American Journal of Psychiatry
- Volume 120
- Number 11
- May 1964
Publication date: 01 May 1964
Pages1050–1055The practice of psychiatry cannot be fully understood unless one is acquainted with the trends and traditions of the society in which this art is exercised. Without forsaking the notion that the psychiatrist influences the society in which he lives, I ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1056–1061This report pertains to 12 cases, 10 boys and two girls between the ages of 8 and 16, who sniffed lighter fluid to the point of euphoria and intoxication. All 12 had been arrested prior to the sniffing and charged with delinquent activities such as ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1062–1065An investigation of the family background data of a large sample of alcoholics indicated that a difference in birth rank reflects the presence or absence of early parental deprivation. This suggested that birth rank as an independent variable was not ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1066–1074The term hysterical psychosis has been in common usage for longer than half a century, but it has never become part of the standard nomenclature. Indeed, there is no single article in the literature in which hysterical psychosis as an entity is described ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1075–1080A pair of 17-year-old male, monozygotic twins concordant for obsessive illness is reported. Clinical evaluation of these twins is impressive in that their clinical course has been strikingly parallel. Both twins began to manifest compulsive mannerisms at ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1081–1084This paper discusses the psychiatric examination of over 200 former concentration camp survivors in connection with their restitution claims. By extending Erikson's concept of acute identity diffusion at the end of adolescence to the concept of a chronic ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1085–1088Occasionally a symptom or character trait may not change during an otherwise successful course of psychotherapy. It is postulated that this may result from the development of a multitude of intrapsychic associations, learned patterns of behavior, and at ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1097–1100Since 1961, the Black Hawk County Mental Health Center has functioned without a waiting list for diagnosis, consultation or treatment. A previous waiting list of 210 patients was worked up quickly, by adopting a clinical and administrative approach which ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1110–1111Because of the encouraging results in a limited number of disturbed elderly women, further clinical trial of Oxazepam in similar but larger populations should be carried out. It is suggested that the drug be prepared in syrup form. date: 01 May 1964
Pages1119–1120Four fatalities are reviewed: 1. Cerebral hemorrhage, 2. Coronary occlusion, 3. Aspiration pneumonia and 4. Pulmonary embolism. Two other complications are also reviewed, one a result of ECT and the other an incidental complication; namely, rupture of an ... date: 01 May 1964
Pages1120–1122The authors described another case of Sheehan's syndrome accompanied with a mental syndrome characterized by paranoid thoughts, apathy and a complete lack of will power. The combination of pituitary insufficiency and mental disturbances of this type seem ...