American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 93
- Number 2
- September 1936
Publication date: 01 September 1936
Pages263–301This paper is an exposition of a point of view based upon intensive clinical observations in a large number of cases of the development of the various groups of symptoms which constitute the neuroses. I have endeavored to show that the neuroses span the ... date: 01 September 1936
Pages347–360I have listed six therapeutic aims by which we attempt through prescription to meet specific unconscious emotional needs in the psychiatric patient. In describing these, it has been my purpose to report only positive findings and experiments, and I have ... date: 01 September 1936
Pages361–3741. Synthetic hematoporphyrin hydrochloride when injected into experimental animals (white rat and frog) produces photosensitization and motor activation with evidences of skin irritation. 2. When injected in test doses intradermally in human beings it ...