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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 123
  • Number 5
  • November 1966


Publication date: 01 November 1966


Freud's theories of infantile sexuality may not deserve unhesitating acceptance. Long a bulwark of orthodox analysis, they are critically examined here in light of current knowledge and experience. Empirical, experimental, and psychoanalytic evidence are ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


A part of the psychiatrist's potential contribution as consultant to community agents lies in his special skills in understanding the subtleties of communication among individuals and groups. The author's consultation with the local police in a ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


This investigation of factors affecting the successful employment of former patients hospitalized for schizophrenia revealed that degree of residual mental illness, marital status, and skill were most closely related to continuity of posthospital ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


Theoretically, children with both school phobia and bisexual conflict show separation-individuation difficulty. The authors, impressed in clinical work with the frequent coexistence of school refusal and sex-role problems, surveyed 21 cases of children ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


The author reports that of 51 patients treated during a six-year period by the logotherapeutic technique of paradoxical intention (which he describes, citing case histories), almost 90 percent recovered or made considerable improvement. He notes that the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


The concept of the addictor has been formulated to describe a person who finds relief from his emotional tensions by unconsciously encouraging and/or perpetuating the drug addiction of another individual. The authors point out that understanding of the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


In this study of "at large" amphetamine drug peddlers and their clientele in Oklahoma City, the author observes, contrary to some medical opinion, that illicit traffic in these drugs is brisk, widespread in the area, and not without consequence to the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


The repeated use of amphetamines, either through legitimate prescription or illegitimate "thrill-seeking," creates a grave risk of psychiatric complications, including irreversible damage to the brain. The author draws upon the experience of the Japanese ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


Thirty urban narcotic addicts who over a 12-year period achieved stable abstinences were compared with 30 chronic addicts. Abstinence was associated with certain changes in defensive style but did not result in emergence of new psychiatric symptomatology. ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


The social and psychological traits of women who marry drug addicts, and the effects of drug addiction and marriage upon each other, were studied among 16 couples seen at a psychiatric outpatient clinic for the treatment of drug users. The personality ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


With the development of the first psychiatric inpatient facility for the deaf within a state mental hospital, the need for the development of new therapeutic technique for use with the deaf has been reemphasized. The paper describes the first use of ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


A description has been presented of a casework study that was organized to determine whether single-room occupancy families could be successfully relocated. During the course of our endeavors, we observed an important determinant in these families—their ...

Publication date: 01 November 1966


In our September issue, William Horowitz, M.D., who reviewed Prediction of Response to Pharmacotherapy, was incorrectly described as Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Our reviewer, ...

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