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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 127
  • Number 6
  • December 1970


Publication date: 01 December 1970


Benjamin Rush, an early psychiatric reformer and innovator, was characterized by contradictions in thinking and behavior that point to a dualistic form of thinking. Using Rush as a prototype, the author defines unitary thinking, which considers that both ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


A study of 105 superior jet pilots aged 20 to 40 years revealed that most were firstborn children with unusually close father-son relationships. They were self-confident, showed a great desire for challenge and success, were not introspective, and tended ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The authors conclude from their work and from a critical review of the literature that unilateral ECT is likely to result in reduced memory dysfunction during the immediate treatment period and to require more treatment sessions for satisfactory immediate ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Few studies have been made of what happens when mentally retarded persons are transferred to mental hospitals. This study of 193 patients, made following such a transfer in California, showed generally favorable results. Possible explanations, including ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The author compared the characteristics of 19 self-designated "revolutionists" arrested during the 1968 Democratic National Convention with those of 88 nonrevolutionary activists. While the revolutionists talked a great deal about overthrowing the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Frequencies of schizophrenic versus affective psychoses from 1944 to 1968 at a university psychiatric clinic revealed an abrupt increase in the rate of schizophrenic diagnoses at the start of the phenothiazine treatment era and a sharp increase in ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Of 886 patients in Edinburgh who attempted suicide, 21 percent made serious attempts and 79 percent nonserious attempts. One-year follow-up revealed that patients making serious attempts had more than twice the suicide rate of the other group. The author ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alfred Adler. His daughter offers some vignettes that provide insight into his life and the development of his Individual Psychology.

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Adler's Individual Psychology is an ego psychology. One of its bases is adaptation leading to goal-directed striving for mastery or superiority. Heredity, instincts, and environment are not seen as determining personality; they are only the building ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The author presents some reasons for the current renaissance of interest in Adlerian psychology. He deals mainly with Adler's relationship to Freud, with Adlerian terms that have now achieved a new significance, with the consensual validation of Adler's ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Adler's concept of the social nature of man favored the use of group treatment, as exemplified by the Child Guidance Clinics in Vienna. Adler considered social interest the criterion of mental health, and the interactions in group therapy foster the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Defining institutional racism in terms of self-perpetuating barriers to blacks' participation as equals in all areas of psychiatry, the authors review the influence of white racism on the image of the black patient, neglected problem areas, treatment ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The author describes Rush's interest in the social problems of his day, particularly his concern with relations between blacks and whites. Rush was active in the abolition movement; his tracts and extensive correspondence especially emphasized the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The authors, who recently completed residencies in three predominantly white psychoanalytically oriented training programs, believe that such programs are failing to produce psychiatrists—black or white—who are prepared to address themselves to the mental ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The authors describe their study of four black students who participated in a special 13th year of schooling in predominantly white private schools. They found that the students' difficulties in the program resulted in a loss of self-esteem and the ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


Frantz Fanon, a black psychiatrist, was both concerned with human liberation and committed to a cult of violence. His own life exemplified the lack of gratification in practicing a psychiatry focused on the individual in a social milieu where the glaring ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


After reviewing the literature the author concludes that there is a tendency to designate as adverse any reactions to marijuana that are psychotomimetic or anxiety provoking or that interfere with functioning. He feels that the definitions of the term "...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The authors describe a pilot study of hyperactive children given lithium carbonate alternately with placebo and thioridazine. There was no difference between the activity level and behavior occurring with lithium intake and that occurring with placebo ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The authors describe a controlled study of patients in brief group therapy that was designed to determine whether this kind of therapy reduces alienation. They found that while alienated attitudes were not reduced, the participants became more sociable ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The author describes a controlled study of an amitriptyline-perphenazine combination given to 58 chronic schizophrenic patients. There was no evidence of the combination's increased effectiveness over perphenazine used alone. He discusses the possibility ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The authors describe a study of criminal recidivism during an eight- to nine-year period; it indicated that increased recidivism rates were associated with the following factors: "flat-timer" status (reflecting a more extensive criminal career), relative ...

Publication date: 01 December 1970


The author compared a group of psychiatric inpatients treated by general practitioners with a group treated by psychiatrists in a general hospital. The groups differed little except that the one treated by psychiatrists was sicker, more chronic, and had a ...

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