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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 126
  • Number 3
  • September 1969


Publication date: 01 September 1969


The author, who served in Viet Nam, outlines the present approach to treating U. S. Army psychiatric casualties there, based on the principles of immediacy, proximity, and expectancy. He also describes the Army psychiatric facilities; the principal ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


Experience with borderline patients leads the author to conclude that their disruptive behavior is often intensified by an intensive treatment milieu that fails to set limits on their wish for gratification. He stresses the place of therapeutic transfer ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


This collaborative study on the efficacy of high doses of trifluoperazine in chronic schizophrenia showed that treatment response was related to length of hospitalization; short-term patients benefited most. High doses of trifluoperazine were most ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


The authors report their experience with a suicide prevention center. Most people calling the center on their own behalf were psychiatrically ill, and two-thirds were chronically so. Four-fifths of the callers had had previous professional attention for ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


The author reviews 131 cases of child murder and proposes a new classification of filicide by apparent motive: altruistic, acutely psychotic, unwanted child, accidental, and spouse revenge. The high frequency of altruistic motives distinguishes filicide ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


There have been no psychiatric studies of Dorothea Dix despite the importance to psychiatry of her reforms. This paper focuses on some psychodynamic themes in her life: parental identifications, childhood deprivation and reaction formation, religious ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


It is the authors' contention that the psychiatrist as an amicus curiae can play an effective role in pretrial examinations provided he is experienced, mature, intimately acquainted with the adversary process, and accepted as a member of the court family. ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


In an effort to select criteria predictive of patient response to open heart surgery, 54 patients were interviewed preoperatively and followed postoperatively. They were separated into four groups on the basis of previous adjustment, anxiety regarding the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


Thirty-six patients who underwent open heart surgery were given preoperative psychiatric evaluations to determine whether postoperative expressions of delirium might be related to preexisting but covert psychiatric illness. Findings included a poor ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


As the psychiatric consultant to a cardiac transplant team, this author faced a unique challenge. He discusses the factors involved in the psychiatric screening of potential candidates for the operation and describes the preoperative and postoperative ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


Because so little information has been compiled regarding sexual adjustment following colostomy and ileostomy, the individual who faces or has had this type of surgery usually remains uninformed, fearful, and the victim of various myths, such as loss of ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


Eight out of 11 patients who died following renal transplantation were noted to have suffered a sense of abandonment by their families or to have experienced panic and a sense of pessimism about the outcome of the operation, to a degree not observed among ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


Sixty patients who experienced postoperative delirium were compared with a group of 57 control patients, matched on the basis of type of surgery, age, and sex, who did not experience delirium. Significant differences were found between the two groups in ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


A controlled comparative investigation showed that temporal lobe epilepsy of the dominant hemisphere predisposes to psychotic manifestations; epilepsy of the non-dominant temporal lobe is associated with manic-depressive psychotic reactions and epilepsy ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


A study covering three generations of families of abused children supports the themes that violence breeds violence and that a child who experiences violence as a child has the potential of becoming a violent member of society in the future. The authors ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


Image therapy aims to reverse threatening and frightening mental images so that the patient can picture objects as manageable. The author presents various methods of dealing directly with imagination, especially as it relates to images of the patient's ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


The authors present a further account of twins, classifiable as idiots savants, whose ability to name the day of the week for a given date in any year, and the converse, has led to conjecture on the mechanism by which they perform the feat. Their method ...

Publication date: 01 September 1969


This statement was approved by the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association in May 1969 upon recommendation of the Association's Committee on Transcultural Psychiatry. The statement had been prepared jointly by this committee and the ...

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