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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 128
  • Number 3
  • September 1971


Publication date: 01 September 1971


Multiple assessments of hostility in 40 depressed women showed discrepancies in the expression of hostility in different situations. The depressed women were cooperative and not hostile at the initial interview, but they reported a moderate amount of ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Most patients receiving chronic hemodialysis consider withdrawing from it if the "quality of life" available to them and/or their families is not sufficient. It would benefit most patients to openly discuss this option with the staff early in the program, ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The authors describe the patterns of interactional behavior of three familial pairs of chronic alcoholics before, during, and after a 14-day period of experimentally induced intoxication. Their observations have led them to propose that alcoholic behavior ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The authors report an attempt to apply a decision-theoretic approach to solving the problem of deciding whether or not to release a patient from a psychiatric hospital. Personnel from various disciplines in 12 Veterans Administration hospitals developed ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The author presents a technique for rapid, continuous weight gain in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa, a syndrome often highly refractory to therapy. In two cases, crisis-induced family therapy enabled the family to change its habitual interaction ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


This paper reports the first 11 and a half years' experience under Maryland's defective delinquent statute, which utilizes a unique approach in the treatment of dangerous offenders. The author estimates that without the law, about 1,500 additional crimes ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The authors investigated two related aspects of dream recall: the selection of dreams recalled in the morning and the representativeness of the content of morning reports of dreams. Their results indicated that several factors from classical memory theory ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Adoption has been used as a means of separating genetic and environmental factors in the transmission of schizophrenia among family members. In the study reported here, a significantly higher than usual prevalence of schizophrenia-related illness was ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


In this study, adopted-away children of schizophrenics were compared with 67 controls—adoptees whose parents had no known psychiatric history. The rate of diagnoses in the "schizophrenia spectrum" was 31.6 percent for the entire index group, compared to ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Recent studies of schizophrenia in large twin cohorts have indicated that there is probably a genetically determined biological mechanism that predisposes one to the illness, though environmental factors also play a major pathogenic role. Data from this ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


A longitudinal study was made of 18 young hospitalized schizophrenics who exhibited abnormal movements of a choreiform or athetoid type and 36 schizophrenic controls who were free of movement disorders. The group with movement abnormalities were younger ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Twenty-two children were studied who had symptoms that closely correspond to the 1966 GAP description of schizophreniform psychosis: extensive fantasies, impaired reality testing, hallucinations, paranoia, fluctuating ego functioning, and intensely ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Five patients diagnosed as schizophrenic 15 to 30 years ago by the authors have been treated intermittently since then for frequent periodic attacks. Each patient has undergone marked improvement. On maintenance medication there are very few (usually two ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The authors investigated the clinical symptomatology, auditory evoked responses, and quantitatively analyzed EEGs of chronic schizophrenic patients with thought process disorder (TPD), schizophrenic patients without TPD, and matched normal volunteers. ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


During 1964 and 1965 schizophrenic patients treated with phenothiazines as clinic outpatients following hospitalization were studied at six-month intervals by means of a questionnaire. They were compared to a control group of schizophrenics who did not ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Three patients with toxic psychosis associated with LSD ingestion responded dramatically to a short series of unilateral ECTs after more conservative measures had been unsuccessful. The conservative measures consisted of medication, psychotherapy, and ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The principles of nonobtrusiveness and noncontamination have been stressed in nonparticipant observation of psychotherapy in the United States. The author participated in a project in the U.S. where these principles were adhered to, and one in Russia ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


During the early phase of the Cambodian invasion, medical students who were tested by means of a check list showed more anxiety, hostility, and depression than college students tested at "normal" times. Two weeks later, after there had been an opportunity ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


Psychoanalytic and behavioristic explanations of psychopathological states are considered mutually incompatible. Despite this tradition of opposition, the psychoanalytic explanation of depression as a loss of object gratification is similar to the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1971


The authors' study, based on an eight- to nine-year follow-up of convicted male felons, indicates that consistency in the diagnosis of antisocial personality is related to the extent of the original history of delinquent and criminal behavior. ...

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