American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 139
- Number 5
- May 1982
Publication date: 01 May 1982
Pages545–551Through the ages, hysteria has been considered to be a female disease. The author explores the historical record and concludes that the hysterical (histrionic) personality is a caricature of femininity. It develops under the influence of cultural forces, ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages552–559The authors review the evidence for the efficacy of the sodium amytal interview with particular reference to psychiatric emergencies and rapid assessment and treatment. Amytal interviews have a valid role in the assessment and initial management of ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages560–565Despite differences in samples and designs, follow-up studies of alcoholic patients by the Rand Corporation, the state of Oklahoma, and the Veterans Administration (VA) revealed more similarities than differences in outcome and relapse. In the VA study at ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages565–570The author summarizes clinical data showing parallels between REM sleep and depressive phenomena; e.g., patients with endogenous depression show a first REM period that has a shorter than normal latency and a higher density of eye movement. The author ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages571–576To test the hypothesis that depression and REM sleep share common cholinergic mechanisms the authors administered arecoline 25 min after completion of the first REM period to 14 patients with remitted bipolar affective disorder, 15 normal controls, and 5 ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages577–583The author describes the use of the DSM-III's diagnostic criteria and classification system as a research instrument and discusses some of the advantages and drawbacks of DMS-III for a specific type of study. A rearrangement of the hierarchical order of ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages584–590A previous investigation explored the diagnosis of adjustment disorder and found it to have descriptive and face validity. This study of the status at 5-year follow-up of 100 patients given this diagnosis strongly supports the validity of the category ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages591–596The authors present a format that organizes DMS-III diagnoses according to its five axes. For each axis, it provides an ordered listing of several diagnostic categories, their qualification as principal or provisional diagnoses, and alternative categories ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages596–602There is currently a great deal of confusion regarding the diagnostic status of children with borderline disorders and a tendency to apply criteria for borderline adults to the diagnosis of these children without allowing for developmental differences. On ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages602–606The authors examined the records of 9 manic patients under age 21 and 12 over age 30 for the incidence of "schizophrenic" and manic symptoms. The adolescent patients had a higher incidence of each of the 10 schizophreniform symptoms rated and ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages607–610For this retrospective study, six adult patients in psychoanalytic psychotherapy participated in 45-min audiotaped individual sessions that focused on their reaction to the language deprivation they experienced following their immigration to the United ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages611–615The author surveyed the population of a state hospital (N = 281) to ascertain the level of knowledge patients had about their medication. Approximately 8% of the patients correctly indicated the name of at least one medication they were taking, its dosage ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages616–620Historically, health and mental health services have been separated by a variety of forces, including specialization; ideological, attitudinal, and financial barriers; the professionalization of psychiatry; and functional and organizational ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages623–626The authors diagnosed depression in 20 (23%) of 88 cognitively impaired geriatric outpatients. Three (20%) of these patients had depression only, and 17 (85%) had depression superimposed on an underlying dementia. The rate of coexisting depression ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages626–629Recent work has documented the existence of the syndrome of pseudodementia. The authors present four cases of depressive pseudodementia, two without associated dementing illnesses and two that occurred in the context of dementing illnesses. These cases ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages630–633The authors compared platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity with clinical signs and symptoms in 32 patients with unipolar depressions. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between platelet MAO activity and scores on the Hamilton ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages633–637The authors review the literature on male sexual dysfunction associated with antipsychotic drug treatment. Erectile and ejaculatory disturbances have been most frequently reported. Changes in libido have also been reported, but the effects of these drugs ... physical anomalies in alcoholic and schizophrenic adults and hyperactive and autistic children
Publication date: 01 May 1982
Pages640–643Minor physical anomalies occur with increased frequency in retarded, hyperactive, and autistic children, which suggests the effects of genetic influences or a toxic early uterine environment. The author's findings concur with previously published reports ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages643–645The authors found higher levels of CSF opioid activity, determined by radioreceptor assay, in patients with anorexia nervosa who were severely underweight than in 1) the same patients after weight restoration and 2) normal controls. Another group of ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages646–649The authors previously found a high correlation between lithium response and clinical diagnostic criteria in a subgroup of schizophrenic-like patients who responded favorably to lithium therapy. In the present study the authors extend this research by ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages650–653Eight patients with chronic anorexia nervosa were treated by the authors with a paradoxical approach. At follow-up 2-4 years later four of the patients had maintained a normal weight (within 15% of average weight), and only one patient was at a very low ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages657–659The initiation of a patient advocacy program in a private psychiatric hospital in 1980 was effective in significantly reducing the rate of hospital discharges against medical advice relative to the rate in 1979 and in 1978. There was also a concomitant ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages660–662To assess patients' satisfaction with state hospital and aftercare services, the authors administered an open-ended interview to 22 former state hospital patients. The patients expressed marked dissatisfaction with their treatment in the hospital, but 78% ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages663–666To assess the usefulness of a sleep disorders center the authors sent follow-up questionnaires to patients and referring physicians 9 months after each diagnostic evaluation. Findings suggest that sleep disorders centers provide a useful diagnostic ...
Publication date: 01 May 1982
Pages704-a–704In the February 1982 issue, the location of the work described in "Case Report of Inhibition of Ejaculation and Retrograde Ejaculation as Side Effects of Amoxapine" by Glenn Schwarcz, M.D., should be Saint Elizabeths Hospital and the Department of ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages704-b–704In the June 1981 issue there is an error in "Overview: Deinstitutionalization of Psychiatric Patients, a Critical Review of Outcome Studies" by Peter Braun, M.D., and associates. On page 745, the third sentence in the second column should read, "Patients ... date: 01 May 1982
Pages705–708This report was prepared in April 1981 and the addendum written in September 1981. The entire report was approved by the Assembly at its Oct. 23-25, 1981, meeting and by the Board of Trustees at its Dec. 11-12, 1981, meeting. It was prepared by the Task ... Issues
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