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American Journal of Psychiatry

  • Volume 129
  • Number 3
  • September 1972


Publication date: 01 September 1972


As part of the Stirling County study of sociocultural factors affecting psychiatric symptoms, selected cases are being examined in an attempt to shed light on the process of recovery. The subject presented here (a fictional composite of several cases) not ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The authors found that the clinical depressions which occurred following withdrawal from amphetamines after prolonged abuse were temporally associated with a decrease in the excretion of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), a metabolite of ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The psychotherapist often bypasses short-term treatment of compulsive neuroses and character disorders because of the tenacity with which these patients cling to their defenses and the defense mechanisms they use to deny affect and behavior. Therapeutic ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


A pilot project investigated the feasibility of using the computer as a screening device in child psychiatry. Mothers were asked to carry on a dialogue with the computer, providing it with data regarding their child's behavior. The procedure was generally ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


While halfway house and foster care programs have returned many chronic mental patients from the state hospital to the community, a number of problems including the patients' lack of acceptance by community residents and the perpetuation of chronicity ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The author describes a symbiotic syndrome in adults that, although similar to the syndrome in children, has some distinguishing features. He cites four case examples. He believes it is useful to be precise in distinguishing symbiosis from other chronic ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


To date the interaction between psychiatry and the criminal law system has been frustrating and unproductive. This failure is explained on the basis that psychiatry has always become involved at the request of the legal system and, worse, that its tasks ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The author discusses the court decisions revolving around the right to treatment that have culminated in a new legal doctrine holding courts responsible for maintaining state hospital standards. To deal with the resulting dilemma, psychiatry must develop ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


This research examines what happened to the nearly 1,000 patients transferred from two New York State hospitals for the criminally insane to civil mental hospitals in 1966 as the result of a Supreme Court decision. Four years later, about half were in ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


After reviewing the history of privilege law in psychiatry, the author describes a new Illinois statute that modifies the "patient-litigant exception" so that both patient and psychiatrist have privilege in divorce cases even though "mental cruelty" is ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


While the 19th-century psychiatrist occupied a very circumscribed position in society, the role of his present-day counterpart has expanded considerably. Forensic psychiatry is a good example of this; its practitioners are now involved not only with law, ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The need for closer liaison between the legal and medical professions in matters pertaining to human behavior led to the introduction of a psychiatric clerkship for selected law students at the University of Iowa. The objectives were to enable the ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The author believes the time has come for psychiatrists and other behavioral scientists to reevaluate their roles in assisting the legal system in child custody cases. The State of Michigan recently proceeded in this direction by passing the Child Custody ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


This study of psychiatric personnel involved with admissions procedures at a leading New England mental health center demonstrates on a small scale that the psychiatric community is generally unaware of patients' legal rights at the time of their ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The response of 21 manic-depressives to imipramine was followed over a period of two years, during which both manic and depressed states were treated. Most patients responded differently to this treatment at different times. The variation in response is ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The authors report an abbreviated version of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST). They hypothesized, on the basis of previously published data, that scores based on ten of the questions of the MAST would be as effective in discriminating between ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


Because of its subtle symptoms, a diagnosis of akathisia is often overlooked when a patient's symptoms worsen during drug treatment. The symptoms, which include restlessness and anxiety, are much like those of such conditions as tardive dyskinesia, ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


The author believes that patients with aggressive personality disorders can be successfully treated in an outpatient setting. One important aspect of the treatment is getting the patient to confront, understand, and handle the depression ensuing from ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


There has been a reawakening of interest in the study of birth order. Investigations have shown a significant preponderance of firstborn children in such areas as medical school. They have also shown that firstborns have a greater achievement level and ...

Publication date: 01 September 1972


Patients on long-term hemodialysis are subjected to many psychological and social stresses. However, through the mechanism of secondary gain, such patients may obtain certain gratifications that they refuse to relinquish. The author presents two case ...

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