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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 123
  • Number 6
  • December 1966


Publication date: 01 December 1966


Complementary psychotherapy of "associated" pairs raises certain technical problems in management ; theoretical and clinical examples of these problems are presented by the author. He sees this form of therapy as occasionally desirable, occasionally ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Impaired attention, particularly the inability to attend selectively, is a prominent feature of schizophrenia. Schizophrenic and nonschizophrenic mental patients can be distinguished by differences in the wave forms of pairs of averaged auditory evoked ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


The techniques used by pastoral counselors bear a similarity to those used by the psychiatrist. But if the pastoral counselor undertakes an interpretive or analytic type of therapy, he steps out of his role as pastor in relation to the patient. The author ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Dr. Thomas S. Szasz has stirred up a great deal of controversy by his claims concerning "the myth of mental illness." Dr. Thorne, Editor of the Journal of Clinical Psychology, is of the opinion that public confidence in psychiatry has been seriously ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Twenty-five patients were tested and interviewed immediately before and at varying intervals after surgical treatment for parkinsonism to determine possible psychological changes. In both interviewing and psychological testing, no support was provided for ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


At Massachusetts General Hospital, visits to the psychiatric service increased from one percent of total visits in 1952 to three percent in 1961. This probably reflects an increase in acknowledgment of psychiatric disturbance rather than an actual rise in ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Changes in the patient population at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center over a 20-year period were documented by examining the discharge records of the first six months for the years 1945, 1955, and 1965. Among those patients diagnosed as having ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


The authors compare their laboratory measurements of the sleep of 21 depressed patients and 15 control subjects with similar data reported by others. All studies indicate less sleep and more wakefulness in depressed patients than in controls. The clinical ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Urinary excretion of normetanephrine, the metabolite of norepinephrine which may reflect noradrenergic activity, showed a gradual increase during the period of definitive clinical improvement in depressed patients treated with imipramine. These and other ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


At the Mental Health Clinic of De Paul University 14 depressed middle-aged women have been treated in outpatient group therapy. On the basis of demonstrated improvement of patients in the group, the authors suggest that group therapy may be a preferred ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


The role of genetic factors in affective illness is examined in this study of patients hospitalized for affective disorders. On the basis of a number of clinical variables, there were only negligible differences between those patients who had a positive ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Lithium carbonate has been used with caution and control at the New York State Psychiatric Institute for the past six years. Nineteen patients, 15 of whom had at least two well-documented prior manic attacks, were given 25 trials of lithium after ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


Fatigue of neurons after a prolonged hyperponesis (measurable electromyographically) may be one factor in the production of depressive states. On the other hand, in acute schizophrenic episodes a disorganization of activity in neuronal networks may take ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


In summary we can note that metronidazole in divided doses of from 500 to 750 mg. daily appears to consistently produce a marked aversion toward the ingestion of alcohol within two weeks in those well motivated in their desire to stop drinking. It is ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


A four-year survey of the use of thioridazine is reported. A high success rate was obtained in a variety of mental disorders encountered in 1,225 psychiatric patients, both hospitalized and outpatient. The results obtained in the largest group, the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1966


On page 109 of the July issue, the name of the writer of the letter "Personality Differences in Siamese Twins" was misspelled. The name Laszlo Vargo, Ph.D., M.D., should have read Laszlo Varga, Ph.D., M.D.

Publication date: 01 December 1966


On page 405 of the October issue, the name of the writer of the letter "Personality Differences in Siamese Twins" was misspelled. The name Laszlo Vargo, Ph.D., M.D., should have read Laszlo Varga, Ph.D., M.D.

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