Psychiatric Services
- Volume 39
- Number 9
- September 1988
Publication date: 01 September 1988
Pages941–945Much has gone wrong with deinstitutionalization. To get back on course, the author says, we should acknowledge that while deinstitutionalization was a positive step, it has gone too far—that some of the long-term mentally ill now in the community need ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages946–952Studies have shown that community support programs are more effective in treating the chronic mentally ill than traditional forms of aftercare. Yet an analysis of 33 controlled studies of community support programs reveals that almost no systematic ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages953–958In July 1983 Arizona's commitment statutes were revised to allow the courts to order involuntary outpatient treatment for the mentally ill. Using retrospective data from medical and court records, patients at a county hospital in Tucson for whom ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages959–962In July l983 four statewide Maryland citizens' organizations formed a coalition to advocate for persons with mental illnesses. The groups were the Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Maryland; On Our Own of Maryland, a statewide consumer group; the Maryland ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages963–966The relationship between frequent rehospitalization and compliance with treatment (medication and aftercare) was examined in a retrospective chart review of patients treated at an urban community mental health center over an 18-month period. Twenty-five ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages966–972The nation's response to AIDS has failed to effectively curb the spread of AIDS among intravenous (IV) drug users, who are primarily responsible for transmitting the disease to heterosexuals and children. A study assessing awareness of AIDS among 58 ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages973–979Twenty-nine local affiliates of two national organizations that sponsor community-based intervention programs for juvenile firesetters completed a 32-item survey on the characteristics of the populations served, the services provided, program operations, ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages980–985The activities of a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals during their initial year of work to upgrade the mental health system in the English-speaking Caribbean nation of Grenada are described. Improvement of services at the island's only ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages986–988Our study suggests that people with major psychiatric illnesses can learn about AIDS and that the attempts of inpatient staffs to reach them could be improved. Our task force is now addressing with renewed vigor the issue of department-wide AIDS education ... date: 01 September 1988
Pages988–989The use of a pass must be carefully documented and the patient's clinical status at the time a pass is used clearly noted. Since patients who are suicidal at admission are frequently prescribed passes, it is imperative to note their potential for self-... date: 01 September 1988
Pages998-a–998An article on page 679 of the June 1988 issue erroneously reported the results of the election for the American Psychiatric Association's Area I trustee. The winner was Herbert S. Sacks, M.D., of New Haven, Connecticut. Dr. Sacks is in private practice ... Issues
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