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Published Online: 1 January 2004

Bibliography for Schizophrenia

This section contains a compilation of recent publications that have shaped the thinking in the field as well as classic works that remain important to the subject reviewed in this issue. This bibliography has been compiled by experts in the field and members of the editorial and advisory boards. The entries for the bibliography are listed in reverse chronological order. Articles from the bibliography that are reprinted in this issue are in bold.
American Psychiatric Association: Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia, 2nd ed. Arlington, Va, in press
Davis JM, Chen N, Glick ID: A meta-analysis of the efficacy of second-generation antipsychotics. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003; 60:553–564
Johnstone P, Zolese G: Length of hospitalisation for people with severe mental illness. In Cochrane Library, vol 1. Oxford, England, Update Software, 2003
Csernansky JG, Mahmoud R, Brenner R: A comparison of risperidone and haloperidol for the prevention of relapse in patients with schizophrenia. N Engl J Med 2002; 346:16–22
Folsom D, Jeste DV: Schizophrenia in homeless persons: a systematic review of the literature. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2002; 105:404–413
Friedman JI, Adler DN, Howanitz E, Harvey PD, Brenner G, Temporini H, White L, Parrella M, Davis KL: A double blind placebo controlled trial of donepezil adjunctive treatment to risperidone for the cognitive impairment of schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 51:349–357
Glick I, Dixon L: Patient and family support organization services should be included as part of treatment for the severely mentally ill. Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2002; 8:1–7
Glynn SM, Marder SR, Liberman RP, Blair K, Wirshing WC, Wirshing DA, Ross D, Mintz J: Supplementing clinic-based skills training with manual-based community support sessions: effects on social adjustment of patients with schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:829–837
McGorry PD, Yung AR, Phillips LJ, Yuen HP, Francey S, Cosgrave EM, Germano D, Bravin J, McDonald T, Blair A, Adlard S, Jackson H: Randomized controlled trial of interventions designed to reduce the risk of progression to first-episode psychosis in a clinical sample with subthreshold symptoms. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002; 59:921–928
Meltzer HY: Suicidality in schizophrenia: a review of the evidence for risk factors and treatment options. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2002; 4:279–283
Mueser KT, Corrigan PW, Hilton DW, Tanzman B, Schaub A, Gingerich S, Essock SM, Tarrier N, Morey B, Vogel-Scibilia S, Herz MI: Illness management and recovery: a review of the research. Psychiatr Serv 2002; 53:1272–1284
Seeman P: Atypical antipsychotics: mechanism of action. Can J Psychiatry 2002; 47:27–38
Volavka J, Czobor P, Sheitman B, Lindenmayer JP, Citrome L, McEvoy JP, Cooper TB, Chakos M, Lieberman JA: Clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, and haloperidol in the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:255–262
Whitehead C, Moss S, Cardno A, Lewis G: Antidepressants for people with both schizophrenia and depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002, CD002305
Zygmunt A, Olfson M, Boyer CA, Mechanic D: Interventions to improve medication adherence in schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:1653–1664
Chakos M, Lieberman J, Hoffman E, Bradford D, Sheitman B: Effectiveness of second-generation antipsychotics in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158:518–526
Conley RR, Mahmoud R: A randomized double-blind study of risperidone and olanzapine in the treatment of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158:765–774
Drake RE, Essock SM, Shaner A, Carey KB, Minkoff K, Kola L, Lynde D, Osher FC, Clark RE, Rickards L: Implementing dual diagnosis services for clients with severe mental illness. Psychiatr Serv 2001; 52:469–476
Gitlin M, Nuechterlein K, Subotnik KL, Ventura J, Mintz J, Fogelson DL, Bartzokis G, Aravagiri M: Clinical outcome following neuroleptic discontinuation in patients with remitted recent-onset schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158:1835–1842
Gould RA, Mueser KT, Bolton E, Mays V, Goff D: Cognitive therapy for psychosis in schizophrenia: an effect size analysis. Schizophr Res 2001; 48:335–342
Larsen TK, McGlashan TH, Johannessen JO, Friis S, Guldberg C, Haahr U, Horneland M, Melle I, Moe LC, Opjordsmoen S, Simonsen E, Vaglum P: Shortened duration of untreated first episode of psychosis: changes in patient characteristics at treatment. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158:1917–1919
Lieberman J, Chakos M, Wu H, Alvir J, Hoffman E, Robinson D, Bilder R: Longitudinal study of brain morphology in first episode schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2001; 49:487–499
Lieberman JA, Perkins D, Belger A, Chakos M, Jarskog F, Boteva K, Gilmore J: The early stages of schizophrenia: speculations on pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and therapeutic approaches. Biol Psychiatry 2001; 50:884–897
Meltzer HY: Treatment of suicidality in schizophrenia. Ann NY Acad Sci 2001; 932:44–58
Pitschel-Walz G, Leucht S, Bauml J, Kissling W, Engel RR: The effect of family interventions on relapse and rehospitalization in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis. Schizophr Bull 2001; 27:73–92
Potkin SG, Fleming K, Jin Y, Gulasekaram B: Clozapine enhances neurocognition and clinical symptomatology more than standard neuroleptics. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2001; 21:479–483
Swoboda E, Conca A, Konig P, Waanders R, Hansen M: Maintenance electroconvulsive therapy in affective and schizoaffective disorder. Neuropsychobiology 2001; 43:23–28
Weinberger DR, Egan MF, Bertolino A, Callicott JH, Mattay VS, Lipska BK, Berman KF, Goldberg TE: Prefrontal neurons and the genetics of schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2001; 50:825–844
Geddes J, Freemantle N, Harrison P, Bebbington P: Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia: systematic overview and meta-regression analysis. BMJ 2000; 321:1371–1376
Kapur S, Seeman P: Antipsychotic agents differ in how fast they come off the dopamine D2 receptors: implications for atypical antipsychotic action. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2000; 25:161–166
Leung A, Chue P: Sex differences in schizophrenia: a review of the literature. Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl 2000; 401:3–38
Lauriello J, Bustillo J, Keith SJ: A critical review of research on psychosocial treatment of schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 1999; 46:1409–1417
Miller AL, Chiles JA, Chiles JK, Crismon ML, Rush AJ, Shon SP: The Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) schizophrenia algorithms. J Clin Psychiatry 1999; 60:649–657
Robinson D, Woerner MG, Alvir JM, Bilder R, Goldman R, Geisler S, Koreen A, Sheitman B, Chakos M, Mayerhoff D, Lieberman JA: Predictors of relapse following response from a first episode of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999; 56:241–247
Rosenheck R, Dunn L, Peszke M, Cramer J, Xu W, Thomas J, Charney D: Impact of clozapine on negative symptoms and on the deficit syndrome in refractory schizophrenia. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Clozapine in Refractory Schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 1999; 156:88–93
Ho BC, Nopoulos P, Flaum M, Arndt S, Andreasen NC: Two-year outcome in first-episode schizophrenia: predictive value of symptoms for quality of life. Am J Psychiatry 1998; 155:1196–1201
Larsen TK, Johannessen JO, Opjordsmoen S: First-episode schizophrenia with long duration of untreated psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 1998; 172(suppl 33):40–45
McGlashan TH: The profiles of clinical deterioration in schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res 1998; 32:133–141
Mueser KT, Bond GR, Drake RE, Resnick SG: Models of community care for severe mental illness: a review of research on case management. Schizophr Bull 1998; 24:37–74
Hogarty GE, Kornblith SJ, Greenwald D, DiBarry AL, Cooley S, Ulrich RF, Carter M, Flesher S: Three-year trials of personal therapy among schizophrenic patients living with or independent of family: I. description of study and effects on relapse rates. Am J Psychiatry 1997; 154:1504–1513
Lindamer LA, Lohr JB, Harris MJ, Jeste DV: Gender, estrogen, and schizophrenia. Psychopharmacol Bull 1997; 33:221–228
Marder SR, Davis JM, Chouinard G: The effects of risperidone on the five dimensions of schizophrenia derived by factor analysis: combined results of the North American trials. J Clin Psychiatry 1997; 58:538–546
Rosenheck R, Cramer J, Xu W, Thomas J, Henderson W, Frisman L, Fye C, Charney D: A comparison of clozapine and haloperidol in hospitalized patients with refractory schizophrenia. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Clozapine in Refractory Schizophrenia. N Engl J Med 1997; 337:809–815
Schultz SK, Miller DD, Oliver SE, Arndt S, Flaum M, Andreasen NC: The life course of schizophrenia: age and symptom dimensions. Schizophr Res 1997; 23:15–23
Buchanan RW: Pharmacological strategies for treating negative symptoms, in The New Pharmacotherapy of Schizophrenia. Edited by Breier A. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1996, pp 179–204
Green MF: What are the functional consequences of neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia? Am J Psychiatry 1996; 153:321–330
Jeste DV, Gladsjo JA, Lindamer LA, Lacro JP: Medical comorbidity in schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 1996; 22:413–430
Sledge WH, Tebes J, Rakfeldt J, Davidson L, Lyons L, Druss B: Day hospital/crisis respite care versus inpatient care, part I: clinical outcomes. Am J Psychiatry 1996; 153:1065–1073
Sledge WH, Tebes J, Wolff N, Helminiak TW: Day hospital/crisis respite care versus inpatient care, part II: service utilization and costs. Am J Psychiatry 1996; 153:1074–1083
Yung AR, McGorry PD, McFarlane CA, Jackson HJ, Patton GC, Rakkar A: Monitoring and care of young people at incipient risk of psychosis. Schizophr Bull 1996; 22:283–303
Carpenter WT Jr, Buchanan RW: Schizophrenia. New Engl J Med 1994; 330:681–690
Karno M, Jenkins JH: Cross-cultural issues in the course and treatment of schizophrenia. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1993; 16:339–350
Lewis G, David A, Andreasson S, Allebeck P: Schizophrenia and city life. Lancet 1992; 340:137–140
Zisook S, Heaton R, Moranville J, Kuck J, Jernigan T, Braff D: Past substance abuse and clinical course of schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 1992; 149:552–553
Hogarty GE, Anderson CM, Reiss DJ, Kornblith SJ, Greenwald DP, Ulrich RF, Carter M: Family psychoeducation, social skills training, and maintenance chemotherapy in the aftercare treatment of schizophrenia: II. two-year effects of a controlled study on relapse and adjustment. Environmental-Personal Indicators in the Course of Schizophrenia (EPICS) Research Group. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1991; 48:340–347
Schooler NR: Maintenance medication for schizophrenia: strategies for dose reduction. Schizophr Bull 1991; 17:311–324
Siris SG: Diagnosis of secondary depression in schizophrenia: implications for DSM-IV. Schizophr Bull 1991; 17:75–98
Wolkowitz OM, Pickar D: Benzodiazepines in the treatment of schizophrenia: a review and reappraisal. Am J Psychiatry 1991; 148:714–726
Meltzer HY, Burnett S, Bastani B, Ramirez LF: Effects of six months of clozapine treatment on the quality of life of chronic schizophrenic patients. Hosp Community Psychiatry 1990; 41:892–897
Regier DA, Farmer ME, Rae DS, Locke BZ, Keith SJ, Judd LL, Goodwin FK: Comorbidity of mental disorders with alcohol and other drug abuse: results from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study. JAMA 1990; 264:2511–2518
Liberman RP, DeRisis WJ, Mueser KT: Social Skills Training for Psychiatric Patients. Needham Heights, Mass, Allyn & Bacon, 1989
Kane J, Honigfeld G, Singer J, Meltzer H: Clozapine for the treatment-resistant schizophrenic: a double-blind comparison with chlorpromazine. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:789–796
Mednick SA, Machon RA, Huttunen MO, Bonett D: Adult schizophrenia following prenatal exposure to an influenza epidemic. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:189–192
Siris SG, van Kammen DP, Docherty JP: Use of antidepressant drugs in schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1978; 35:1368–1377
Seeman P, Lee T, Chau-Wong M, Wong K: Antipsychotic drug doses and neuroleptic/dopamine receptors. Nature 1976; 261:717–719
Prien RF, Caffey EM Jr, Klett CJ: A comparison of lithium carbonate and chlorpromazine in the treatment of excited schizo-affectives. Report of the Veterans Administration and National Institute of Mental Health collaborative study group. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1972; 27:182–189
May PR: Treatment of Schizophrenia. New York, Science House, 1968

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Published online: 1 January 2004
Published in print: January 2004


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