American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 76
- Number 4
- April 1920
Publication date: 01 April 1920
Pages393–396The colloidal gold precipitating substance in the spinal fluid of paretics is a globulin. It is not the Wassermann reacting substance and can be separated from the latter quantitatively. This explains why one may have a paretic curve in the gold test with ... date: 01 April 1920
Pages409–417From the foregoing it will be seen that each man was graded according to the navy standard on a basis of 1, 2, 3, 4, as follows: Mentally: 1. Inferior. 2. Low average. 3. High average. 4. Superior. Educationally: 1. Less than eighth grade. 2. Eighth grade ... REPORT ON THE NEUROSYPHILIS INVESTIGATION OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COMMISSION ON MENTAL DISEASES
Publication date: 01 April 1920
Pages449–4641. In 428 cases of neurosyphilis treated during a period of four years, 129 cases or practically 30 per cent showed definite benefit. 125 cases are under treatment in hospitals of which a certain percentage can be expected to show similar improvement. ...