American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 90
- Number 5
- March 1934
Publication date: 01 March 1934
Pages1039–1082An examination of the clinico-pathological evidence offered for the concept of dementia præcox as a specific disease entity presents the following conclusions: 1. There are many contradictory opinions expressed on the topic of a uniform anatomical basis ... date: 01 March 1934
Pages1083–1084An ether-alcohol reaction in the spinal fluid is described. The end-product of this reaction is a flocculent material possessing the properties of a proteose-like substance. This proteose-like substance is present in all spinal fluids examined. STUDY OF THE TOTAL PROTEIN OF THE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID IN UNCOMPLICATED AND UNTREATED NEUROSYPHILIS
Publication date: 01 March 1934
Pages1085–1095A study of the cerebrospinal fluid total protein measured in mg. per 100 c. c. of cerebrospinal fluid of 446 cases of uncomplicated and untreated neurosyphilis is presented. There were 357 cases of general paresis, 48 cases of tabes without psychosis and ...