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Published Online: 1 November 2004
Publication: The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

Author Index

Ahmed I: See Fujii D
Al-Adawi S, Dorvlo ASS, Burke DT, Huynh CC, Jacob L, Knights R, Shah MK, Al-Hussaini A'A: Apathy and depression in cross-cultural survivors of traumatic brain injury. Fall 435–442
Albanese AM: See Galarza M
Albanese EF: See Galarza M
Alexander GE: See Caselli RJ
Al-Hussaini A'A: See Al-Adawi S
Anderson K: See Devi G
Andreasen NC: See Crespo-Facorro B
Andreou C: See Petrikis P
Arfanakis K: See Hurley RA
Aronen HJ: See Vataja R
Baeumer D: See Rüsch N
Bakshi R: See Fishman I
Bédard MA: See Paquet F
Benedetti F, Campori E, Colombo C, Smeraldi E: Fluvoxamine treatment of major depression associated with multiple sclerosis. Summer 364–366
Benedict RHB: See Fishman I
Bernardo M: See Rami-González L
Bernstein GA: See Kim SW
Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA: Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging (windows to the brain). Summer 245–251
Boake C, Contant CF, Goodman HS, McCauley SR, Song JX, Brundage SI, Merritt SG, Levin HS, Brown SA, Diaz-Marchan PJ: Limited agreement between criteria-based diagnosis of post-concussional syndrome. Fall 493–499
Boget T: See Rami-González L
Bohning DE: See Kozel FA
Bolla K, Ernst M, Kiehl K, Mouratidis M, Eldreth D, Contoreggi C, Matochik J, Kurian V, Cadet J, Kimes A, Funderburk F, London E: Prefrontal cortical dysfunction in abstinent cocaine abusers. Fall 456–464
Bornstein RA: See Cristiani SA
Bowen B: See Schiffer RB
Brandt J, Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL: Cognitive impairments in cerebellar degeneration: a comparison with Huntington's disease. Spring 176–184
Braslow K: See Turkel SB
Brodaty H: See Sachdev P
Brown RG: See Nathaniel-James DA
Brown SA: See Boake C
Brown WA: See Ottowitz WE
Brundage SI: See Boake C
Burke DT: See Al-Adawi S
By N, Lim CCT, Yeong A: Neuropsychiatry sequelae of Nipah virus encephalitis. Fall 500–504
Cadet J: See Bolla K
Campori E: See Benedetti F
Carey P, Seedat S, Warwick J, van Heerden B, Stein DJ: SPECT imaging of body dysmorphic disorder. Summer 357–359
Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Hentz JG, Osborne D, Alexander GE: A distinctive interaction between chronic anxiety and problem solving in asymptomatic APOE e4 homozygotes. Summer 320–329
Castillo M: See Courvoisie H
Chang K-H: See Kang D-H
Chemerinski E: See Crespo-Facorro B
Chen A: See Spence DW
Chen LS: See Turkel SB
Choi J-S: See Kang D-H
Chow TW: Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, by Cummings JL, Mega MS (book review). Summer 379–380
Clark DG: See Mendez MF
Coffey CE, Silver J, McAllister T, Restak R: An update of the strategic plan for neuropsychiatry (editorial). Spring 133–134
Coleman E: See Malaspina D
Colombo C: See Benedetti F
Contant CF: See Boake C
Contoreggi C: See Bolla K
Corcoran C: See Malaspina D
Courvoisie H, Hooper SR, Fine C, Kwock L, Castillo M: Neurometabolic functioning and neuropsychological correlates in children with ADHD-H: preliminary findings. Winter 63–69
Crespo-Facorro B, Kim J-J, Chemerinski E, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P: Morphometry of the superior temporal plane in schizophrenia: relationship to clinical correlates. Summer 284–294
Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA: Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Summer 330–335
Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R: Posttraumatic stress disorder: acquisition, recognition, course, and treatment. Spring 135–147
Deldin P: See Kimble M
DeLong R: Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related?. Spring 199–213
Devanand DP: See Devi G
Devi G, Williamson J, Massoud F, Anderson K, Stern Y, Devanand DP, Mayeux R: A comparison of family history of psychiatric disorder among patients with early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Winter 57–62
Diaz-Marchan PJ: See Boake C
Dorvlo ASS: See Al-Adawi S
Dougherty DD: See Ottowitz WE
Duggal HS: Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome and subdural hematoma (letter). Winter 118–119
Duggal HS: Interictal psychosis presenting with Fregoli syndrome (letter). Fall 543–544
Ebert D: See Rüsch N
Ehlis A-C: See Herrmann MJ
Eldreth D: See Bolla K
Elhai JD: See Kozel FA
Elie A: See Paquet F
Engel GL, Romano J: Delirium, a syndrome of cerebral insufficiency. Fall 526–538
Erkinjuntti T: See Vataja R
Ernst M: See Bolla K
Fallgatter AJ: See Herrmann MJ
Fattal D: See Razavi M
Ferrell RB: See Nash MC
Ferrer J: See Rami-González L
Fine C: See Courvoisie H
Fischer K: See Vlassenko A
Fishman I, Benedict RHB, Bakshi R, Priore R, Weinstock-Guttman B: Construct validity and frequency of euphoria sclerotica in multiple sclerosis. Summer 350–356
Freeman A: See Lauterbach EC
Freyberger HJ: See Spitzer C
Friedland R: See Lee JH
Fujii D, Ahmed I, Hishinuma E: A neuropsychological comparison of psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury without psychotic disorder, and schizophrenia. Summer 306–314
Funderburk F: See Bolla K
Galarza M, Merlo AB, Ingratta A, Albanese EF, Albanese AM: Cavum septum pellucidum and its increased prevalence in schizophrenia: a neuroembyrological classification. Winter 41–46
Garyfallos G: See Petrikis P
George MS: See Kozel FA
Giles FH: See Turkel SB
Gil-Verona JA: See Rami-González L
Goetz RR: See Malaspina D
Goldstein G: See Sanders RD
Gontkovsky ST: Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience, Third Edition, by Rosenzweig MR, Breedlove SM, Leiman AL (book review). Winter 122–123
Goodman HS: See Boake C
Gourley L: See Liszewski CM
Grabe H-J: See Spitzer C
Grant JE: See Kim SW
Groves M: Mental and Behavioral Dysfunction in Movement Disorders, edited by Bédard M-A, Agid Y, Chouinard S, Fahn S, Korczyn A, Lespérance P (book review). Fall 539–542
Haas GH: See Sanders RD
Habib M: Athymhormia and disorders of motivation in basal ganglia disease. Fall 509–524
Han ME: See Kang D-H
Hashimoto M: See Hirono N
Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T: Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Winter 119–120
Hentz JG: See Caselli RJ
Hermann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ: Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Spring 170–175
Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR: The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Summer 261–276
Higuchi H: See Takahashi H; Yoshida K
Hinderliter J: See Schiffer RB
Hirono N, Hashimoto M, Ishii K, Kazui H, Mori E: One-year change in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. Fall 488–492
Hishinuma E: See Fujii D
Hooper SR: See Courvoisie H
Horner MD: See Kozel FA
Hurley RA: See Black DN; Seritan AL; Taber KH
Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K. Taber KH: Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification (windows to the brain). Winter 1–7
Hurst DL: See Schiffer RB
Huynh CC: See Al-Adawi S
Hyder D: See Turkel SB
Ingratta A: See Galarza M
Ishii K: See Hirono N
Ismail MS, Richard IH: A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease?. Winter 8–18
Jacob L: See Al-Adawi S
Jain U: See Spence DW
Jaszcz WB: See Kim SW
Jones RD: See Razavi M
Jorge RE: See Tateno A
Kang D-H, Kim J-J, Choi J-S, Kim YI, Kim C-W, Youn T, Han MH, Chang K-H, Kwon JS: Volumetric investigation of the frontal-subcortical circuitry in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Summer 342–349
Kaste M: See Vataja R
Katzman MA: See Spence DW
Kaufman K: See Menza M
Kaufman M: See Kimble M
Kayumov L: See Spence DW
Kazui H: See Hirono N
Keshavan MS: See Sanders RD
Khan A: See Taber KH
Khan LR: See Herrmann N
Kiehl K: See Bolla K
Kim C-W: See Kang D-H
Kim J-J: See Crespo-Facorro B; Kang D-H
Kim SI: See Kim SW
Kim SW, Grant JE, Kim SI, Swanson TA, Bernstein GA, Jaszcz WB, Williams KA, Schlievert PM: A possible association of recurrent streptococcal infections and acute onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Summer 252–260
Kim YI: See Kang D-H
Kimble M, Ruddy K, Deldin P, Kaufman M: A CNV-distraction paradigm in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Winter 102–108
Kimes A: See Bolla K
Klosewska I: See Sobow T
Knights R: See Al-Adawi S
Kozel FA, Revell LJ, Lorberbaum JP, Shastri A, Elhai JD, Horner MD, Smith A, Nahas Z, Bohning DE, George MS: A pilot study of functional magnetic resonance imaging brain correlates of deception in healthy young men. Summer 295–305
Kurian V: See Bolla K
Kurup PA: See Kurup RK
Kurup RK, Kurup PA: Familial hypothalamic digoxin deficiency syndrome. Winter 93–101
Kwock L: See Courvoisie H
Kwon JS: See Kang D-H
Lajara-Nanson WA: See Schiffer RB
Lanctót KL: See Herrmann N
Lauritano M: See Menza M
Lauterbach EC, Freeman A, Vogel RL: Differential DSM-III psychiatric disorder prevalence profiles in dystonia and Parkinson's disease. Winter 29–36
Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI: Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Spring 192–198
Leppävuori A: See Vataja R
Leroi I: See Brandt J; Liszewski CM
Lévesque M: See Paquet F
Levin HS: See Boake C
Licina M, Vitorovic S, Vilikonja I: Frontotemporal arachnoid cyst connected to relapsing stupor (letter). Winter 120
Lim CCT: See By N
Lim GTH: See Mendez MF
Liszewski CM, O'Hearn E, Leroi I, Gourley L, Ross CA, Margolis RL: Cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms in 133 patients with diseases associated with cerebellar degeneration. Winter 109–112
Lo Coco D, Nacci P: Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Winter 117–118
Loganovsky KN, Yuryev KL: EEG patterns in persons exposed to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Part 2: quantitative EEG analysis in patients who had acute radiation sickness. Winter 70–82
Lombardo MA: See Nash MC
London E: See Bolla K
Lorberbaum JP: See Kozel FA
Lowe A: See Spence DW
Magnotta V: See Crespo-Facorro B
Maier M: See Nathaniel-James DA
Malaspina D, Simon N, Goetz RR, Corcoran C, Coleman E, Printz D, Mujica-Parodi L, Wolitzky R: The reliability and clinical correlates of figure-ground perception in schizophrenia. Summer 277–283
Mäntylä R: See Vataja R
Manzel K: See Razavi M
Margolis RL: See Brandt J; Liszewski CM
Marin H: See Menza M
Mark M: See Menza M
Massoud F: See Devi G
Matochik J: See Bolla K
Mayeux R: See Devi G
McAllister T: See Coffey CE
McCauley SR: See Boake C
McGowan JC: See Hurley RA
Mellers J: See Nathaniel-James DA
Mendez MF: See Seritan AL
Mendez MF, O'Connor SM, Lim GTH: Hypersexuality after right pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Winter 37–40
Mendez MF, Saghafi S, Clark DG: Semantic dementia in multilingual patients (letter). Summer 381
Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M: Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact of anxiety, disability, and cognition. Summer 315–319
Merlo AB: See Galarza M
Merritt SG: See Boake C
Meyers CA: See Scheibel RS
Mintun MA: See Vlassenko A
Möller B: See Spitzer C
Mori E: See Hirono N
Mouratidis M: See Bolla K
Mujica-Parodi L: See Malaspina D
Murai T, Takagi S: Charlet Bonnet syndrome and panic disorder (letter). Summer 382–383
Nacci P: See Lo Coco D
Nahas Z: See Kozel FA
Nash MC, Ferrell RB, Lombardo MA, Williams RB: Treatment of bruxism in Huntington's disease with botulinum toxin (letter). Summer 381–382
Nathaniel-James DA, Brown RG, Maier M, Mellers J, Toone B, Ron MA: Cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy. Fall 472–479
Nelson M: See Turkel SB
Neylan TC: Introduction to Engel and Romano: Delirium, a syndrome of cerebral insufficiency. Fall 526–538
Niaura R: See Ottowitz WE
Nopoulos P: See Crespo-Facorro B
O'Brien S: See Scheibel RS
O'Connor SM: See Mendez MF
O'Hearn E: See Brandt J; Liszewski CM
Osborne D: See Caselli RJ
Ottowitz WE, Dougherty DD, Sirota A, Niaura R, Rauch SL, Brown WA: Neural and endocrine correlates of sadness: implications for neural network regulation of HPA activity. Fall 446–455
Packard RC: See Schiffer RB
Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA: Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Winter 47–56
Perelman B: See Spence DW
Petrikis P, Andreou C, Pitsavas A, Garyfallos G: Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder without evidence of focal cerebral lesions: a case report (letter). Winter 116–117
Pitsavas A: See Petrikis P
Pohjasvaara T: See Vataja R
Portella MJ: See Rami-González L
Printz D: See Malaspina D
Priore R: See Fishman I
Pukay-Martin ND: See Cristiani SA
Rami L, Bernardo M, Boget T, Ferrer J, Portella MJ, Gil-Verona JA, Salamero M: Cognitive status of psychiatric patients under maintenance electroconvulsive therapy: a one-year longitudinal study. Fall 465–471
Rauch SL: See Ottowitz WE
Razavi M, Jones RD, Manzel K, Fattal D, Rizzo M: Steroid-responsive Charles Bonnet syndrome in temporal arteritis. Fall 505–508
Reiman EM: See Caselli RJ
Restak R: See Coffey CE
Revell LJ: See Kozel FA
Richard IH: See Ismail MS
Rizos T: See Spitzer C
Rizzo M: See Razavi M
Robinson RG: See Tateno A
Romano J: See Engel GL
Ron MA: See Nathaniel-James DA
Rosenblatt A: See Brandt J
Ross CA: See Liszewski CM
Ruddy K: See Kimble M
Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR: Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Spring 148–155
Sachdev P, Wen W, Shnier R, Brodaty H: Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI. Winter 83–92
Saghafi S: See Mendez MF
Salamero M: See Rami-González L
Salonen O: See Vataja R
Sanders RD, Schuepbach D, Goldstein G, Sweeny JA, Keshavan MS, Haas GL: Relationships between cognitive and neurologic performance in neuroleptic-naïve psychosis. Fall 480–487
Scheibel RS, Valentine AD, O'Brien S, Meyers CA: Cognitive dysfunction and depression during treatment with interferon-alpha and chemotherapy. Spring 185–191
Schiavetto A: See Turner R
Schiffer RB, Bowen B, Hinderliter J, Hurst DL, Lajara-Nanson WA, Packard RC: Neuropsychiatry: a management model for academic medicine. Summer 336–341
Schlievert PM: See Kim SW
Schmahmann JD: Disorders of the cerebella: ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Summer 367–378
Schuepbach D: See Sanders RD
Seedat S: See Carey P
Sekine A: See Hayakawa Y
Seritan AL: See Black DN
Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH: Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Fall 393–399
Shah MK: See Al-Adawi S
Shalev AY: See Davidson JRT
Shapiro CM: See Spence DW
Shastri A: See Kozel FA
Sheline YI: See Vlassenko A
Shen J: See Spence DW
Shimizu T: See Hayakawa Y; Takahashi H; Yoshida K
Shnier R: See Sachdev P
Silver J: See Coffey CE
Silverman DHS: See Seritan AL
Simard M, van Reekum R: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies. Fall 409–425
Simon N: See Malaspina D
Sirota A: See Ottowitz WE
Smeraldi E: See Benedetti F
Smith A: See Kozel FA
Sobow T, Kloszewska I: Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Winter 120–121
Song JX: See Boake C
Soucy JP: See Paquet F
Spence DW, Kayumov L, Chen A, Lowe A, Jain U, Katzman MA, Shen J, Perelman B, Shapiro CM: Acupuncture increases nocturnal melatonin secretion and reduces insomnia and anxiety: a preliminary report. Winter 19–28
Spitzer C, Willert C, Grabe H-J, Rizos T, Möller B, Freyberger HJ: Dissociation, hemispheric asymmetry, and dysfunction of hemispheric interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Spring 163–169
Stein DJ: See Carey P; Davidson JRT
Stern Y: See Devi G
Stip E: See Paquet F
Sugita T: See Takahashi H
Swanson TA: See Kim SW
Sweeny JA: See Sanders RD
Taber KH: See Black DN; Hurley RA; Seritan AL
Taber KH, Wen C, Khan A, Hurley RA: The limbic thalamus (windows to the brain). Spring 127–132
Takagi S: See Murai T
Takahashi H: See Yoshida K
Takahashi H, Sugita T, Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Shimizu T: Effect of quetiapine in the treatment of panic attacks in patients with schizophrenia: 3 case reports. Winter 113–115
Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG: Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Fall 426–434
Tavaré CJ: See Turkel SB
Toone J: See Nathaniel-James DA
Trimble MR: See Rüsch N
Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ: Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Fall 443–445
Turner R, Schiavetto A: The cerebellum in schizophrenia: a case of intermittent ataxia and psychosis—clinical, cognitive, neurocognitive correlates. Fall 400–408
Valentine AD: See Scheibel RS
van Elst LT: See Rüsch N
van Heerden B: See Carey P
van Reekum R: See Simard M
Vataja R, Leppävuori A, Pohjasvaara T, Mäntylä R, Aronen HJ, Salonen O, Kaste M, Erkinjuntti T: Poststroke depression and lesion location revisited. Spring 156–162
Velikonja I: See Licina M
Vitorovic S: See Licina M
Vlassenko A, Sheline YI, Fischer K, Mintun MA: Cerebral perfusion response to successful treatment of depression with different serotonergic agents. Summer 360–363
Vogel RL: See Lauterbach EC
Warwick J: See Carey P
Weinstock-Guttman B: See Fishman I
Wen C: See Taber KH
Wen W: See Sachdev P
Whitehouse PJ: See Lee JH
Willert C: See Spitzer C
Williams KA: See Kim SW
Williams RB: See Nash MC
Williamson J: See Devi G
Wolitzky R: See Malaspina D
Woo JI: See Lee JH
Woodall L: See Turkel SB
Yehuda R: See Davidson JRT
Yeong A: See By N
Yoshida K: See Takahashi H
Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Takahashi H, Shimizu T: Ejaculation after defecation without orgasm induced by milnacipran (letter). Fall 544
Youn T: See Kang D-H
Yuryev KL: See Loganovsky KN

Subject Index

Academic Medicine
Neuropsychiatry: a management model for academic medicine. Schiffer RB, Bowen B, Hinderliter J, Hurst DL, Lajara-Nanson WA, Packard RC. Summer 336–341
Acupuncture increases nocturnal melatonin secretion and reduces insomnia and anxiety: a preliminary report. Spence DW, Kayumov L, Chen A, Lowe A, Jain U, Katzman MA, Shen J, Perelman B, Shapiro CM. Winter 19–28
Acute Radiation Sickness
EEG patterns in persons exposed to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Part 2: quantitative EEG analysis in patients who had acute radiation sickness. Loganovsky KN, Yuryev KL. Winter 70–82
Adverse Drug Effects
Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome and subdural hematoma (letter). Duggal HS. Winter 118–119
Cognitive dysfunction and depression during treatment with interferon-alpha and chemotherapy. Scheibel RS, Valentine AD, O'Brien S, Meyers CA. Spring 185–191
Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Winter 119–120
Ejaculation after defecation without orgasm induced by milnacipran (letter). Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Takahashi H, Shimizu T. Fall 544
Alzheimer's Disease
A comparison of family history of psychiatric disorders among patients with early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Devi G, Williamson J, Massoud F, Anderson K, Stern Y, Devanand DP, Mayeux R. Winter 57–62
One-year change in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. Hirono N, Hashimoto M, Ishii K, Kazui H, Mori E. Fall 488–492
Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Sobow T, Kloszewska I. Winter 120–121
Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI. Spring 192–198
American Neuropsychiatric Association (ANPA)
Abstracts presented at the 15th Annual Meeting, 2004. Spring 214–241
An update of the strategic plan for neuropsychiatry (editorial). Coffey CE, Silver J, McAllister T, Restak R. Spring 133–134
Athymhormia and disorders of motivation in basal ganglia disease. Habib M. Fall 509–524
Anticholinesterase Inhibitors
Anticholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies. Simard M, van Reekum R. Fall 409–425
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Cerebral perfusion response to successful treatment of depression with different serotonergic agents. Vlassenko A, Sheline YI, Fischer K, Mintun MA. Summer 360–363
Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact on anxiety, disability, and cognition. Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M. Summer 315–319
Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Winter 119–120
Ejaculation after defecation without orgasm induced by milnacipran (letter). Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Takahashi H, Shimizu T. Fall 544
Fluvoxamine treatment of major depression associated with multiple sclerosis. Benedetti F, Campori E, Colombo C, Seraldi E. Summer 364–366
Posttraumatic stress disorder: acquisition, recognition, course, and treatment. Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R. Spring 135–147
Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome and subdural hematoma (letter). Duggal HS. Winter 118–119
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
Effect of quetiapine in the treatment of panic attacks in patients with schizophrenia: 3 case reports. Takahashi H, Sugita T, Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Shimizu T. Winter 113–115
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Acupuncture increases nocturnal melatonin secretion and reduces insomnia and anxiety: a preliminary report. Spence DW, Kayumov L, Chen A, Lowe A, Jain U, Katzman MA, Shen J, Perelman B, Shapiro CM. Winter 19–28
Charles Bonnet syndrome and panic disorder (letter). Murai T, Takagi S. Summer 382–383
Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact on anxiety, disability, and cognition. Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M. Summer 315–319
A CNV-distraction paradigm in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Kimble M, Ruddy K, Deldin P, Kaufman M. Winter 102–108
A distinctive interaction between chronic anxiety and problem solving in asymptomatic APO e4 homozygotes. Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Hentz JG, Osborne D, Alexander GE. Summer 320–329
Effect of quetiapine in the treatment of panic attacks in patients with schizophrenia: 3 case reports. Takahashi H, Sugita T, Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Shimizu T. Winter 113–115
Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder without evidence of focal cerebral lesions: a case report (letter). Petrikis P, Andreou C, Pitsavas A, Garyfallos G. Winter 116–117
A possible association of recurrent streptococcal infections and acute onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kim SW, Grant JE, Kim SI, Swanson TA, Bernstein GA, Jaszcz WB, Williams KA, Schlievert PM. Summer 252–260
Posttraumatic stress disorder: acquisition, recognition, course, and treatment. Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R. Spring 135–147
Volumetric investigation of the frontal-subcortical circuitry in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kang D-H, Kim J-J, Choi J-S, Kim YI, Kim C-W, Youn T, Han MH, Chang K-H, Kwon JS. Summer 342–349
Apathy and depression in cross-cultural survivors of traumatic brain injury. Al-Adawi S, Dorvlo ASS, Burke DT, Huynh CC, Jacob L, Knights R, Shah MK, Al-Hussaini A-A. Fall 435–442
Apolipoprotein E
A distinctive interaction between chronic anxiety and problem solving in asymptomatic APO e4 homozygotes. Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Hentz JG, Osborne D, Alexander GE. Summer 320–329
Arachnoid Cyst
Frontotemporal arachnoid cyst connected to relapsing stupor (letter). Licina M, Vitorovic S, Velikonja I. Winter 120
The cerebellum in schizophrenia: a case of intermittent ataxia and psychosis—clinical, cognitive, neuroanatomical correlates. Turner R, Schiavetto A. Fall 400–408
Disorders of the cerebellum: ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Schmahmann JD. Summer 367–378
Athymhormia and disorders of motivation in basal ganglia disease. Habib M. Fall 509–524
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Neurometabolic functioning and neuropsychological correlates in children with ADHD-H: preliminary findings. Courvoisie H, Hooper SR, Fine C, Kwock L, Castillo M. Winter 63–69
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
Basal Ganglia
Athymhormia and disorders of motivation in basal ganglia disease. Habib M. Fall 509–524
Behavioral Symptoms
Anticholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies. Simard M, van Reekum R. Fall 409–425
Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Fall 426–434
The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR. Summer 261–276
Bipolar Disorder
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
SPECT imaging of body dysmorphic disorder. Carey P, Seedat P, Warwick J, van Heerden B, Stein DJ. Summer 357–359
Books Reviewed
Bédard M-A, Agid Y, Chouinard S, Fahn S, Korcayn A, Lespérance P: Mental and Behavioral Dysfunction in Movement Disorders. Groves M. Fall 539–542
Cummings JL, Mega MS: Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience. Chow TW. Summer 379–380
Rosenzweig MR, Breedlove SM, Leiman AL: Biological Psychology: An Introduction to Behavioral, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroscience, Third Edition. Gontkovsky ST. Winter 122–123
Botulinum Toxin
Treatment of bruxism in Huntington's disease with botulinum toxin (letter). Nash MC, Ferrell RB, Lombardo MA, Williams RB. Summer 381–382
Brain Imaging.
See also specific imaging modalities
Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR. Spring 148–155
Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Herrmann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ. Spring 170–175
Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI. Sachdev P, Wen W, Shnier R, Brodaty H. Winter 83–92
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging (windows to the brain). Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
The limbic thalamus (windows to the brain). Taber KH, Wen C, Khan A, Hurley RA. Spring 127–132
Neurometabolic functioning and neuropsychological correlates in children with ADHD-H: preliminary findings. Courvoisie H, Hooper SR, Fine C, Kwock L, Castillo M. Winter 63–69
A pilot study of functional magnetic resonance imaging brain correlates of deception in healthy young men. Kozel FA, Revell LJ, Lorberbaum JP, Shastri A, Elhai JD, Horner MD, Smith A, Nahas Z, Bohning DE, George MS. Summer 295–305
SPECT imaging of body dysmorphic disorder. Carey P, Seedat P, Warwick J, van Heerden B, Stein DJ. Summer 357–359
Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification (windows to the brain). Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K, Taber KH. Winter 1–7
Treatment of bruxism in Huntington's disease with botulinum toxin (letter). Nash MC, Ferrell RB, Lombardo MA, Williams RB. Summer 381–382
Cavum Septum Pellucidum
Cavum septum pellucidum and its increased prevalence in schizophrenia: a neuroembryological classification. Galarza M, Merlo AB, Ingratta A, Albanese EF, Albanese AM. Winter 41–46
The cerebellum in schizophrenia: a case of intermittent ataxia and psychosis—clinical, cognitive, neuroanatomical correlates. Turner R, Schiavetto A. Fall 400–408
Cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms in 133 patients with diseases associated with cerebellar degeneration. Liszewski CM, O'Hearn E, Leroi I, Gourley L, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Winter 109–112
Cognitive impairments in cerebellar degeneration: a comparison with Huntington's disease. Brandt J, Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL. Spring 176–184
Disorders of the cerebellum: ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Schmahmann JD. Summer 367–378
Cerebral Blood Volume
Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI. Sachdev P, Wen W, Shnier R, Brodaty H. Winter 83–92
Cerebral Glucose Metabolism
One-year change in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. Hirono N, Hashimoto M, Ishii K, Kazui H, Mori E. Fall 488–492
Cerebral Hemispheres
Dissociation, hemispheric asymmetry, and dysfunction of hemispheric interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Spitzer C, Willert C, Grabe H-J, Rizos T, Möller B, Freyberger HJ. Spring 163–169
Cerebral Perfusion
Cerebral perfusion response to successful treatment of depression with different serotonergic agents. Vlassenko A, Sheline YI, Fischer K, Mintun MA. Summer 360–363
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
Charles Bonnet syndrome and panic disorder (letter). Murai T, Takagi S. Summer 382–383
Steroid-responsive Charles Bonnet syndrome in temporal arteritis. Razavi M, Jones RD, Manzel K, Fattal D, Rizzo M. Fall 505–508
Circadian Rhythms
Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI. Spring 192–198
Classic Articles
Delirium, a syndrome of cerebral insufficiency. Engel GL, Romano J. Fall 526–538
Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome and subdural hematoma (letter). Duggal HS. Winter 118–119
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Prefrontal cortical dysfunction in abstinent cocaine abusers. Bolla K, Ernst M, Kiehl K, Mouratidis M, Eldreth D, Contoreggi C, Matochik J, Kurian V, Cadet J, Kimes A, Funderburk F, London E. Fall 456–464
Cognitive Deficits
Anticholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies. Simard M, van Reekum R. Fall 409–425
The cerebellum in schizophrenia: a case of intermittent ataxia and psychosis—clinical, cognitive, neuroanatomical correlates. Turner R, Schiavetto A. Fall 400–408
Cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy. Nathaniel-James DA, Brown RG, Maier M, Mellers J, Toone B, Ron MA. Fall 472–479
Cognitive dysfunction and depression during treatment with interferon-alpha and chemotherapy. Scheibel RS, Valentine AD, O'Brien S, Meyers CA. Spring 185–191
Cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms in 133 patients with diseases associated with cerebellar degeneration. Liszewski CM, O'Hearn E, Leroi I, Gourley L, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Winter 109–112
Cognitive impairments in cerebellar degeneration: a comparison with Huntington's disease. Brandt J, Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL. Spring 176–184
A comparison of family history of psychiatric disorders among patients with early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Devi G, Williamson J, Massoud F, Anderson K, Stern Y, Devanand DP, Mayeux R. Winter 57–62
Disorders of the cerebellum: ataxia, dysmetria of thought, and the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Schmahmann JD. Summer 367–378
Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Lo Coco D, Nacci P. Winter 117–118
Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Sobow T, Kloszewska I. Winter 120–121
Prefrontal cortical dysfunction in abstinent cocaine abusers. Bolla K, Ernst M, Kiehl K, Mouratidis M, Eldreth D, Contoreggi C, Matochik J, Kurian V, Cadet J, Kimes A, Funderburk F, London E. Fall 456–464
Relationships between cognitive and neurologic performance in neuroleptic-naïve psychosis. Sanders RD, Schuepbach D, Goldstein G, Sweeny JA, Keshavan MS, Haas GL. Fall 480–487
The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR. Summer 261–276
Semantic dementia in multilingual patients (letter). Mendez MF, Saghafi S, Clark DG. Summer 381
Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI. Spring 192–198
Cognitive Enhancers
Anticholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies. Simard M, van Reekum R. Fall 409–425
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Cognitive Function
Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact on anxiety, disability, and cognition. Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M. Summer 315–319
Cognitive status of psychiatric patients under maintenance electroconvulsive therapy: a one-year longitudinal study. Fall 465–471
A distinctive interaction between chronic anxiety and problem solving in asymptomatic APO e4 homozygotes. Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Hentz JG, Osborne D, Alexander GE. Summer 320–329
Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA. Summer 330–335
Computed Tomography
Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification (windows to the brain). Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K, Taber KH. Winter 1–7
Confusional States
Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Winter 119–120
Contingent Negative Variation (CNV)
A CNV-distraction paradigm in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Kimble M, Ruddy K, Deldin P, Kaufman M. Winter 102–108
Conversion Disorder
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging. Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Cortical Excitability
A CNV-distraction paradigm in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Kimble M, Ruddy K, Deldin P, Kaufman M. Winter 102–108
Corticobasal Degeneration
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
Steroid-responsive Charles Bonnet syndrome in temporal arteritis. Razavi M, Jones RD, Manzel K, Fattal D, Rizzo M. Fall 505–508
Cross-Cultural Psychiatry
Apathy and depression in cross-cultural survivors of traumatic brain injury. Al-Adawi S, Dorvlo ASS, Burke DT, Huynh CC, Jacob L, Knights R, Shah MK, Al-Hussaini A-A. Fall 435–442
Crying, Pathological
Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Fall 426–434
A pilot study of functional magnetic resonance imaging brain correlates of deception in healthy young men. Kozel FA, Revell LJ, Lorberbaum JP, Shastri A, Elhai JD, Horner MD, Smith A, Nahas Z, Bohning DE, George MS. Summer 295–305
Delirium, a syndrome of cerebral insufficiency. Engel GL, Romano J. Fall 526–538
Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Winter 119–120
See also Cognitive Deficits
Anticholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of cognitive and behavioral symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies. Simard M, van Reekum R. Fall 409–425
A comparison of family history of psychiatric disorders among patients with early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Devi G, Williamson J, Massoud F, Anderson K, Stern Y, Devanand DP, Mayeux R. Winter 57–62
Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Lo Coco D, Nacci P. Winter 117–118
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
One-year change in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. Hirono N, Hashimoto M, Ishii K, Kazui H, Mori E. Fall 488–492
Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Sobow T, Kloszewska I. Winter 120–121
The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR. Summer 261–276
Semantic dementia in multilingual patients (letter). Mendez MF, Saghafi S, Clark DG. Summer 381
Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI. Spring 192–198
Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ. Fall 443–445
Apathy and depression in cross-cultural survivors of traumatic brain injury. Al-Adawi S, Dorvlo ASS, Burke DT, Huynh CC, Jacob L, Knights R, Shah MK, Al-Hussaini A-A. Fall 435–442
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Herrmann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ. Spring 170–175
Cerebral perfusion response to successful treatment of depression with different serotonergic agents. Vlassenko A, Sheline YI, Fischer K, Mintun MA. Summer 360–363
Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact on anxiety, disability, and cognition. Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M. Summer 315–319
Cognitive dysfunction and depression during treatment with interferon-alpha and chemotherapy. Scheibel RS, Valentine AD, O'Brien S, Meyers CA. Spring 185–191
Fluvoxamine treatment of major depression associated with multiple sclerosis. Benedetti F, Campori E, Colombo C, Seraldi E. Summer 364–366
Poststroke depression and lesion location revisited. Vataja R, Leppävuori A, Pohjasvaara T, Mäntylä R, Aronen HJ, Salonen O, Kaste M, Erkinjuntti T. Spring 156–162
Differential DSM-III psychiatric disorder prevalence profiles in dystonia and Parkinson's disease. Lauterbach EC, Freeman A, Vogel RL. Winter 29–36
Limited agreement between criteria-based diagnosis of post-concussional syndrome. Boake C, Contant CF, Goodman HS, McCauley SR, Song JX, Brundage SI, Merritt SG, Levin HS, Brown SA, Diaz-Marchan PJ. Fall 493–499
Diffuse Axonal Injury
Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification (windows to the brain). Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K, Taber KH. Winter 1–7
Dissociation, hemispheric asymmetry, and dysfunction of hemispheric interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Spitzer C, Willert C, Grabe H-J, Rizos T, Möller B, Freyberger HJ. Spring 163–169
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
Differential DSM-III psychiatric disorder prevalence profiles in dystonia and Parkinson's disease. Lauterbach EC, Freeman A, Vogel RL. Winter 29–36
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Cognitive status of psychiatric patients under maintenance electroconvulsive therapy: a one-year longitudinal study. Fall 465–471
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Electroencephalography (EEG)
EEG patterns in persons exposed to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Part 2: quantitative EEG analysis in patients who had acute radiation sickness. Loganovsky KN, Yuryev KL. Winter 70–82
Neuropsychiatry sequelae of Nipah virus encephalitis. By N, Lim CCT, Yeoh A. Fall 500–504
Neural and endocrine correlates of sadness: implications for neural network regulation of HPA activity. Ottowitz WE, Dougherty DD, Sirota A, Niaura R, Rauch SL, Brown WA. Fall 446–455
Differential DSM-III psychiatric disorder prevalence profiles in dystonia and Parkinson's disease. Lauterbach EC, Freeman A, Vogel RL. Winter 29–36
Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR. Spring 148–155
Cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy. Nathaniel-James DA, Brown RG, Maier M, Mellers J, Toone B, Ron MA. Fall 472–479
Interictal psychosis presenting with Fregoli syndrome (letter). Duggal HS. Fall 543–544
Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Sobow T, Kloszewska I. Winter 120–121
Euphoria Sclerotica
Construct validity and frequency of euphoria sclerotica in multiple sclerosis. Fishman I, Benedict RHB, Bakshi R, Priore R, Weinstock-Guttman B. Summer 350–356
Familial Disorders
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
A comparison of family history of psychiatric disorders among patients with early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Devi G, Williamson J, Massoud F, Anderson K, Stern Y, Devanand DP, Mayeux R. Winter 57–62
Familial hypothalamic digoxin deficiency syndrome. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Winter 93–101
Figure-Ground Perception
The reliability and clinical correlates of figure-ground perception in schizophrenia. Malaspina D, Simon N, Goetz RR, Corcoran C, Coleman E, Printz D, Mujica-Parodi L, Wolitzky R. Summer 277–283
Fregoli Syndrome
Interictal psychosis presenting with Fregoli syndrome (letter). Duggal HS. Fall 543–544
Frontal Lobe
Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Herrmann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ. Spring 170–175
Volumetric investigation of the frontal-subcortical circuitry in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kang D-H, Kim J-J, Choi J-S, Kim YI, Kim C-W, Youn T, Han MH, Chang K-H, Kwon JS. Summer 342–349
Frontotemporal Region
Frontotemporal arachnoid cyst connected to relapsing stupor (letter). Licina M, Vitorovic S, Velikonja I. Winter 120
Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Lo Coco D, Nacci P. Winter 117–118
Gambling, Pathological
Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Lo Coco D, Nacci P. Winter 117–118
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
A distinctive interaction between chronic anxiety and problem solving in asymptomatic APO e4 homozygotes. Caselli RJ, Reiman EM, Hentz JG, Osborne D, Alexander GE. Summer 320–329
Geriatric Psychiatry
Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI. Sachdev P, Wen W, Shnier R, Brodaty H. Winter 83–92
A comparison of family history of psychiatric disorders among patients with early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Devi G, Williamson J, Massoud F, Anderson K, Stern Y, Devanand DP, Mayeux R. Winter 57–62
Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder without evidence of focal cerebral lesions: a case report (letter). Petrikis P, Andreou C, Pitsavas A, Garyfallos G. Winter 116–117
Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Sobow T, Kloszewska I. Winter 120–121
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Charles Bonnet syndrome and panic disorder (letter). Murai T, Takagi S. Summer 382–383
Steroid-responsive Charles Bonnet syndrome in temporal arteritis. Razavi M, Jones RD, Manzel K, Fattal D, Rizzo M. Fall 505–508
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA. Summer 330–335
Huntington's Disease
Cognitive impairments in cerebellar degeneration: a comparison with Huntington's disease. Brandt J, Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL. Spring 176–184
Treatment of bruxism in Huntington's disease with botulinum toxin (letter). Nash MC, Ferrell RB, Lombardo MA, Williams RB. Summer 381–382
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Familial hypothalamic digoxin deficiency syndrome. Kurup RK, Kurup PA. Winter 93–101
Neural and endocrine correlates of sadness: implications for neural network regulation of HPA activity. Ottowitz WE, Dougherty DD, Sirota A, Niaura R, Rauch SL, Brown WA. Fall 446–455
Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA. Summer 330–335
Neuropsychiatry sequelae of Nipah virus encephalitis. By N, Lim CCT, Yeong A. Fall 500–504
A possible association of recurrent streptococcal infections and acute onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kim SW, Grant JE, Kim SI, Swanson TA, Bernstein GA, Jaszcz WB, Williams KA, Schlievert PM. Summer 252–260
Acupuncture increases nocturnal melatonin secretion and reduces insomnia and anxiety: a preliminary report. Spence DW, Kayumov L, Chen A, Lowe A, Jain U, Katzman MA, Shen J, Perelman B, Shapiro CM. Winter 19–28
Cognitive dysfunction and depression during treatment with interferon-alpha and chemotherapy. Scheibel RS, Valentine AD, O'Brien S, Meyers CA. Spring 185–191
Semantic dementia in multilingual patients (letter). Mendez MF, Saghafi S, Clark DG. Summer 381
Laughing, Pathological
Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Fall 426–434
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR. Spring 148–155
Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI. Sachdev P, Wen W, Shnier R, Brodaty H. Winter 83–92
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging (windows to the brain). Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
The limbic thalamus (windows to the brain). Taber KH, Wen C, Khan A, Hurley RA. Spring 127–132
A pilot study of functional magnetic resonance imaging brain correlates of deception in healthy young men. Kozel FA, Revell LJ, Lorberbaum JP, Shastri A, Elhai JD, Horner MD, Smith A, Nahas Z, Bohning DE, George MS. Summer 295–305
Poststroke depression and lesion location revisited. Vataja R, Leppävuori A, Pohjasvaara T, Mäntylä R, Aronen HJ, Salonen O, Kaste M, Erkinjuntti T. Spring 156–162
Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification (windows to the brain). Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K, Taber KH. Winter 1–7
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
Neurometabolic functioning and neuropsychological correlates in children with ADHD-H: preliminary findings. Courvoisie H, Hooper SR, Fine C, Kwock L, Castillo M. Winter 63–69
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging (windows to the brain). Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA. Summer 330–335
Medical Education
Neuropsychiatry: a management model for academic medicine. Schiffer RB, Bowen B, Hinderliter J, Hurst DL, Lajara-Nanson WA, Packard RC. Summer 336–341
Acupuncture increases nocturnal melatonin secretion and reduces insomnia and anxiety: a preliminary report. Spence DW, Kayumov L, Chen A, Lowe A, Jain U, Katzman MA, Shen J, Perelman B, Shapiro CM. Winter 19–28
Ejaculation after defecation without orgasm induced by milnacipran (letter). Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Takahashi H, Shimizu T. Fall 544
Mood Symptoms.
See also Depression
Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ. Fall 443–445
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
Construct validity and frequency of euphoria sclerotica in multiple sclerosis. Fishman I, Benedict RHB, Bakshi R, Priore R, Weinstock-Guttman B. Summer 350–356
Neural and endocrine correlates of sadness: implications for neural network regulation of HPA activity. Ottowitz WE, Dougherty DD, Sirota A, Niaura R, Rauch SL, Brown WA. Fall 446–455
Multiple Sclerosis
Construct validity and frequency of euphoria sclerotica in multiple sclerosis. Fishman I, Benedict RHB, Bakshi R, Priore R, Weinstock-Guttman B. Summer 350–356
Fluvoxamine treatment of major depression associated with multiple sclerosis. Benedetti F, Campori E, Colombo C, Seraldi E. Summer 364–366
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Herrmann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ. Spring 170–175
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome and subdural hematoma (letter). Duggal HS. Winter 118–119
Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR. Spring 148–155
Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ. Fall 443–445
Cavum septum pellucidum and its increased prevalence in schizophrenia: a neuroembryological classification. Galarza M, Merlo AB, Ingratta A, Albanese EF, Albanese AM. Winter 41–46
Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI. Sachdev P, Wen W, Shnier R, Brodaty H. Winter 83–92
Cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms in 133 patients with diseases associated with cerebellar degeneration. Liszewski CM, O'Hearn E, Leroi I, Gourley L, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Winter 109–112
Frontotemporal arachnoid cyst connected to relapsing stupor (letter). Licina M, Vitorovic S, Velikonja I. Winter 120
Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder without evidence of focal cerebral lesions: a case report (letter). Petrikis P, Andreou C, Pitsavas A, Garyfallos G. Winter 116–117
Morphometry of the superior temporal plane in schizophrenia: relationship to clinical correlates. Crespo-Facorro B, Kim J-J, Chemerinski E, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P. Summer 284–294
Poststroke depression and lesion location revisited. Vataja R, Leppävuori A, Pohjasvaara T, Mäntylä R, Aronen HJ, Salonen O, Kaste M, Erkinjuntti T. Spring 156–162
An update of the strategic plan for neuropsychiatry (editorial). Coffey CE, Silver J, McAllister T, Restak R. Spring 133–134
Neuropsychiatry: a management model for academic medicine. Schiffer RB, Bowen B, Hinderliter J, Hurst DL, Lajara-Nanson WA, Packard RC. Summer 336–341
Neuropsychological Testing
Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Herrmann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ. Spring 170–175
Cognitive impairments in cerebellar degeneration: a comparison with Huntington's disease. Brandt J, Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL. Spring 176–184
Neurometabolic functioning and neuropsychological correlates in children with ADHD-H: preliminary findings. Courvoisie H, Hooper SR, Fine C, Kwock L, Castillo M. Winter 63–69
A neuropsychological comparison of psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury without psychotic disorder, and schizophrenia. Fujii D, Ahmed I, Hishinuma E. Summer 306–314
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR. Summer 261–276
Nipah Virus Encephalitis
Neuropsychiatry sequelae of Nipah virus encephalitis. By N, Lim CCT, Yeong A. Fall 500–504
The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR. Summer 261–276
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder without evidence of focal cerebral lesions: a case report (letter). Petrikis P, Andreou C, Pitsavas A, Garyfallos G. Winter 116–117
A possible association of recurrent streptococcal infections and acute onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kim SW, Grant JE, Kim SI, Swanson TA, Bernstein GA, Jaszcz WB, Williams KA, Schlievert PM. Summer 252–260
Volumetric investigation of the frontal-subcortical circuitry in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kang D-H, Kim J-J, Choi J-S, Kim YI, Kim C-W, Youn T, Han MH, Chang K-H, Kwon JS. Summer 342–349
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Bilaterally reduced frontal activation during a verbal fluency task in depressed patients as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Herrmann MJ, Ehlis A-C, Fallgatter AJ. Spring 170–175
Hypersexuality after right pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Mendez MF, O'Connor SM, Lim GTH. Winter 37–40
Panic Disorder
Charles Bonnet syndrome and panic disorder (letter). Murai T, Takagi S. Summer 382–383
Effect of quetiapine in the treatment of panic attacks in patients with schizophrenia: 3 case reports. Takahashi H, Sugita T, Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Shimizu T. Winter 113–115
Parkinson's Disease
Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact on anxiety, disability, and cognition. Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M. Summer 315–319
Differential DSM-III psychiatric disorder prevalence profiles in dystonia and Parkinson's disease. Lauterbach EC, Freeman A, Vogel RL. Winter 29–36
Hypersexuality after right pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Mendez MF, O'Connor SM, Lim GTH. Winter 37–40
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Winter 119–120
Pathological Gambling
Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Lo Coco D, Nacci P. Winter 117–118
Pathological Laughing and Crying
Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Fall 426–434
Pediatric Psychiatry
Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ. Fall 443–445
Autism and familial major mood disorder: are they related? DeLong R. Spring 199–213
Neurometabolic functioning and neuropsychological correlates in children with ADHD-H: preliminary findings. Courvoisie H, Hooper SR, Fine C, Kwock L, Castillo M. Winter 63–69
Perceptual Disturbances
The reliability and clinical correlates of figure-ground perception in schizophrenia. Malaspina D, Simon N, Goetz RR, Corcoran C, Coleman E, Printz D, Mujica-Parodi L, Wolitzky R. Summer 277–283
Positron Emission Tomography
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging (windows to the brain). Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
Post-Concussional Syndrome
Limited agreement between criteria-based diagnosis of post-concussional syndrome. Boake C, Contant CF, Goodman HS, McCauley SR, Song JX, Brundage SI, Merritt SG, Levin HS, Brown SA, Diaz-Marchan PJ. Fall 493–499
Posterior Fossa
Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ. Fall 443–445
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
A CNV-distraction paradigm in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Kimble M, Ruddy K, Deldin P, Kaufman M. Winter 102–108
Posttraumatic stress disorder: acquisition, recognition, course, and treatment. Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R. Spring 135–147
Parity, number of pregnancies, and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease (letter). Sobow T, Kloszewska I. Winter 120–121
See also Schizophrenia
Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR. Spring 148–155
The cerebellum in schizophrenia: a case of intermittent ataxia and psychosis—clinical, cognitive, neuroanatomical correlates. Turner R, Schiavetto A. Fall 400–408
Cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy. Nathaniel-James DA, Brown RG, Maier M, Mellers J, Toone B, Ron MA. Fall 472–479
Interictal psychosis presenting with Fregoli syndrome (letter). Duggal HS. Fall 543–544
A neuropsychological comparison of psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury without psychotic disorder, and schizophrenia. Fujii D, Ahmed I, Hishinuma E. Summer 306–314
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Relationships between cognitive and neurologic performance in neuroleptic-naïve psychosis. Sanders RD, Schuepbach D, Goldstein G, Sweeny JA, Keshavan MS, Haas GL. Fall 480–487
Hypersexuality after right pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Mendez MF, O'Connor SM, Lim GTH. Winter 37–40
Effect of quetiapine in the treatment of panic attacks in patients with schizophrenia: 3 case reports. Takahashi H, Sugita T, Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Shimizu T. Winter 113–115
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Radiation Exposure
EEG patterns in persons exposed to ionizing radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident. Part 2: quantitative EEG analysis in patients who had acute radiation sickness. Loganovsky KN, Yuryev KL. Winter 70–82
Risk Factors
A reality test: how well do we understand psychosis in Parkinson's disease? Ismail MS, Richard IH. Winter 8–18
Neural and endocrine correlates of sadness: implications for neural network regulation of HPA activity. Ottowitz WE, Dougherty DD, Sirota A, Niaura R, Rauch SL, Brown WA. Fall 446–455
See also Psychosis
Absence of cortical gray matter abnormalities in psychosis of epilepsy: a voxel-based MRI study in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Rüsch N, van Elst LT, Baeumer D, Ebert D, Trimble MR. Spring 148–155
Cavum septum pellucidum and its increased prevalence in schizophrenia: a neuroembryological classification. Galarza M, Merlo AB, Ingratta A, Albanese EF, Albanese AM. Winter 41–46
The cerebellum in schizophrenia: a case of intermittent ataxia and psychosis—clinical, cognitive, neuroanatomical correlates. Turner R, Schiavetto A. Fall 400–408
Cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy. Nathaniel-James DA, Brown RG, Maier M, Mellers J, Toone B, Ron MA. Fall 472–479
Comparison between olanzapine and haloperidol on procedural learning and the relationship with striatal D2 receptor occupancy in schizophrenia. Paquet F, Soucy JP, Stip E, Lévesque M, Elie A, Bédard MA. Winter 47–56
Effect of quetiapine in the treatment of panic attacks in patients with schizophrenia: 3 case reports. Takahashi H, Sugita T, Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Shimizu T. Winter 113–115
Morphometry of the superior temporal plane in schizophrenia: relationship to clinical correlates. Crespo-Facorro B, Kim J-J, Chemerinski E, Magnotta V, Andreasen NC, Nopoulos P. Summer 284–294
A neuropsychological comparison of psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury without psychotic disorder, and schizophrenia. Fujii D, Ahmed I, Hishinuma E. Summer 306–314
The reliability and clinical correlates of figure-ground perception in schizophrenia. Malaspina D, Simon N, Goetz RR, Corcoran C, Coleman E, Printz D, Mujica-Parodi L, Wolitzky R. Summer 277–283
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Cerebral perfusion response to successful treatment of depression with different serotonergic agents. Vlassenko A, Sheline YI, Fischer K, Mintun MA. Summer 360–363
Citalopram treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease: the impact on anxiety, disability, and cognition. Menza M, Marin H, Kaufman K, Mark M, Lauritano M. Summer 315–319
Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine (letter). Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Winter 119–120
Fluvoxamine treatment of major depression associated with multiple sclerosis. Benedetti F, Campori E, Colombo C, Seraldi E. Summer 364–366
Sexual Function
Ejaculation after defecation without orgasm induced by milnacipran (letter). Yoshida K, Higuchi H, Takahashi H, Shimizu T. Fall 544
Hypersexuality after right pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Mendez MF, O'Connor SM, Lim GTH. Winter 37–40
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging (windows to the brain). Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration (windows to the brain). Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
SPECT imaging of body dysmorphic disorder. Carey P, Seedat P, Warwick J, van Heerden B, Stein DJ. Summer 357–359
Acupuncture increases nocturnal melatonin secretion and reduces insomnia and anxiety: a preliminary report. Spence DW, Kayumov L, Chen A, Lowe A, Jain U, Katzman MA, Shen J, Perelman B, Shapiro CM. Winter 19–28
Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI. Spring 192–198
Somatoform Disorders
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging. Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
SPECT imaging of body dysmorphic disorder. Carey P, Seedat P, Warwick J, van Heerden B, Stein DJ. Summer 357–359
Streptococcal Infection
A possible association of recurrent streptococcal infections and acute onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Kim SW, Grant JE, Kim SI, Swanson TA, Bernstein GA, Jaszcz WB, Williams KA, Schlievert PM. Summer 252–260
A CNV-distraction paradigm in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Kimble M, Ruddy K, Deldin P, Kaufman M. Winter 102–108
Posttraumatic stress disorder: acquisition, recognition, course, and treatment. Davidson JRT, Stein DJ, Shalev AY, Yehuda R. Spring 135–147
Poststroke depression and lesion location revisited. Vataja R, Leppävuori A, Pohjasvaara T, Mäntylä R, Aronen HJ, Salonen O, Kaste M, Erkinjuntti T. Spring 156–162
Frontotemporal arachnoid cyst connected to relapsing stupor (letter). Licina M, Vitorovic S, Velikonja I. Winter 120
Subdural Hematoma
Clozapine-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome and subdural hematoma (letter). Duggal HS. Winter 118–119
Substance Use/Abuse
Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA. Summer 330–335
Prefrontal cortical dysfunction in abstinent cocaine abusers. Bolla K, Ernst M, Kiehl K, Mouratidis M, Eldreth D, Contoreggi C, Matochik J, Kurian V, Cadet J, Kimes A, Funderburk F, London E. Fall 456–464
Acute mood symptoms associated with posterior fossa lesions in children. Turkel SB, Chen LS, Nelson M, Hyder D, Giles FH, Woodall L, Braslow K, Tavaré CJ. Fall 443–445
Cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms in 133 patients with diseases associated with cerebellar degeneration. Liszewski CM, O'Hearn E, Leroi I, Gourley L, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Winter 109–112
Frontotemporal dementia presenting with pathological gambling (letter). Lo Coco D, Nacci P. Winter 117–118
Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Fall 426–434
The role of norepinephrine in the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Herrmann N, Lanctót KL, Khan LR. Summer 261–276
Temporal Arteritis
Steroid-responsive Charles Bonnet syndrome in temporal arteritis. Razavi M, Jones RD, Manzel K, Fattal D, Rizzo M. Fall 505–508
The limbic thalamus (windows to the brain). Taber KH, Wen C, Khan A, Hurley RA. Spring 127–132
Twenty-four-hour rhythms of sleep-wake cycle and temperature in Alzheimer's disease. Lee JH, Friedland R, Whitehouse PJ, Woo JI. Spring 192–198
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Dissociation, hemispheric asymmetry, and dysfunction of hemispheric interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Spitzer C, Willert C, Grabe H-J, Rizos T, Möller B, Freyberger HJ. Spring 163–169
Marijuana use and cognitive function in HIV-infected people interaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation approach. Cristiani SA, Pukay-Martin ND, Bornstein RA. Summer 330–335
Traumatic Brain Injury
Apathy and depression in cross-cultural survivors of traumatic brain injury. Al-Adawi S, Dorvlo ASS, Burke DT, Huynh CC, Jacob L, Knights R, Shah MK, Al-Hussaini A-A. Fall 435–442
Limited agreement between criteria-based diagnosis of post-concussional syndrome. Boake C, Contant CF, Goodman HS, McCauley SR, Song JX, Brundage SI, Merritt SG, Levin HS, Brown SA, Diaz-Marchan PJ. Fall 493–499
A neuropsychological comparison of psychotic disorder following traumatic brain injury, traumatic brain injury without psychotic disorder, and schizophrenia. Fujii D, Ahmed I, Hishinuma E. Summer 306–314
Pathological laughing and crying following traumatic brain injury. Tateno A, Jorge RE, Robinson RG. Fall 426–434
Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification (windows to the brain). Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K, Taber KH. Winter 1–7
Visual Hallucinations
Charles Bonnet syndrome and panic disorder (letter). Murai T, Takagi S. Summer 382–383
Steroid-responsive Charles Bonnet syndrome in temporal arteritis. Razavi M, Jones RD, Manzel K, Fattal D, Rizzo M. Fall 505–508
Windows to the Brain
Conversion hysteria: lessons from functional imaging. Black DN, Seritan AL, Taber KH, Hurley RA. Summer 245–251
Functional imaging as a window to dementia: corticobasal degeneration. Seritan AL, Mendez MF, Silverman DHS, Hurley RA, Taber KH. Fall 393–399
The limbic thalamus. Taber KH, Wen C, Khan A, Hurley RA. Spring 127–132
Traumatic axonal injury: novel insights into evolution and identification. Hurley RA, McGowan JC, Arfanakis K, Taber KH. Winter 1–7

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Go to The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Pages: 547 - 560


Published online: 1 November 2004
Published in print: November 2004


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