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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 120
  • Number 12
  • June 1964


Publication date: 01 June 1964


Historically, medicine developed from man's need for relief from pain. In primitive times the medicine man became the first specialist and maintained his role with the tacit agreement of his people through the use of magic. The medicine man who permitted ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


1. The Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire was administered to a randomly chosen sample of 47 adolescent Indian boarding school students in an attempt to study the validity of this instrument in detecting psychiatric disturbances in this selected ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


In an attempt to determine the effectiveness of hypnotic techniques in the treatment of alcoholism, the literature was reviewed. The findings regarding the value of a hypnotically induced conditioned aversion reflex indicated that considerable success had ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


The present study is directed toward investigating whether the hyperponesis found in schizophrenics plays some type of etiologic role in the schizophrenic process or is merely a consequence of the disorder. Hyperponesis is a neurophysiologic state ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


Combinations of 25 mg. or 10 mg. amitriptyline and 4, 2, or 1 mg. perphenazine, 3 or 4 times daily, were administered to 40 hospitalized adult males with sociopathic personality characterized by sexual deviation. The treatment period ranged between one ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


Voluntary sterilization can and does contribute to mental health; by helping to keep the population increase in line with developing resources; by reducing the anxiety caused by fear of unwanted pregnancies; by preventing children from being born to ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


1. Rejection for employment often is based upon a false image that all persons suffering mental illness are overtly physically aggressive. 2. There is a failure to distinguish between acutely and chronically ill and to understand that there is likely to ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


A patient was treated for symptoms of toxic psychosis, a form of organic brain syndrome, induced by tetanus antitoxin; her personal history showed an unstable emotional background, plus immediate emotional stress, prior to the onset of the overt psychotic ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


In this study, conducted on 30 mental hospital patients manifesting extrapyramidal symptomatology, two antiparkinsonian drugs were interchanged with one another and with a placebo in a double-blind, crossover trial, and the results compared with a third ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


The effects of haloperidol in the management of elderly patients with chronic brain syndrome with cerebral arteriosclerosis or senile brain disease were investigated in an initial open phase (6 patients) and a subsequent randomized double-blind placebo-...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


Serotonin-C14 was administered orally to 22 depressed patients and 22 normal subjects. The recovery of 5-HIAA-C14 calculated on the basis of administered serotonin-C14 and adjusted for variations in total carbon-14 recovery showed no significant ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


A fourth case of oral moniliasis is reported, with a discussion of factors common to the 4.

Publication date: 01 June 1964


Two cases of withdrawal from chronic addiction to ethchlorvynol are reported. The withdrawal syndrome is characterized by a latent period of 6 to 10 days and by a delirium which, in addition to the classical characteristics of delirium, has many features ...

Publication date: 01 June 1964


A case is presented in which a patient with prominent depression and a background of longstanding but controlled epilepsy underwent EST. Inadvertent interruption of the anticonvulsant medication in the course of hospitalization was followed by postictal ...

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