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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 115
  • Number 11
  • May 1959


Publication date: 01 May 1959


A group of psychiatric outpatients received either individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy or minimal therapy for about 6 months. After 6 months the treatment experiences of the patients became increasingly varied. Patients were rated with respect ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


It is not only difficult but would be impossible to meet the challenge presented by these youngsters if we were not able to enjoy a genuine and mutually supportive interest in working with them. This program has been developed as a highly cooperative, ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


Any hospital interested in planning a psychiatric unit could obtain from the administration of any one of these hospitals or the chief of psychiatry, complete information which could be used to reassure the hospital medical staff and lay board. The ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


An emergency psychiatric clinic has been established at the Bronx Muncipal Hospital in which patients are seen on a 24-hour basis and which offers immediate treatment as well as referral. The objective of this clinic has been to reduce the barriers ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


We have studied the effects of repetition on certain aspects of the behaviour of the individual, notably his attitudes, interpersonal relations and his self concept. We have also studied the effects of repetition on ear temperature levels. With respect to ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


Fifteen case histories of patients suffering from anorexia nervosa have been discussed, together with diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. Treatment involves psychotherapy, tube-feeding, insulin or electroshock therapy, but also involvement in hospital ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


Marsilid (iproniazid), so far, is the only drug with powerful anti-depressive properties. Twenty-five out of 32 patients derived benefit from the drug. It is helpful [See TABLE-1 in source PDF] in depressive syndromes in which somatization and retardation ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


A small number of fathers, mothers, and their schizophrenic children have been studied as a group and treated in family psychotherapy for periods up to 2½ years. The view of the family as a single organism provides a broader, more distant perspective than ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


Several points should be made with regard to the effectiveness of the agency. 1. It has been our experience that a number of problems which appear initially in the guise of legal problems can be resolved by such an approach. Further, this technique has ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


Cycloserine appears to be a psychopharmacological agent in that 1. It reverses depressions to normal or hyperactive mood and at the same time causes subtle changes in behavior; 2. It may aggravate mental disorders; and 3. It seems to potentiate Marsilid. ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


In the management of 100 hospitalized and 50 nonhospitalized emotionally disturbed patients, proclorperazine (Compazine) was judged from clinical experience to be somewhere between chlorpromazine and meprobamate in effectiveness. In some cases the degree ...

Publication date: 01 May 1959


The routine use of the electrocardiogram on admission of patients to a large neuropsychiatric hospital has been found to be of considerable value. It has demonstrated a large number of patients (16.6%) to have significant electrocardiographic ...

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