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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 126
  • Number 6
  • December 1969


Publication date: 01 December 1969


Although the vocabulary of psychiatry does not exceed that of many other disciplines in size, it is unusually fluid, changing rapidly from time to time and from place to place. Psychiatrists have thus been accused at times of overindulgence in terms and ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The relative neglect of the chronically ill psychiatric patient in community mental health planning emphasizes the need for new treatment methods and resources. This paper presents an eight-year experimental application of psychoanalytic principles in an ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


Common current practice is to prescribe psychotropic drugs so that a specified daily amount is administered in equally divided doses on a three to six times a day schedule. The authors contend that this procedure rests on no valid scientific basis. They ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The author traces the development of white racism in the United States back to the social and religious environment of 16th century Europe and the later Revolutionary era in America. He outlines the functions it has served and its transmission from one ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


Driving records of 271 people hospitalized for schizophrenic, psychoneurotic, and personality disorders were compared with those of 687,228 people in the same general driving environment. Patients with personality and psychoneurotic disorders had higher ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


Klinefelter's syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality resulting in hypogonadism. Intellectual impairment and/or neuropsychiatric disorder are present in many cases. The variety of psychopathology accompanying the syndrome is reviewed from the literature and ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The laboratory movement arose in the 1930s as an effort to develop educational action programs that could teach citizens to function more effectively and democratically in a variety of group settings. It has developed in many divergent directions, some of ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


This discussion of T-groups focuses on questions of ecology, selection, leadership, and ethics. The authors identify four groups of people who they feel should be systematically excluded from T-groups: psychotics, characterologic neurotics, hysterics, and ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


Expertise in leading therapeutic groups requires one's immersion and involvement as a whole person. The integrated mixture of the experiential and didactic in training programs may allow more group leaders to function humanistically as well as ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


Problems in teaching psychiatry and group psychotherapy in small groups vary with the type of setting, frequency and length of meetings, and specific goals of the group. Problems of dependency, oppositional patterns to the goals of the group, and ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The Human Relations Training Laboratory, a problem-centered patient-group education program utilizing the feedback method, encourages self-expression, helps participants to recognize and develop their own assets and resources, enables them to contribute ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


Voluntary participation in group seminars is offered to freshman medical students at Cornell Medical College in an effort to make the medical student, and hence the graduate physician, a more sensitive, empathic, and self-aware individual. The authors ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The author describes three cases of emotional disturbance aggravated by sensitivity training. No quackery was detected, but the absence of ethical standards and an apparent abrogation of responsibility by the trainers and their sponsoring institutions was ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The widespread use of ethchlorvynol as a hypnotic has led to observations that should make its users and prescribers aware of potentially serious side effects. The authors present a case involving toxic amblyopia and peripheral neuropathy, which were ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The author describes and emphasizes the value of a symptom and behavior rating checklist for teachers' use in drug studies with children. Factor analysis of the scale produced five factors that gave reliable subscales over a one-month period. A treatment ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The author considers charges that the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology is biased against examination candidates who are trained in state hospitals or abroad, or who are members of minority groups. He concludes that bias does not exist and that ...

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The author recalls this year's anniversaries of events and individuals prominent in the history of psychiatry and briefly examines their clinical, theoretical, or legal contributions to the field.

Publication date: 01 December 1969


The authors describe the basic legal and medical requirements for psychiatric disability benefits under social security law and regulations. They outline procedures used in assessment of impairment, stressing the need for factual observations. The active ...

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