Scientific Program
The 11th Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, jointly sponsored by the Behavioral Neurology Society and the Ohio State University Medical Center, will be held in Fort Myers, Florida, February 20-22, 2000. This first meeting of our second decade will see an exciting program in a lovely setting.
The program starts with a keynote address Sunday evening by Dr. Michael Gazzaniga, a prominent cognitive neuroscientist and exciting lecturer. The luncheon speaker Monday is the medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter, who will discuss the relationship between neurology and psychiatry as it has changed over time. The remainder of the scientific program consists of a symposium on brain imaging in pediatric neuropsychiatric disorders; a two-part symposium on affect and motivation; and our customary closing panel on a controversy in neuropsychiatry, this year's topic being psychopathy.
The panel on imaging is this year's Presidential Symposium, coordinated by the incoming president of ANPA, Dr. Stuart Yudofsky. The final panel, on psychopathy, is hosted by Dr. Richard Restak. It includes contributions from Dr. Robert Hare, whose work has fundamentally shaped our understanding of psychopathy; Dr. Adrian Raine, whose biological research on criminal behavior is well known; and a social psychologist, Dr. Paul Babiak, who will contribute a point of view about organizations and behavior different from our usual ways of thinking.
The two-part symposium is a new format for us, and we hope it will allow a full discussion of both the biological basis of emotion (primarily in the Monday session) and its clinical neuropsychiatry (primarily on Tuesday). The chairs are Drs. Mark George and Robert Marin, and their panelists are Dr. Jaak Panksepp, Dr. Richard Davison, Dr. Kenneth Heilman, Prof. Michael Trimble, Dr. Ralph Adolphs, and Dr. Peter Kalivas. We have arranged for the panelists to be present for both of these sessions, and we expect an exciting interchange between basic scientists and clinicians on a topic central to neuropsychiatry.
Over a hundred posters will present research in two sessions, on Sunday and on Tuesday. The abstracts appear in this issue, and even a quick perusal should confirm that we will all be able to learn from the cutting-edge material to be presented in Florida.
This meeting would not be possible without the generous support of many contributors, who are listed on the program. It also would not be possible without the organizational skill of Sandy Bornstein at the ANPA office, who has coordinated the many elements of the meeting with grace.
The members of the Scientific Program Committee look forward to seeing you in Florida.
Chair, Scientific Program Committee