American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 71
- Number 4
- April 1915
Publication date: 01 April 1915
Pages747–760(1) The essence of the manic-depressive reactions is the occurrence of some appropriate affective attitude of the organism as a whole which is of purposeful character, abnormal because of its severity and duration and because there is no apparent external ... date: 01 April 1915
Pages761–772Conclusion.—The striking dissimilarity of the curves plotted for the various psychoses suggests that after further data are accumulated, suitable points isolated, and arranged in the most comprehensive series for the problems to be covered, perhaps a ... date: 01 April 1915
Pages773–787I. In the cases diagnosed clinically as cerebrospinal syphilis the Wassermann reaction upon the spinal fluid was always positive and the colloidal gold test showed a reaction in the paretic zone. II. In paresis the colloidal gold test was always found ...