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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 122
  • Number 2
  • August 1965


Publication date: 01 August 1965


Short-term therapy has more than utilitarian value. There are indications that it will, as its methodology becomes elaborated, develop into the treatment of choice for a considerable number of patients. This conviction is supported by observations from a ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


When tested on normal subjects and patients with various psychiatric disorders, the electric "sleep-inducing" devices have been found to be ineffective from a practical standpoint, although behavioral observations and EEG monitoring have indicated the ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


The records of 50 wives of physicians admitted to a private psychiatric hospital have been reviewed. Despite a high level of adaptation in the early years of marriage, they later developed severe psychiatric illnesses requiring repeated hospitalizations. ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


The scope of this report covers 30 years of private practice experience by two psychiatrists who treated 84 drug addicts, emphasizing the diagnostic features, correlating therapeutic principles, the prognosis and the results of therapy. Each patient was ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


This study explored the feasibility of evaluating the pathology and motivation of 50 applicants to a public mental health clinic in 4 intake groups. Each group met for 5 or 8 sessions with a leader and observer. Diagnoses proved difficult to make in some ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


Basic military training is one of the few planned experiences in our society that exposes late adolescents to a rapid series of physical as well as psychological stresses, and which consciously attempts to introduce changes in orientation and values. This ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


To continue to remain effective mental hospital administration personnel may require a reevaluation of the organizations in which they are working members. This paper has discussed some aspects of an alternative approach to management, in contrast to the ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


The findings show that treatment of neurotic or psychotic depression with tranylcypromine or imipramine results in a shorter hospitalization than treatment with EST. Because we found that the length of hospitalization was approximately equal with either ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


In this preliminary study, SU-10704 proved to be effective in decreasing the level of psychopathology in chronic, primarily anxious clinic patients. The therapeutic effect was most marked in those patients in whom the "emotional" symptoms predominated ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


A poll of 60 attorneys revealed that they used psychiatric consultation sparingly. Deterrents cited were expense to clients, clients' resentment at being sent to a psychiatrist, and psychiatrists' unavailability as well as lack of interest in legal ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


The management of the disturbed aged patient requires a medication with few side effects and with a wide range of safety. On the basis of the results in this study, chlorprothixene appeared to be such a compound.

Publication date: 01 August 1965


Hyperventilation syndrome apparently triggered dissociative reactions in two patients. Overbreathing under the examiner's direction reproduced dissociative reactions similar to those which occurred spontaneously. A rudimentary form of multiple personality ...

Publication date: 01 August 1965


The item on Page 1219 of the June issue referring to the Maudsley lecture of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association is incorrect. Dr. Aldwyn Stokes informs the editor that he was one of a number of visitors to the combined meeting of the Royal Medico-...

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