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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 124
  • Number 8
  • February 1968


Publication date: 01 February 1968


Previous work from the Tulane laboratories showed that a psychosis-inducing gamma globulin fraction in sera of schizophrenic patients, designated taraxein, was demonstrable by passive transfer in volunteer nonpsychotic recipients and in rhesus monkeys. In ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


Significantly more psychopathology and social stress were present in 96 drivers causing fatal accidents than in a matched control group. In the fatality group, prior accidents were significantly related to psychopathology but not to social stress. Twenty ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


Although many psychoanalysts have individually become involved in and contributed to community psychiatry programs, the American Psychoanalytic Association itself has remained aloof. This official detachment has serious implications, the author believes, ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The author defines community psychiatry as the theory and practice of psychiatry as it applies to the principle of districting—the saturation of a given area with preventive and therapeutic medical services for all the families in the area. He feels that ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


There is real danger today that community mental health programs will grow up apart from and conceptually antithetical to psychodynamic thinking. The author traces the unfortunate consequences should such a separation ensue. Rather than doing away with ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


Two groups of inpatients who were initially misdiagnosed are described. The pseudoschizophrenics showed little affect and had histories of exotic and sensational behavior; the initial misdiagnosis of schizophrenia appeared to be a moral censure. The ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


Psychiatric observations of mood, thought content, and social behavior of 12 volunteer subjects prior to, during, and following an experimental drinking situation were carried out. Contrary to commonly-held impressions concerning alcoholics, most of the ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


This study presents employers' evaluations, at two time intervals, of the work performance of 181 former psychiatric patients diagnosed as either schizophrenic or psychoneurotic. Compared with matched controls who had no history of psychiatric treatment, ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


Sexual problems, especially problems of sexual inadequacy, persist in spite of the current presumed sexual freedom. The author relates this to certain unfortunate aspects of our culture and particularly to increasing alienation and mechanization. She ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The authors describe the first year's experience of Overing Apartments, a halfway house in which tenants are challenged to accept a full range of responsibilities early in their stay. The outcomes of 20 men and 22 women are evaluated. Prognostic criteria ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The Job Corps program and the current range of psychiatric consultation practice in this setting are described. A survey of 97 consulting psychiatrists was conducted; the results indicate that the range of utilization of psychiatrists by Job Corps centers ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


A study at New York Medical College revealed a fairly high correlation between performance on an objective written examination in psychiatry and clinical competence of psychiatric residents as evaluated by the faculty. The study thus indicated that the ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


One hundred enuretic children participated in a long-term evaluation of imipramine hydrochloride as a treatment for enuresis. In addition, 20 of these children and their parents were chosen for an intensive social-medical and psychological evaluation. The ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The author believes that the general practitioner, as well as the psychiatrist, should treat the alcoholic patient. The general practitioner's reluctance can be overcome with proper educational training in alcohol problems presented in lecture courses, ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The author describes his personal experience with acute delirium accompanying pneumococcal meningitis. He discusses several aspects of delirious thinking such as occupational delirium, geographical disorientation, and duplication and double orientation.

Publication date: 01 February 1968


Five cases are reported in which cutaneous lesions—rashes and ulcers—developed during lithium treatment of manic behavior. These symptoms appeared during the first three weeks of treatment and responded well to a reduction in lithium dosage or treatment ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The authors studied 22 stutterers being treated in group psychotherapy for 18 months. Most of the stutterers exhibited passive-dependent personality traits which prevented them from recognizing feelings and expressions of anger. The authors' treatment ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


In order to investigate the prognosis and management of anorexia nervosa, the authors made a follow-up study of 36 female patients who had been hospitalized with that diagnosis. Very few of the patients died. The authors feel that the physician should not ...

Publication date: 01 February 1968


The purpose of this study was to establish which qualities of auditory hallucinations are most sensitive to change during drug treatment and drug withdrawal. The authors tested 24 newly admitted hallucinating patients on drug treatment and 25 chronic ...

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