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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 127
  • Number 12
  • June 1971


Publication date: 01 June 1971


This report, part of a longitudinal study of ten pairs of twins, delineates personality differences that appear in the first year of life, especially in the areas of dependence-independence, emotionality, sociability, curiosity, and activity-passivity. ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


A study of 203 depressed outpatients who were randomly assigned to one of seven active drug treatment groups or to a placebo group demonstrated that the inclusion of a placebo group is essential for valid assessment of the efficacy of antidepressant ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Ineffectiveness in military service has been demonstrated usually to be the product of transactional psychosocial processes, although a contrary official attitude holds that ineffectiveness is the result of a man's personality deficits. Rehabilitation ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Seven patients with recurrent refractory psychotic depressive illness were treated with tricyclic antidepressants plus methylphenidate (Ritalin). The effect of methylphenidate appears to involve an increase in the blood levels of antidepressants through ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Every fourth patient from the total of 1,571 patients admitted to the Carrier Clinic during 1967 (with a mean hospital stay of 25 days) was followed up 2.5 years later. Ninety percent of the study group, whether or not they had been rehospitalized in the ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


The authors report the percentages of patients who failed to adhere minimally to prescribed phenothiazine medication schedules in closed-ward, open-ward, and chronic outpatient treatment situations within a single hospital. An unexpected finding was that ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Direct observation of normal children at various stages of development was incorporated into a psychiatry residency program. This experience helps to compensate for the resident's limited contact with normal children and complement his study of ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Randomly selected inmates in a state prison were evaluated for sensitivity to physical closeness and aggressiveness. The results confirmed the conclusion from previous research that aggressive inmates have greater sensitivity to physical closeness than do ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


A father and son, both chronic alcoholics, were studied in an experimental intoxication paradigm. Marked affective shifts, emergence of hidden themes, and role reversals followed the course of the drinking experience. However, with the cessation of ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Alcohol was administered to young male volunteers with a history of light or moderate drinking. Subjects with the greatest drinking experience performed significantly better on a motor task and took fewer "risks" than did subjects with less drinking ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), devised to provide a consistent, quantifiable, structured interview instrument to detect alcoholism, consists of 25 questions that can be rapidly administered. Five groups were given the MAST: hospitalized ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


This study represents the first attempt to examine the alcoholic blackout during a sustained period of experimental intoxication. Thirteen male alcoholics with histories of blackouts drank large amounts of beverage alcohol for 12 to 14 days. Daily ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Alcohol was administered to two groups of volunteers to study its effects on memory. In one study five alcoholics experienced amnesia after receiving large amounts of alcohol. The amnesia was anterograde, beginning a few minutes after test events occurred ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


A day care program at the Harlem Hospital Center alcoholism unit provided an alcohol-free environment and an opportunity for patients to socialize and develop interpersonal skills as well as to deal with their low selfesteem through the use of group ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Responses to a survey of attitudes on alcoholism were obtained from 345 psychiatrists and 480 psychologists employed by the Veterans Administration. Their attitudes were remarkably similar. Both groups rejected the disease concept in preference to ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Consultation services via two-way closed circuit television have proved to be effective in helping nonpsychiatric physicians to improve their knowledge of psychiatry and to treat their emotionally ill patients. The authors describe such a service set up ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


The author discusses problems in divorce cases involving children—problems of securing adequate representation for the children, determining their best interests, and discovering the effect of the divorce procedure on them. He recommends establishing ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


The increased amount of leisure created by our shrinking work week has become a frantic time leading to psychological depression. Our work-oriented ethic, which is anti-pleasure, anti-leisure, and anti-laughter, is perpetuated by our child-rearing ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Nineteen patients who were receiving L-dopa for parkinsonism were interviewed to assess the effect of L-dopa treatment on sexual behavior. Seven patients (37 percent) reported an activation of sexual behavior at some point during the therapy. Interview ...

Publication date: 01 June 1971


Developing nations lose over 50 percent of their physicians who go to the United States for specialized training. The authors discuss factors that contribute to the return of Mexican psychiatrists trained abroad: a clear identity with the native culture, ...

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