American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 139
- Number 1
- January 1982
Publication date: 01 January 1982
Pages1–11Research studies about the relevance of therapist gender to assessment, duration of treatment, and satisfaction with treatment or its outcome provide no clear, replicable results salient to decision making. Psychoanalytic and other clinical writings deal ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages12–20The authors trace the evolution of narcissistic personality disorder as a nosological entity in a critical survey of the literature, considering and comparing differing theoretical viewpoints regarding the genesis of this disorder. They review its various ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages21–33The author considers two main concepts of minimal brain dysfunction: 1) a continuum notion, in which minimal brain dysfunction is viewed as a lesser variant of gross traumatic brain damage, and 2) a syndrome notion, in which minimal brain dysfunction ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages34–38Six women and 6 men who were treated in double-blind fashion major depressive illness did not respond to imipramine or amitriptyline, 150- 300 mg/day, during periods of 26-112 days. After the addition of 25 micrograms/day (10 patients) or 50 micrograms/... date: 01 January 1982
Pages39–44Abnormalities of hormonal responses to a number of neuroendocrine challenges have been reported in depressed patients. The authors used a series of four neuroendocrine challenges-thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)... date: 01 January 1982
Pages45–52The authors examine the classification of depressive disorders with an empirically and mathematically based method, cluster analysis. In a sample of 228 patients from the NIMH Collaborative Study of the Psychobiology of Depression, clusters were generated ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages52–56The authors designed a study to identify those independent variables which would statistically discriminate between a group of Viet Nam veterans who were experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder and those who were not. DSM-III criteria for diagnosis ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages62–66Joint custody, with both divorced parents sharing childrearing functions, is a recent and controversial phenomenon. To the authors' knowledge there have been no published quantitative outcome studies establishing its efficacy. The authors present data on ...
Publication date: 01 January 1982
Pages85–88The authors rated questions on the 1979 Psychiatry Resident In-Training Examination for the knowledge area assessed and for quality. The number of questions devoted to each of 35 knowledge areas varied widely, ranging from zero to 52. Thirty-one percent ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages89–91Identical surveys, designed to assess attitudes toward training and treatment in psychiatry, were distributed to the half of all third-year residents in 1976, 1978, and 1980. The 1976 survey results revealed considerable support for the medically oriented ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages92–94The authors report the cases of 3 patients who had depressive episodes after administration of propranolol for medical illnesses. The depressive episodes were severe, occurred in a dose-dependent manner, and promptly remitted when propranolol was ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages94–97The authors compared the gait patterns of 15 patients with affective disorders with those of 15 normal control subjects. The procedure involved a frame-by-frame analysis of a film of each subject walking at normal speed. Angle measurements were made of ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages97–100The author gathered information by questionnaire about the leisure activities of 102 patients receiving chronic hemodialysis. The patients reported a severe decrease in interest, especially in family and social leisure activities, and an even greater ... date: 01 January 1982
Pages100–103The authors interviewed and administered projective drawing tests to 14 children of dialysis patients in order to understand the children's fantasies about their parents' illness and treatment. They uncovered latent aggressive feelings toward the sick ...
Publication date: 01 January 1982
Pages143-a–143On page 1525 of the Book Forum section of the November 1981 issue, in the review by Peter C. Plishka, M.D., of Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Medical and Psychological Approaches to Treatment, Ronald M. Benson should have been included ... Issues
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