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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 101
  • Number 4
  • January 1945


Publication date: 01 January 1945


Rush in his actual writings presents himself in a manner much more illuminating for a modern physician than what is passed on by quotation from book to book and comment on comment. Woodbridge Riley's book on American Thought is still the finest ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


1. The EEG of the psychoneurotic patient shows no gross abnormalities of wave pattern and in general falls within the normal range. 2. Nevertheless, a study of the findings on a group of 100 psychoneurotic patients reveals that their ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


Cerebral arteriovenous oxygen differences were determined in 33 patients with depressive psychoses. The average value, 6.5 volumes percent, was within the normal limits. Since there appears to be no change in cerebral blood flow, brain metabolism is ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


A group of 70 patients with various forms of depression have been reviewed for immediate as well as late therapeutic achievements with electric convulsive shock treatment, the efficiency of which was considered with reference to several standard criteria, ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


Many similarities in the development and characters of these men are evident. All were striking in appearance and unusually able through force and charm of personality to make immediate favorable contacts with people. All started life with roots in ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


The findings on 200 psychiatrically disabled veterans and the results of their treatment indicate the worthwhileness of such projects. In the main most of these men were ready for help. Over half of them including involved psychoneurotics and other ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


Great and deserved emphasis has been placed on the psychiatric selection of enlisted personnel but officer candidates of the Naval Reserve are still appointed without the benefit of any special psychiatric examination. Prospective officers are subjected ...

Publication date: 01 January 1945


1. Psychoneurosis, combat-anxiety state, is a major problem in a theatre of operations. 2. Certain factors, common to all types of psychoneuroses, incurred in a theatre of operations and evacuated to the communication zone, have been correlated. 3. The ...

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