Psychiatric Services
- Volume 39
- Number 10
- October 1988
Publication date: 01 October 1988
Pages1049–1054The courts' assumption that patients' refusals of treatment are based on autonomous decision making was evaluated by examining the opinions of 24 involuntarily medicated patients about their treatment. At discharge 17 patients felt that their treatment ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1055–1063Psychotherapy research is characterized by slowly accumulated findings, not by dramatic break-throughs. In this review of psychotherapy research methodology, the author identifies eight areas of relative consensus—such as the use of clinical trials, ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1064–1069Data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study were used to compare the demographic characteristics and psychiatric symptomatology of persons classified into four groups based on source of mental health services: clergy only, mental health specialists ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1070–1074State legislators and mental health professionals in Minnesota have been active in developing strategies to improve reporting, management, and rehabilitation of sexually exploitive therapists. In 1985 and 1986, the legislature criminalized sexual contact ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1074–1079The occurrence of geriatric depression and dementia of the Alzheimer type, two of the most common diseases of late life, is certain to increase as the proportion and absolute number of Americans over the age of 65 grow larger. Overlapping symptomatology ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1080–1084Court-mandated outpatient treatment for offenders found not guilty by reason of insanity is an alternative form of treatment in which insanity acquittees may be released into the community after serving part of their commitment in a forensic hospital. ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1085–1090Gallows humor, as depicted in television shows such as MASH and Hill Street Blues, fulfills important psychological and sociological functions in maintaining therapeutic attitudes in the stressful and sometimes dangerous milieu of a maximum-security ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1090–1094Courts and legislators continue to assume psychiatrists are able to predict dangerousness, but research has shown they have no special ability to do so. In this study, two psychiatrists examined 47 new inpatient admissions to a short-term psychiatric ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1095–1099Crisis assistance for persons with long-term mental illnesses is a critical part of comprehensive community support systems. Residential crisis services, while still not widely used, have been established in some communities and appear to have growing ... date: 01 October 1988
Pages1102–1103The video-based educational program was well received by both teachers and students. Teachers said they would use the videotape and curriculum supplement again, and students wanted even more detailed information about mental illness and its effects on ... Issues
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