American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 95
- Number 6
- May 1939
Publication date: 01 May 1939
Pages1259–1276When the experimental conditions which led to behavior disturbances in the various species are compared, we find the following similarities: 1. In all the successful experiments, with the exception of those involving the chimpanzee and the cat, the ... date: 01 May 1939
Pages1277–1305A psychosomatic approach should characterize every medical history. The general physician who gives to his routine history and examination a focus and scope such as that here outlined, will save himself considerable bewilderment and many errors. If he ... date: 01 May 1939
Pages1307–1317Against the background of some six years' experience with research concerning psychosomatic problems, carried out on the wards of a general hospital, an attempt has been made in this paper to point out (1) the magnitude of the task psychotherapy has to ... date: 01 May 1939
Pages1349–1357A method is described in which a physiological state, similar to if not identical with "fear" is induced. It has been employed in a series of 20 cases to investigate and compare the relative therapeutic significance of "fear" with the usual convulsant ... date: 01 May 1939
Pages1365–1388In this communication, an effort is made to describe the formation of a ward for adolescent boys (the majority being nonpsychotic behavior problems) in Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. A description is given of the various types of group activities used on ...