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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 124
  • Number 1
  • July 1967


Publication date: 01 July 1967


A two-year study indicated that the more experienced the therapist is, the less he tends to use tranquilizing drugs to manage hospitalized psychotic patients. It was also observed that patients admitted during the weekend, when fewer therapists were ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


Operant conditioning was applied in the special circumstances of a Vietnamese mental hospital with a largely untreated and idle patient population. Results demonstrated the remarkable effectiveness of this technique for motivating patients to resume ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


A study of 227 retarded children and their families revealed that emotional maladjustment more often than not accompanies retardation. The author points out, however, that disturbed behavior in the retarded is not due primarily to limited intellectual ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


Many hospitals are experiencing an influx of patients who have made several suicide attempts through wrist slashing. A study was undertaken to learn the possible causes of such behavior. It suggested that the wrist slashers have a common behavior pattern ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


The manifestation of sociopathic personality in identical twins who are members of a dizygotic set of triplets is reported; the third triplet showed no evidence of personality disturbance. The author suggests that environmental and psychodynamic factors ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


The social roles of the military psychiatrist are examined with special attention to the uses and misuses of power. The ethical dilemma of loyalty divided between the individual patient and the community at large is complicated by the social impact of ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


Forty-six women who had therapeutic abortions for a variety of diagnostic indications were evaluated from two months to ten years after the abortion. Two-thirds of the group had a diagnosable psychiatric illness prior to the abortion. Conflicts about ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


Karl Jaspers has greatly influenced the development of phenomenology, the concept of process, and existential analysis. His writings on psychopathology, largely unknown in the United States, represent the most detailed rationale of eclecticism in ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


A case is presented of a 49-year-old man with prolonged coma following ECT and a history of jacksonian seizures starting with a head injury at age 12. The patient's symptoms following ECT were controlled by the use of diphenylhydantoin.

Publication date: 01 July 1967


The project in general disclosed the extent and diversity of unmet needs for the community care of this group of particularly difficult patients and families. The value of community services of one kind or another as represented in the project, in meeting ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


We have reported a case of depression associated with alpha-methyldopa treatment in which there was a history of prior mood disturbances associated with the use of other drugs which can also alter catecholamine levels. Since most antihypertensive agents ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


The computer methods described in the foregoing paragraphs are intended only as brief outline of the programming techniques used by SCRIBE to handle the most common problems in punctuation and editing of the GPPQ narrative output. There are other ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


A patient with an hysterical personality unexpectedly encountered a sudden, relatively painless threat to life. As the patient was in psychoanalytic treatment, circumstances permitted the early collection of her fantasies and remembered experiences and ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


A case is reported in which the presenting symptoms appeared to be a rather bizarre perversion and severe regression but with no evidence of psychosis. The treatment was interpretive in nature and was aimed at understanding the meaning of the patient's ...

Publication date: 01 July 1967


Two cases of hypnotic subjects who had to be "rehypnotized" to be brought out of their trances are described. Some background information regarding their cases as well as observations about hypnotic subjects are reviewed to help understand why they ...

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