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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 124
  • Number 4
  • October 1967


Publication date: 01 October 1967


Although he reaffirms the importance of early life experiences in the development of schizophrenia, the author emphasizes the essential role played by later experiences involving what Freud called the secondary process. Preschizophrenic panic occurs when ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


The psychiatric resident can profit from guided experiences in mental retardation as part of the basic curriculum in his preparation for future practice. The symptomatic nature of mental retardation presents some of the most complex and challenging ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


The effect of separating therapy and administrative responsibilities was evaluated in a controlled experimental study of 24 patients. The authors found that schizophrenics treated by two physicians (a t/a split) remained in the hospital an average of ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


Although homicidal threats are more often made than carried out, the necessity for assessment of risk and the implementation of preventive measures when such threats are made are apparent. The author examines the incidence of potential predictors of ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


Electroconvulsive treatments were administered to 24 patients, each receiving one of three variations of electrode placement—dominant hemisphere, nondominant hemisphere, or bilateral. A battery of psychological tests administered to each patient before ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


The diagnosis of a "functional" psychiatric illness may be considered valid if the patients do not develop the features of a different illness, if they have a similar clinical course, and if an increased prevalence of the same disorder is encountered ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


Sixty-one patients transferred from an open hospital to a more authoritarian setting because of unmanageable behavior or anticipated inability to adjust were followed up. Ninety-one percent of those diagnosed by a research psychiatrist as having character ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


A survey of the treatment program at a large mental hospital indicated that with a redeployment of services, the number of patients uninvolved in any specific treatment was reduced by 50 percent. The change was related primarily to greater use of drugs, ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


Neurotic dependency is a manifestation of the ego's mediation in intrapsychic conflict and must be understood primarily in terms of regression rather than fixation. The primary conflict involves sadistic impulses, particularly oedipal in origin. ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


The Interstate Compact on Mental Health, formed in 1955, now has 35 states as members. It has been instrumental in facilitating the transfer of patients between mental facilities in different states without the administrative entanglements that formerly ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


The background, personality, and usual sources of conflict which arise during the course of hospital treatment of the typical young woman who slashes her wrists are discussed and a treatment program based on ego psychology is described. This program ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


The brief survey data presented above should demonstrate that conversion, or hysteria, still exists in a significant proportion of patients seen in a general hospital psychiatric practice. The critical incidence study would, of course, involve a ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


This paper presents the study of a seven-member family, six of whom showed significant EEG abnormalities. An attempt was made to correlate these data with other clinical information gathered, using the standard MMPI and standard psychological tests which ...

Publication date: 01 October 1967


A survey of the opinions of psychiatrists regarding indications for interruption of pregnancy showed that over four-fifths of those responding favored liberalization of the legally permitted bases for interruption of pregnancy. In addition, letters and ...

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