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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 124
  • Number 3
  • September 1967


Publication date: 01 September 1967


The hospital ship Repose has provided combat-supportive medical services for U. S. forces in Viet Nam, receiving casualties evacuated directly from the field medical units as well as patients referred from the major hospitals ashore. Although the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


Although recent research in sleep and dreaming has created a veritable information explosion in the field, few efforts have yet been made to interpret these physiological data in ways that will be clinically useful. The authors point out that the new ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


The psychiatrist who works within a community agency may find it difficult to incorporate his desire to help the patient with the community's expectation of protection from the potentially dangerous patient. The author describes the orientation and ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


As psychiatric services are expanded to reach a broader population, the clinic psychiatrist in the South is increasingly likely to encounter the patient who attributes his psychiatric symptomatology to the working of a hex. The author suggests that an ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


Mixing adult and adolescent patients is the trend on the ward level in psychiatric hospital treatment of adolescents. The authors examine the attitudes of the three groups closest to 55 hospitalized adolescents—the hospital staff, the adult patients, and ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


A study of senior medical students indicated that nearly half experienced anxiety or conflict in at least one category of sexual behavior This anxiety, combined with a lack of knowledge, resulted in a sense of inadequacy about their ability to treat the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


In describing the role of the significant woman in the life and development of a male transvestite, the author suggests three categories: the malicious male-hater, the succorer, and the symbiote. He points out, however, that the absence of an adequate ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


Experiences disturbing the attachment of young mammals to their mothers, and of the mothers to the newborn, tend to delay and distort development in many respects. Does mental retardation in early childhood result from similar disorders in social behavior?...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


The author has found analytic group therapy of married couples to be a useful treatment technique. The couples discover themselves in each other and are challenged to the task of breaking the defensive tyranny of their neurotic relationships. Techniques ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


One effect of the concept of "inner space," developed to explain the forces working to change a person's behavior, has been to "de-tribalize" man. A new school of social psychiatry, more interested in the tribe, community, and family, has evolved the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


Married hospitalized mental patients differ significantly from unmarried patients; they exhibit fewer overt psychotic symptoms and have greater financial, social, and emotional resources. Their complaints are likely to be of an interpersonal or ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


Brief and occasional home visits by the therapist have not only proved feasible but have had notably successful results in the treatment of lower-class clinic patients. They provide a better understanding of family dynamics and result in the development ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


This program illustrates the application of behavioral science knowledge to a center for urban migrants. The work of the center is preventive. Education in urban living takes place within a modified therapeutic community so as to promote learning at both ...

Publication date: 01 September 1967


In comparing two groups of schizophrenic patients who received unilateral ECT to the nondominant hemisphere three and five times a week respectively, no statistically significant differences in scores on the Wechsler Memory Form I were observed after a ...

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