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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 126
  • Number 2
  • August 1969


Publication date: 01 August 1969


A considerable amount of biological research into schizophrenia, mainly upon blood fluids, is performed throughout the world. The authors report their latest findings on a plasma protein factor and relate these findings to other domestic research and to ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


Chronic hemodialysis offers a unique opportunity to study man's adaptation to an artificial organ and to highlight some new areas in which the psychiatrist's knowledge of interpersonal relations and intrapersonal conflicts can be useful. This presentation ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


The experiences of a multidisciplinary team with 256 emotionally disturbed mentally retarded children are discussed, and descriptive diagnostic findings for four frequently noted types of emotional disturbance are presented, along with treatment-...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


In a metropolitan sample the author found three groups of disturbances among children of psychotic parents: precursive disturbances—forerunners of later adult psychoses; symbiotic—directly attributable to the type of relationship between child and sick ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


Sleep studies and psychiatric examinations were made on three patients with inoperable malignancies whose illnesses were being managed with an experimental low phenylalanine-tyrosine diet. There was a systematic reduction of REM sleep, supporting the ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


In the past 25 years, numerous publications have cited "blackouts" as a major prodromal symptom of alcoholism. In contrast, this study, based on a structured interview with 100 hospitalized alcoholics, revealed that more than one-third of the subjects had ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


With 18 psychiatrists as subjects, and utilizing filmed samples of patient behavior, the authors designed a study to investigate the relative importance of personal impression data versus life history information in arriving at a psychiatric diagnosis. ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


Comparisons were made between evaluations of 23 U. S. patients by 33 U. S. psychiatrists and eight U. K. psychiatrists. The most striking finding was that the U. S. psychiatrists reported almost twice as many symptoms as the U. K. group. Two possible ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


The author describes an evaluation procedure to assess student competence in making clinical judgments. After viewing a videotape interview between a psychiatrist and patient, students record their observations, feelings about the patient, and plans for ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


This survey of British and U. S. studies of college student suicide indicates that there is an unusually high rate of suicide among college students; it is a significant cause of student death. The author believes that college student suicide is ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


In discussing the ethical issues of special relevance to contemporary psychiatry, the author raises some provocative questions, ranging in subject from the practitioner's responsibility for the maintenance of professional competence to the ethical ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


That subtle governing of the relations between physician and patient designated as medical ethics is, in the author's opinion, of the essence of medical practice. The ethical principles passed down from generation to generation of physicians are derived ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


The psychiatric investigator may face dilemmas arising from the ethical obligation to obtain a patient's "fully informed" consent for the use of an experimental drug, a placebo, or a form of therapy that may produce unwanted side effects. Research may ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


The young and disenchanted no longer stand in awe of past accomplishments; they are not in the mood to listen to their seniors about ethics. Moreover, "ethics" has sometimes been used not in the personal moral sense but to protect special interests. ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


Laboratory studies of the effects of hallucinogenic drugs on chromosomes and developing embryos are reviewed. The author concludes that at present there is no adequate evidence that these drugs cause chromosomal damage in vivo or adversely affect progeny ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


Anxious-neurotic psychiatric clinic outpatients in social classes IV and V were treated over a four-week period with diphenylhydantoin, 100 mg., twice daily. While some improvement was observed in this patient group, no significant difference was noted ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


In a study of the normal student concentrator, the author found that nearly all students set unrealistically high goals for their performance as concentrators and thus believe that they concentrate poorly. Subject interest, study environment, and student ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


In order to assess the needs for structured continuing education programs for psychiatrists, the authors conducted a state-wide questionnaire survey among Florida psychiatrists. This instrument sought information about retrospective deficiencies in ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


The authors compared the current attitude toward the mentally ill in a rural Canadian town with findings from a similar town in 1951. While noting a possible trend toward greater knowledge of mental illness and sophistication about it, they caution that ...

Publication date: 01 August 1969


The review of Dr. Ludwig von Bertalanffy's book Organismic Psychology and Systems Theory by Dr. Silvano Arieti in the June issue of the Journal contains an error. The first full sentence on page 1751 should read "According to von Bertalanffy, Pavlov's, ...

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