American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 139
- Number 7
- July 1982
Publication date: 01 July 1982
Pages849–855The written psychiatric consultation is the distillation, the official permanent record, and the one universal element of the consultation process. Both the document and process present a good and growing opportunity for service and teaching. The authors ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages856–861Brief hospitalization policies have accompanied the deinstitutionalization movement, yet length of inpatient stay in facilities under state and local administration remains quite varied. A 1-year study of 119 chronic schizophrenic patients hospitalization ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages862–866The authors examined the effects of cognitive therapy and imipramine on hopelessness and self-concept in 35 unipolar nonpsychotic depressed outpatients who were treated with either modality over approximately 11 weeks. Compared with imipramine, cognitive ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages866–871The two largest plans in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program- Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Aetna - have reported benefit payments and the number of people who have used psychiatric services on a state- by-state basis for two decades. The ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages872–876The author describes one specific facet of the psychological trauma attendant upon physical violence - the implications of the victim's forced silence about the event. This prohibition of communication, enforced by some implicit or explicit threat, ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages876–882The authors, as part of the ongoing NIMH Collaborative Study on the Psychobiology of Depression, used an analysis of variance design and videotaped interviews to explore the effects of sources of variance on the reliability of the measures being used by ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages882–887The authors report the finding of psychomotor epilepsy in 18 of 97 incarcerated delinquent boys. Number of psychomotor symptoms was correlated with degree of violence in the members of this group. In addition, psychomotor symptoms were correlated more ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages888–891The authors compared the psychopathology of black and white and of rural and urban schizophrenic patients. Using a structured interview, psychiatrists rated 273 schizophrenic patients consecutively admitted to seven hospitals and mental health centers ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages892–897The authors compared 42 men and 8 women who had been found not guilty by reason of insanity with a group of subjects who had been convicted of a felony (matched in criminal offenses, age, education, marital status, previous arrests, and sex). They found ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages897–901The authors evaluated six acute short-stay admission wards in a community mental health center using the sociometric Ward Atmosphere Scale. There was an attempt to run three of the six wards as therapeutic communities. No differences were found on Ward ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages902–907The number of investor-owned (proprietary) psychiatric hospitals in the United States has increased substantially in the past decade: these facilities now account for well over half of the nation's nongovernmental psychiatric hospitals. One of the reasons ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages910–913To illustrate the dilemma in evaluating and treating patients who deny their illness, the authors present the case of a woman with paranoia who denied she was ill and refused medication. They focus specifically on the issue of whether a patient who denies ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages913–915The authors describe a 32-year-old man with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome whose most severe symptom was exhibitionism. Treatment with low doses of haloperidol eliminated all exhibitionistic urges. This patient's oldest son has multiple tics and his ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages916–918The authors used the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale to measure the level of depressive symptoms in a self-referred clinic population whose socioeconomic status was low. They found that the population suffered a high degree of ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages918–922Because of neuroleptics' potential long-term side effects, the authors conducted a pilot study of an alternative to maintenance medication for stable schizophrenic outpatients. The doses of 19 patients were gradually reduced to zero over 8 weeks, and ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages922–925The authors compared criterion-based diagnoses (DSM-III) with clinical diagnoses (DSM-II) for 102 psychiatric inpatients. The introduction of specified diagnostic criteria represented a refinement of existing diagnostic practices rather than a ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages926–929In a double-blind study the authors compared severity of psychopathology and personality organization in three groups of patients: those with organic (neurogenic) seizures alone (N = 11), those who exhibited both neurogenic and psychogenic ("hysterical") ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages929–932Research indicates that patients do not hold delusions with as fixed a certainty as has been believed. Confrontation with reality may have an important role in the evaluation and treatment of delusional patients. The authors suggest four factors that may ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages936–938The authors examined platelet MAO activity in 8 hyperactive and 18 control children who were admitted to a clinical research center and placed on a low monoamine diet. After 5 days, their blood was analyzed; the hyperactive children were discharged on day ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages939–941Rapid cycling of mood change induced by antidepressant drugs has recently emerged as a significant diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The author describes two additional cases. Cessation of treatment with the offending drug may leave the patient ...
Publication date: 01 July 1982
Pages970-b–970In the March 1982 issue, on page 373 of the article "Perception of Tardive Dyskinesia in Outpatients Receiving Maintenance Neuroleptics" by Arnold M. Rosen, M.D., and associates, the column headings in table 1 should read "Factor I: Extremities, ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages970-c–970In the May 1982 issue, on page 672 of the article "Major Depressive Disorder in Children Admitted to an Inpatient Community Mental Health Center" by Javad H. Kashani, M.D. and associates, the first sentence of the last paragraph should read, "DSM-III does ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages971–974This document was approved by the Assembly at its May 8-10, 1981, meeting and by the Board of Trustees at its Dec. 11-12, 1981, meeting. It was prepared by the Task Force on the Commitment of Minors1 under the Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their ... date: 01 July 1982
Pages974–975This document was approved by the Assembly at its May 8-10, 1981, meeting and by the Board of Trustees at its Dec. 11-12, 1981, meeting. It was prepared and subsequently revised (Feb. 9, 1982) by Alan A. Stone, M.D., chairperson, and Richard Bonnie, J.D., ... Issues
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