American Journal of Psychotherapy
- Volume 69
- Number 1
- January 2015
Publication date: 01 January 2015
Pages1–17The present study examined the relationship between depth of defense interpretations by therapists, and patient defensive functioning, on the therapeutic alliance in a sample of 36 patients undergoing short-term dynamic psychotherapy. Defense ... Articles
Publication date: 01 January 2015
Pages19–33In his minor essay from 1914, Some Reflections on Schoolboy Psychology, Freud placed immense significance upon the father-son relationship as enabling or inhibiting the individual quest towards a mature, separate, and healthy development. In this essay, I ... date: 01 January 2015
Pages35–51Psychiatry and related mental health fields, in particular psychotherapy, have a long history of close ties with the humanities. That bond has weakened, however, over the last few decades as medicalized views of mental health and treatment have emerged. ... date: 01 January 2015
Pages53–63The current paper describes the dual-dialectical conceptualization, a theoretical psychotherapeutic conceptualization based on three major rules: duality, contradiction, and complementarity. The paper surveys these rules with respect to various ... date: 01 January 2015
Pages65–86This article presents the concept of “moments of high receptiveness” (MoHR or “Momentos de Alta Receptividad”), which is derived from the concept of “experiential coupling” (“Acoplamiento de Experiencias”) proposed by . Experiential ...