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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 124
  • Number 2
  • August 1967


Publication date: 01 August 1967


A study of patients receiving alcohol and patients withdrawn from alcohol showed that increasing levels of alcoholism suppressed dreaming. Withdrawal led consistently to an increase in Stage I-REM sleep, with 100 percent Stage I being found just before ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


While the term "hysterical psychosis" appears to have been used in the literature on cross-cultural psychopathology partly because of nosological difficulties, the author feels that it may describe a widely distributed type of abnormal behavior. He ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


A computer-derived method of selecting and weighting clinical factors to predict the response of depressed patients to ECT was evaluated retrospectively for a group of 105 hospitalized patients. Use of the method prospectively would have provided an 86 ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The authors describe the differential effects of randomly probating chronic drunk offenders to one or another of three treatment conditions: a psychiatrically oriented community alcohol treatment clinic, Alcoholics Anonymous, and no treatment. No ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The illusions and hallucinations experienced by two miners trapped together for six days in a situation of marked reduction of sensory input are described. Their mental productions were chiefly related to wishes to be rescued, either by simple means such ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The author suggests that voluntary admission of prison inmates would offer advantages similar to those relating to voluntary admission of mental patients. Such a plan, he feels, would delegate to the offender an active role in his own rehabilitation, ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


In 1951 the government of Victoria took steps toward a major reform of its mental health services which set the example for comparable advances in other parts of Australia. In the following 16 years much has been done to overcome the serious deficiencies ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The shifting, broadening role of the psychiatrist emphasizes the importance of idividual preception. In this experience the resident learns directly from the supervisor and is exposed, in a meaningful way, to his therapeutic style, personality, and ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The psychological response of the resident to his first year of psychiatric training may be characterized by temporary neurotic symptoms, psychosomatic disturbances, and symptomatic behavior. The recognition of this "beginning psychiatric training ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The authors describe a method of observing the teaching of clinical psychiatry based on the filming of teacher-student dyads; showing of the film is followed by "group supervision" of the instructor by a workshop group. The method is aimed at the ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


In an effort to direct the attention of residents to important aspects of the patient's expressive communication, the authors present methods which are designed to help the novice focus on the infracontent aspects of the patient's vocal productions by ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The nonpsychiatrist physician, working in collaboration with a psychiatrist and participating in a supervised program of training in principles of psychiatry, is an effective liaison teacher of psychiatry to members of his own specialty. A liaison ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


Reading lists for psychiatric residents were obtained from 140 three-year training programs and several rank-orders were determined for the 2,800 books on the lists. All rank-orders agreed on the "most recommended" book and the first 18 books; there was a ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


A case of gross hematuria complicating the combined use of chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, amitriptyline, and benztropine mesylate is reported. The mechanism involved is felt to be secondary to mechanical stresses on bladder vasculature following bladder ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


Three middle-aged patients who developed depressive psychoses after insertion of prosthetic aortic valves and were effectively treated by multiple-monitored electro-convulsive therapy are described.

Publication date: 01 August 1967


A brother and sister reared apart from birth developed schizophrenic symptoms at 17, were hospitalized at 22, and diagnosed as schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type. Their developmental and psychiatric histories and physical and psychological examinations ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


A pilot study of a single trial aversion conditioning to alcoholism using succinylcholine was carried out. The method used and the selection of the subjects followed closely that of the original investigators. We were unable to confirm their results. Our ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


The assertion that newspaper reporting of suicidal behavior precipitates suicide among suggestible readers was examined. The rates of suicide during periods of complete cessation of newspaper publishing in seven major cities were compared with the mean ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


Plasma imipramine determinations were done in 29 newly hospitalized patients with psychotic depression and in nine normal controls after single oral administrations of 100 mg. of the drug. Two types of curves were found which differed significantly at ...

Publication date: 01 August 1967


In the memorial to William Rush Dunton, Jr., on Page 1604 of the June issue, it was stated that Dr. Dunton was the grandson of William Rush, "who was a cousin of Benjamin Rush, the founder of our Association, whose profile graces our official seal." ...

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