American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 89
- Number 2
- September 1932
Publication date: 01 September 1932
Pages215–2381. Crime is due, in a Gestalt sense, to a perversion of the instinctive drives dependent upon a deficiency and imbalance of the endocrine glands. 2. Certain types of crimes are associated with certain types of endocrine malfunctioning. 3. Most criminals ... date: 01 September 1932
Pages239–283This study was undertaken in the hope of gaining a better understanding of the causation of persistent criminalism, manic-depressive psychoses, dementia præcox, epilepsy, and mental deficiency. A particular object was to determine the relative importance ... date: 01 September 1932
Pages355–368There have been presented the total blood cholesterol estimations, as measured in 100 cc. of whole blood, in 54 normal individuals and in 200 individuals not normal from a neuropsychiatric point of view. These two types of cases were considered as two ...