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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 127
  • Number 11
  • May 1971


Publication date: 01 May 1971


Psychiatry must become more concerned with the first three years of life if the roots of later pathology are to be identified so that preventive measures can be undertaken. In this overview the author interweaves newer information with what is already ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The author describes a study designed to assess stability and change in mental health over a five-year period, using 123 subjects chosen from the larger Stirling County survey sample. The results showed: 1) a tendency toward stabilization of mental health ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The authors report a two-year study of 130 patients with a chief complaint of explosive violent behavior. When pertinent and possible, neurological and psychological tests, EEGs, pneumoencephalograms, and other tests were made. The authors noted that the ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


Changing values regarding the delivery of reparative and preventive health services require increased social sensitivity as well as public health competence on the part of psychiatrists. These goals and more adequate behavioral science education for ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The authors screened 105 applicants for attendance at a week-long T-group conducted by nonprofessionals. The psychological evaluation and screening procedures included a written application, psychological tests, and a small group experience. Fifteen ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


A study of 256 school children revealed that with increasing age, children—especially boys—demonstrate increased freedom from the external environment for cues to emotional arousal; girls tend to be more visceral and less cerebral in the body sites they ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


Five cases are presented in which a homicidal adolescent`s abrupt loss of control was associated with a change in his interpersonal relationship with the victim, together with a sequence of events progressively more unbearable and less amenable to his ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


Ninety physicians who applied for psychiatric residencies were rated on a 32-item scale that included such characteristics as self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and problem-solving ability. Scores significantly discriminated between those applicants ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


A controlled cross-over trial of desensitization and flooding therapy assisted by intravenous thiopental or saline infusion was carried out in 40 patients with agoraphobia or social phobias. Patients showed gradual symptom improvement with desensitization ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


This study aimed at replicating an earlier one that demonstrated a relationship between autokinesis—the apparent motion of a pinpoint of light in a dark room—and the major psychiatric syndromes. Data collected on 1,402 psychiatric inpatients revealed ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The author reports observations extending over 16 years of persons with early total deafness. Despite the variety and severity of early stresses, schizophrenia did not appear with unusual frequency, although hallucinations (alleged to be auditory) ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The authors describe the first psychiatric research and demonstration program for the deaf in the U.S., which began in New York State in 1955. In 1963 a special inpatient unit for the deaf was opened; during its first three years it was able to discharge ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


A psychosocial investigation of 66 recently blind adults revealed that depressive reactions were prominent in a generally abating course. Visual residua and behaviors irrelevant to blindness occurred in all subjects. They are described and related to ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


Very early deficiency of coenesthetic (i.e., nonspecific) sensory experience results in gross, apparently irreversible, personality disturbances. The author presents evidence indicating that the high incidence of autistic disturbances in the congenitally ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The state mental health director today is in a position to integrate the mental health services demanded by society. There have been few attempts in the past to provide this position with the uniformity, standards, and security warranted by its potential ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


The authors conducted a single-blind study to determine whether patients with manic-depressive disease who responded favorably to lithium would show significant change when placebo was substituted. Symptoms recurred in all subjects within six weeks of ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


An increase in circulating leukocytes accompanied lithium treatment in 28 consecutively studied manic-depressive patients. Acutely manic patients showed the most marked changes and maintained leukocyte counts of 10,000 to 14,000 during the first two to ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


Does mental illness render a person incompetent to vote? Two studies highlight the similarity of voting behavior between patients hospitalized in a community state hospital and citizens living in the community. The results of the studies appear to dispel ...

Publication date: 01 May 1971


Confidentiality is only partial in psychiatric examinations for security clearance. The applicant for clearance accepts this limitation because he wants clearance. The government protects the applicant's privacy as much as possible within the bounds of ...

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