The following books are presented here as a service to our readership to alert them of new titles and as a courtesy to those who have sent copies of these books to the Journal office.
Handbook of Secure Care, by Geoffrey Dickens, Philip Sugarman, and Marco Picchioni. RCPsych Publications, 2015, 348 pp., $ 90.00 (paper).
Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of the Psychological Problems, 2nd. ed., Hal Arkowitz, Ph.D., William R. Miller, Ph.D., and Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D. (eds). Guilford Publications, 2015, 400 pp., $55.00.
Treating The Other Third: Vicissitudes of Adolescent Development and Therapy, by H. Spencer Bloch. Karnac Books, 2015, 304 pp., $42.95.
Emergency Psychiatry, Kevin Nicholls (eds). RCPsych Publications, 2015, 352 pp., $50.00 (paper).
Using Hypnosis with Children, Lynn Lyons. W.W. Norton and Company, 2015, 400 pp., $35.00.
School Mental Health, Yifeng Wei and Mark D. Weist. Cambridge University Press, 2015, 333 pp., $150.00.
Identifying Perinatal Depression and Anxiety, Alan W. Gemmill. Blackwell John Wiley and Sons, 2015, 296 pp., $49.95 (paper).
Neuroimmunity: A New Science That Will Revolutionize How We Keep Our Bodies Healthy and Young, Michal Schwartz with Anat London, Yale University Press, 2015, 320 pp., $35.00.
DSM-5 Selections: Neurodevelopmental Disorders, American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2015, 182 pp., $39.00 (paper).
DSM-5 Selections: Feeding and Eating Disorders, American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2015, 72 pp., $39.00 (paper).
DSM-5 Selections: Anxiety Disorders, American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2015, 114 pp., $39.00 (paper).
Enabling Recovery: The Principles and Practice of Rehabilitation Psychiatry, 2nd ed., Frank Holloway, Sridevi Kalidindi, Helen Killaspy, and Glenn Roberts (eds). RCPsych Publications, 2015, 496 pp., $70.00 (paper).
DSM-5 Classification, American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2015, 65 pp., $29.95 (paper).
Clinical Manual of Emergency Psychiatry, 2nd ed., Michelle B Riva, Divy Ravindranath and Gerald Scott Winder (eds). American Psychiatric Association, 2015, 375 pp., $70.00 (paper).
Screaming at the Void: An Expedition Into the Heart of a Contemporary Poet, Erica Loberg. Depth of View Publishing, LLC, 2014, 150 pp., $24.00 (paper).
Essential Psychotherapy and Its Treatment, 4th ed., Mark D Kilgus, Jerrold S Maxmen, and Nicholas G Ward. W.W. Norton and Company, 2015, 720 pp., $79.95 (paper).
Son: A Psychopath and His Victims, Jack Olsen. Scribner, 2015, 592 pp., $18.00 (paper).