American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 139
- Number 6
- June 1982
Publication date: 01 June 1982
Pages709–717The authors analyze the possible need for a standing national group to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the psychotherapies. The current need is for a body whose function is more scientifically evaluative and less regulatory than the Food and Drug ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages718–727Research evidence on psychotherapy outcome is both extensive and positive. However, the evidence is not responsive to the question. What kinds of psychotherapy are most effective for what kinds of problems? It is demonstrably feasible to conduct ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages728–735Healing of mental illness through religious practices was a key element of early Christianity. In the early twentieth century such healing was associated with blue-collar and rural Fundamentalists, but religious healing practices have gained widespread ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages736–740The treatment of children aged 1-18 who experienced physical pain from an acute burn and the emotional pain of disfigurement offers a prototype for treatment of pain and understanding its impact on the child's emotional life. The author presents an ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages741–746In an earlier, separate study, the authors found that human aggression and suicide (a specific aggression-related behavior) were associated with lower levels of CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), a serotonin metabolite. That study focused on ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages747–752The authors assessed lithium's prophylactic effect against depression in unipolar (N = 43), bipolar II (N = 102), and cyclothymic (N = 69) patients using a longitudinal life-table analysis and calculated the probability of remaining free of a depressive ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages753–757The authors nonblindly assessed occipital cerebral asymmetry on computed tomography (CT) scans of 79 schizophrenic or schizoaffective patients and 100 neurological or medical patients. More of the schizophrenic patients had reversals of the normal ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages758–762The subjects of this study were 19 children and 11 adolescents who had been psychotic since childhood and who satisfied DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia except for the stipulation that a "deterioration from a previous level of functioning" must have ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages763–768In addition to its ability to decrease plasma cortisol levels, dexamethasone can also significantly decrease plasma prolactin levels. In 52 psychiatric patients, including 26 patients with primary major depression or schizoaffective depression, primarily ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages769–773Interdisciplinary staff meetings with a group-process orientation are a common feature of inpatient psychiatric wards. In these meetings an attempt is made to elicit and resolve intrastaff conflicts. Often the hierarchy of administrative structure is ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages773–777The authors compared the psychiatric status of 135 survivors of the Holocaust with that of control subjects. This study stands apart from most previous reports in that the two groups were generated by a random sample survey of all heads of households in a ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages778–783The authors examined factors related to relapse of psychiatric patients within 1 year of placement in a foster home. They collected data on 210 male patients who had been hospitalized in VA medical centers who were discharged to foster homes in five ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages784–788Psychiatrist-witnesses testifying in criminal cases are usually asked if the defendant's mental state at the time of the offense met the legal standards for mitigation or exculpation. These standards use a commonsense frame of reference resting on ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages791–794In this first stage of a prospective investigation, the author found that 14% of 304 male university students and employees responding to a questionnaire had alcoholic first-degree relatives. While these 44 men had demographic and alcohol-intake ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages795–798The authors studied official arrests from childhood through adolescence in two groups of boys; one group (N = 110) was diagnosed in childhood as suffering from attention deficit disorder (ADD), and the second group (N = 88) consisted of normal control ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages799–802Depression, a common and treatable psychiatric disorder in later life, is often overlooked in geriatric medical patients. The authors evaluated the validity of two self-rating depression scales, the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and the Popoff Index ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages803–806The authors compared the nontricyclic antidepressant trazodone with amitriptyline and placebo in a double-blind study of 202 unipolar depressed outpatients. Trazodone's clinical efficacy was similar to that of amitriptyline, with both active drugs ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages806–809The authors studied the blood lead concentrations of children with IQs of 55-84, divided according to the presence (N = 48) or absence (N = 35) of a probable etiology for their retardation, and of 40 control children. The mean lead level of the retarded ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages810–813Using national survey data, the authors examined the characteristics of psychiatrists in private practice who treat Medicaid patients. They found that the average Medicaid participation rate was 8%; 39.9% of psychiatrists did not see any Medicaid ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages814–817The relationship between depression and borderline disorder is unclear. Using standardized observer- and subject-rated scales for depression, the authors compared patients satisfying DSM-III criteria for borderline personality disorder and dysthymic ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages818–821An angry conflict erupted between male and female psychiatric residents when 3 of 12 residents at a major training center become pregnant in the second year of training. The author explores the fantasies and feelings that fueled this conflict from the ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages822–823Fourteen patients receiving routine doses of amitriptyline developed plasma drug concentrations above 300 ng/ml. Of the 7 patients with plasma levels above 450 ng/ml, 6 developed a drug-induced delirium as opposed to none of the 7 with levels below 450 ng/... date: 01 June 1982
Pages826–828The first-degree relatives (N = 199) of DSM-III schizophrenic probands (N = 39) were diagnosed from chart data by a rater who was blind to proband diagnosis. No cases of even "possible" schizophrenia were found. This augments the growing evidence that the ... date: 01 June 1982
Pages828–830Demeclocycline, a competitive inhibitor of antidiuretic hormone at renal tubules, was studied in a patient with the syndrome of psychosis, psychogenic polydipsia, and episodic water intoxication. Under double- blind, placebo-controlled conditions, ...
Publication date: 01 June 1982
Pages847-c–848On page 317 of the article "Fluphenazine Enanthate and Fluphenazine Decanoate in the Treatment of Schizophrenic Outpatients: Extrapyramidal Symptoms and Therapeutic Effect" by Guy Chouinard, M.D, M.Sc., Lawrence Annable, Dip.Stat., and Andrée Ross-... date: 01 June 1982
Page848In the article "Reversible and Irreversible Tardive Dyskinesia: A Case Report" by Guy Chouinard, M.D., M.Sc., and Jacques Bradwejn, M.D., in the March 1982 issue, table 1 on page 361 should read as shown below. [See table in the PDF file] The staff ... Issues
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