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Psychiatric Services

  • Volume 35
  • Number 7
  • July 1984


Publication date: 01 July 1984


The guest expert for this column is Dr. Richard Frances, associate professor of clinical psycbiatry at Cornell University Medical College and director of the alcohol program at the Westchester Division of New York Hospital in White Plains, New York.

Publication date: 01 July 1984


Much attention has been directed toward the use of lithium in bi-polar depressive illness (manicdepressive illness), but fewer studies have evaluated lithium's efficacy in unipolar depressive disorders. This paper critically reviews the literature dealing ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


A needs assessment was conducted to determine the existence and extent of differences between Vietnam-era veterans and other veterans residing within the catchment area of the Northport Veterans Administration Medical Center. The results of a ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


The historical uniqueness of the Vietnam War produced an unusually high rate of psychiatric dysfunction among veterans, particularly in the form of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Now, in the wake of unprecedented media coverage of PTSD and the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


To investigate the effectiveness of a referral coordinator on patient compliance with initial aftercare referrals, the authors conducted a three-phase study involving 554 adult psychiatric patients at a Veterans Administration medical center. The first ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


Restrictiveness of care was assessed among 286 severely mentally disabled individuals known to an urban community mental health center. By examining dinical records, the authors rated each subject for each month during a period of up to 85 months on four ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


Treatment interminability among nonpsychotic psychiatric patients is a subject not well Understood. Those who treat such patients are often nagged by a feeling that they are somehow failing, especially if the patient has a history of personal achievement. ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


A sample of 253 psychiatric emergency patients consecutively evaluated in a general hospital was studied to determine the role of psychiatric diagnosis in disposition decisions and the possible influences of patient and staff variables on diagnoses. ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


The authors compared a group of 58 adolescent girls who bad been pregnant once during a two-year period with an age-matched group of 58 girls who bad become pregnant at least twice during the same period. They found that the girls' attitudes toward ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


The authors evaluated 31 patients consecutively admitted to a locked acute treatment unit in California to determine the severity of their symptomatology, their attitudes toward treatment, and whether they would refuse medication if they had the ...

Publication date: 01 July 1984


It is possible, then, for a sizable proportion of acutely psychotic and severely depressed persons to be effectively treated in a carefully designed and closely supervised open, nonhospital setting at a greatly reduced cost, and with most of their liberty ...

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