19 inpatients with major depressive episode or schizoaffective disorder, depressed type, and compared their response to the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) with their response to the methylphenidate stimulation test. They found a ... date: 01 December 1981
Pages1631–1632The authors describe a patient with changes in oculocutaneous pigmentation that cleared after chlorpromazine was discontinued. They suggest that loxapine may be a suitable alternative to phenothiazines when skin pigmentation and ocular involvement occur, ...
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