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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 127
  • Number 10
  • April 1971


Publication date: 01 April 1971


The history of the tranquilizer meprobamate illustrates how factors other than scientific evidence may determine physicians' patterns of drug use. Forceful advertising and publicity, an attitude of general optimism, and uncontrolled studies with favorable ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


In most attempts to study the prevalence of psychiatric disorder, cases have been defined by applying clinical judgment to symptom data. In some of these, such as the Midtown and Stirling County studies, this has involved assessments of written records, ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors present the results of a number of experiments designed to produce depressive behavior in young rhesus monkeys and outline their plans for further experiments with monkeys. These studies are part of a research program aimed at creating an ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


Six out of seven severely depressed patients improved rapidly on very high doses of imipramine. Clinical improvement correlated well with drug blood levels, which varied greatly from patient to patient and were characteristic of individual patients rather ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors present a rationale for establishing emergency psychiatric facilities during mass demonstrations. Special aspects or attributes such as trust, confidentiality, the authoritarian role of the physician, legal complications, the management of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


An English day center for psychiatric patients had a low success rate when run on traditional lines. The authors present the theory that former psychiatric hospital patients are generally not accepted by the community as recovered but are given the new ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


Adverse reactions reported among patients in a 1.552-bed psychiatric hospital during one year are reviewed in detail. Most commonly encountered were neurological, psychiatric, and gastrointestinal reactions. The function of the adverse reaction unit has ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


More than half the patients in this sample of 19 wrist slashers were well, or at least improved, five to six years after their initial hospital contacts. The authors attribute the improvement in these patients to an increased ability to verbalize feelings,...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The dream reports of an adult population obtained by a survey questionnaire revealed the preoccupations of the population and are different in some aspects from the early memories of the same population. Dream reports contain equal frequencies of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


A New York prepaid group practice plan offered mental health services to children under age 15 during a 24-month demonstration period. On an annualized rate basis, the psychiatric consultation rate was 12.6 per 1.000 enrollees and the treatment start rate ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors present a preliminary report of 18 months' full-time inpatient treatment of 100 patients and their families. Although a therapeutic impasse dictated most family admissions, the index patients improved as much as nonfamily-patient controls. The ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors report the results of their controlled study to compare the efficacy of day versus inpatient hospitalization for those patients for whom both treatments are equally feasible clinically. Newly admitted inpatients from the catchment area were ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The findings of a controlled experimental study in which five treatment methods were compared by both clinical and cost criteria indicate that, for most schizophrenic patient, milieu care alone is both expensive and relatively ineffective. In terms of ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors describe the expansion of an emergency psychiatric service to include the use of short-term hospitalization as an integral part of crisis therapy. Experience during the first year of operation, when 200 patients were treated, is summarized. ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


Three hundred patients requiring immediate hospitalization were randomly assigned to outpatient family crisis therapy (FCT) or were admitted to a university psychiatric hospital. Post-treatment follow-up showed that patients treated without admission were ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The author presents three case reports that emphasize the difficulties in finding an effective antidepressant drug program for regularly recurring depressions. All three patients responded well to the combination of lithium carbonate and isocarboxazid. ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors describe a teaching program for first-Year medical students that uses videotape and simulated patients. The program helps students acquire the skills necessary for good professional relationships with patients, overcome anxieties in ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The author examines the problem of extrapyramidal symptoms attributable to neuroleptic drugs. Thirty-nine patients with tardive dyskinesia and/or pseudoparkinsonism did not receive neuroleptics for six to 24 months. At the end of this time, 36 patients ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The authors hypothesized that children with minimal brain dysfunction not secondary to neurological injury might suffer from a biochemical abnormality characterized by diminished total production of monoamines. To test this hypothesis, 24-hour urinary ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


The author describes the progress of psychotic depression in hypertensive patients whose medication has produced hyponatremia and low sodium levels. He cautions psychiatrists against prescribing drugs like imipramine, since these may make the patient ...

Publication date: 01 April 1971


Page 827 of the December 1970 issue of the Journal contains an error in the article, "Alienation-Reduction in Brief Group Therapy," by William B. Donovan and Robert C. Marvit. Reference 14 should read, "Hanna E: Alienation and problem drinking in the ...

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