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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 125
  • Number 5
  • November 1968


Publication date: 01 November 1968


Community psychiatry puts a new premium on efficiency in psychotherapy. Unless effective brief methods based on psychodynamic principles are developed, the practical application of the theoretical advances of the last half century may be jeopardized by ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


After reviewing various strategies of drug appraisal, the authors suggest a psychodynamic approach to the assessment of psychotropic drugs. They present ten ego functions and their component factors, as well as examples of how the functions are assessed ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The authors report their investigation of possible relationships between the dermatologic condition of alopecia areata and the emotional state of the patient among a number of young children with the disorder. The clinical evidence suggests a dynamic ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


Correctional work with sex offenders is complicated by confusing statutory definitions, uncertainties about diagnosis, problems in motivation for treatment, and many other factors. After evaluating these difficulties and the resources available to ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The authors report their experience with the administration of multiple monitored electroconvulsive treatment (MMECT), a technique involving multiple seizures and electronic EEG monitoring of the quality and duration of convulsive activity. Advantages of ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


Recent interest in postgraduate psychiatric education for nonpsychiatrist physicians has stimulated discussion of effective course planning, promotion, and content. To this increasing body of literature the authors contribute an account of their ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The authors present two cases in which hyperventilation repeatedly led to hallucinations. They consider possible mechanisms and discuss their implications for the understanding of hallucinatory phenomena in schizophrenics, normals, and members of ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


In a society in which the state operates all psychiatric facilities, long-range planning can be directly related to what the top health officials see as major patient needs. After reviewing the organization of health services, with particular reference to ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


One may be admitted to the health care services of the U.S.S.R. through the polyclinics, the emergency service, the school health services, or the occupational health services. In this description of how the components operate and interact, the author ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The author describes the principal forms of treatment offered in various kinds of psychiatric facilities in the U.S.S.R., many of which are similar to those employed in the U.S. He was particularly struck with the emphasis on workshops and on community ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


In the U.S.S.R., care of chronic mental patients is divided between mental hospitals, under the health authorities, and homes for invalids, under local ministries of social welfare. While there seemed to be some ambivalence in time Soviet attitude toward ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


Children's services, which are integrated into the total health program, are given special emphasis in the U.S.S.R.: concern for children is high in the hierarchy of social values. While there did not seem to be any striking innovations in clinical ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


In the determination of criminal responsibility, Soviet psychiatrists insist that they base their judgments solely on medical factors, with primary emphasis on evidence of organicity. The author believes, however, that in practice sociocultural factors ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The U.S. delegation was of the opinion that the Russian network of mental health services, while not without weaknesses and limitations, is effective, especially in the urban areas. In assessing what the U.S. might draw from the U.S.S.R. framework, the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


A systematic survey of consecutive admissions to the general medical wards of a large metropolitan teaching hospital revealed a high rate of alcoholism, although approximately one-third of the patients with alcoholism appeared to be in remission. Illness ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


An inquiry was sent to 29 investigators conducting research involving the use of LSD or other hallucinogens, in an effort to determine what effects publicity about LSD may have had upon their research. Nineteen of the investigators reported that the ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The value and potentials of videotape replay of psychodrama are reviewed. While one benefit is in showing participants what they are doing and feeling, it also permits the director to review his own actions in order to perfect and correct his technique. ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


In one of Freud's uncompleted works, published posthumously, reference is made to Kronos eating his children and being castrated by his son, Zeus, in retaliation. However, inspection of extant versions of the myth shows Zeus banishing but not castrating ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


Dr. F. Koestl, in 1847, wrote of the necessity of dignified attitudes toward, and proper aftercare facilities for, recovered and recovering mental patients. His 196-page book, written 121 years ago, anticipated some of modern psychiatry's ideas regarding ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The authors examined the frequency of use of the psychiatric emergency room of an extremely busy municipal hospital and were unable to demonstrate any relationship between moon phase and mental illness. An area for further study, aimed at a subsample ...

Publication date: 01 November 1968


The authors wished to determine the effect of a training program in community psychiatry on the attitudes of psychiatric residents. Using structured interviews with 12 psychiatric residents prior to, during, and at the end of a one-year training program, ...

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