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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 126
  • Number 4
  • October 1969


Publication date: 01 October 1969


Twenty euthyroid patients with retarded depression were studied to determine the possible role of alterations in thyroid function in the etiology and treatment of depression. A battery of tests was administered regularly to measure change. Patients ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Previous studies of mortality among psychiatric patients have dealt only with inpatient populations. This study analyzes the mortality experience of persons having received psychiatric care as inpatients or outpatients in public and private institutions. ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Ninety-five alcoholic patients took part in a single-blind study of the efficacy of LSD treatment, which featured four treatment groups: LSD given with and without a therapist present, sodium amobarbital-methamphetamine hydrochloride given with a ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


A study in which four healthy adult males underwent 205 hours of sleep deprivation indicated that although they suffered transient ego disruptive phenomena, they did not appear to undergo psychopathological reactions extending beyond the period of sleep ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Charts of 100 schizophrenic inpatients, of whom half deteriorated and half recovered, were rated on the Becker-Wittman and Phillips Prognostic Scales by a rater blind to the long-term follow-up. Scores on both scales were highly correlated with each other,...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Trichotillomania in children is not a common occurrence. It appears to occur more frequently in girls than in boys, however, and cuts across all ages and a wide range of nosological categories. Emotional deprivation in the maternal relationship during ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


The author believes that in a limited number of cases homosexuality can be successfully treated by a direct attack on the symptom of phobic avoidance of women. He cites three case histories in which this approach was used.

Publication date: 01 October 1969


The compleat forensic psychiatrist, as described by the authors, must not only have competence in many areas—pre-trial evaluation, post-trial treatment and follow-up, training, and research—but must be able to communicate his ideas to lay people as well ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


This paper describes the method and content of an experimental course aimed at teaching human relations in legal role performance. In both the lawyer-client relationship and the lawyer-lawyer relationship, human factors often play a determining role in ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


The authors outline some of the problems involved in making a determination of legal insanity when a crime is committed following the use of LSD. Three cases of murder known to be associated with the use of LSD are described, one of them involving an ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Recent mental health legislation has attempted to reduce the stigma of mental illness by promoting the treatment of mentally ill patients, so far as possible, on the same basis as other sick people. Involuntary patients are protected against unwarranted ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


The traditional role of the psychiatrist in correctional institutions has been limited to diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The authors describe an experimental program at Clinton Prison which, under psychiatric direction, is directed ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Thirty-two outpatients at a community mental health center were treated in a double-blind study using thioridazine and a placebo. The target symptom of anxiety was observed and measured prior to treatment and at weekly interviews for four weeks. It was ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


The author presents case histories of American civilians in South Viet Nam who came to psychiatric attention. Of interest were the patients' frequent past histories of psychiatric illness and their sense of failure elsewhere. The author discusses the high ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


The author presents a clinical description and case reports concerning four types of "psychical seizures": hallucinations, perceptual illusions, mood or emotional disturbances, and forced thinking. All are symptoms of paroxysmal disturbance in cerebral ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


Flashbacks are returns of imagery for extended periods after the immediate effect of hallucinogens has worn off. The most symptomatic form is recurrent intrusions of the same frightening image into awareness, without volitional control. The author ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


In a cineradiographic study of swallowing in four groups of subjects, it was found that chlorpromazine had no effect on the swallowing mechanism in schizophrenics. Half of the schizophrenic patients showed cineradiographic abnormalities in swallowing. ...

Publication date: 01 October 1969


A 77-year-old woman without previous glucose metabolism disorder received electroshock treatment for severe agitated depression, after which she experienced prolonged "postshock" confusion and paranoid delusions. A trial of haloperidol in gradually ...

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