American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 68
- Number 3
- January 1912
Publication date: 01 January 1912
Pages359–370From the foregoing data we have drawn the following conclusions, realizing that the number of cases dealt with is too small, and the data in many of the cases too meagre, to more than suggest them as tentative or probable. 1. Normal traits predominate in ... date: 01 January 1912
Pages473–4831. The symptom-complex under discussion cannot be regarded as a disease entity. 2. It develops most often in the adolescent or young criminal. 3. While it may complicate other psychoses it very often occurs simply upon a markedly defective basis, which in ... date: 01 January 1912
Pages491–5071. Cases of general paralysis may present focal symptoms which are more or less irrelevant to the general paralysis, e. g., focal symptoms of traumatic origin. 2. Cases of general paralysis may present focal symptoms, which are based on a process which ... date: 01 January 1912
Page522The following errata in Dr. Fuller's article in the Journal. for October, 1911, should be noted: Page 147, Section II of Contents, for "Spirotrichia" read "Sphærotrichia." Page 150, last line, for "Aufbau" read "Abbau." Page 195, 3d line of Section VIII, ...