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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 127
  • Number 7
  • January 1971


Publication date: 01 January 1971


The author believes that the use of humor by the psychiatrist is potentially destructive to the psychotherapeutic relationship. Sometimes experienced therapists can use humor without doing harm, but beginning therapists who imitate them may do ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The treatment of the borderline patient involves considerable activity and definite structure on the part of the therapist, directed mainly toward helping the patient utilize a realistic doctor-patient relationship. Borderline patients are seldom capable ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


L-dopa and L-tryptophan, metabolic precursors of norepinephrine and serotonin respectively, and αMPT, a blocker of catecholamine synthesis, were administered to depressed and manic patients in an attempt to decrease their psychopathology and to test the ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors discuss the sociocultural factors that have produced suicide rates on some Indian reservations that are significantly higher than the national average. Among the most important of these factors are the breakdown of traditional values and ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors' review of studies on the teratogenicity of lithium salts during pregnancy revealed conflicting evidence. They believe lithium therapy should be initiated during pregnancy only in severely manic women who are unresponsive to other therapy and ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


A training program in community relations and urban problems for police trainees in New York City enabled them, in their newly created role of precinct service officers, to function effectively as bridges between the police and community youth. The ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The author recalls 1970 anniversaries of events and individuals prominent in the history of medicine, psychiatry, and psychology and briefly examines their practical or theoretical contributions to the field.

Publication date: 01 January 1971


On the basis of experience in San Francisco, the authors believe that the community mental health center offers a viable alternative to state hospital care for the mentally ill and is able to do this economically. The centers are functioning reasonably ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors report on the experiences gleaned from site visits to federally funded mental health centers that are now in operation. Their most important findings were: the formation of public and nonprofit corporations to serve as planning and fiscal ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors describe the operation of a neighborhood health center, with particular emphasis on psychiatric services. The main unit effecting delivery of all services is the health team, consisting of both professional and nonmedical personnel. The role ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors describe a pilot project designed to provide the wide range of services of a hospital-based team to a group of elementary school children and their families. The team found numerous physical and mental problems as well as serious social ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


Only 42 percent of patients referred to various community resources by a metropolitan evaluation unit completed the referral. Data about the patients, referring professionals, referral technique, and receiving agency were correlated with the rate of ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


Self-conducted therapeutic clubs fill a need in psychorehabilitation. The emotional climate of the group, its contagiousness, the opportunity to share with and help others— all these are constructive forces of genuine value. Against them must be weighed ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The marriage is a basic system in which most adults attempt to satisfy their needs for unification and autonomy. The author believes that the psychotherapist can be more effective working with an existing system than establishing a competing dyadic ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


It has been observed that parents of adopted children frequently seek psychiatric treatment for them. The authors conducted a study of the children at the U.C.L.A. Neuropsychiatric Institute and confirmed this finding. They believe that certain patterns ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The author believes that inadequately expressed anger and aggression are largely responsible for atrocities committed by our soldiers in Viet Nam. He describes the case of a young man in late adolescence who attempted suicide after being involved in an ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors conducted a survey to see if adverse reactions to participation in T-groups were seen by psychiatrists in clinical practice. Thirty-one percent of those surveyed reported seeing patients with reactions. Informed consent, screening, limit ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The authors report on a controlled comparison of women with hysteria and women with anxiety neurosis that confirms other work, suggesting again that there is a significant clinical and familial association between hysteria and antisocial behavior or ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The author presents the case of a psychotic girl who developed galactorrhea and a delusion of pregnancy while taking chlorpromazine. The delusion developed as a result of the interaction of the side effects of chlorpromazine and the psychological makeup ...

Publication date: 01 January 1971


The author describes some problems of the psychiatrist working in a public defender agency. He deals particularly with plea bargaining; differences between therapeutic and legal approaches to offenders; the various "models" of criminal justice; and the ...

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